224 lines
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224 lines
8.7 KiB
Homemade helper for browsing PDF document from page to page.
This is hightly inspired from https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/blob/master/examples/learning/prevnext.html
This lib requires PDF JS. It simply uses PDFjs and its promises.
DOC : http://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/api/draft/api.js.html
// !!!!!!!!! use window.PDFJS and not PDFJS
var PDFSlidesViewer = (function(){
function PDFSlidesViewer(pdf_url, $canvas, disableWorker){
// pdf variables
this.pdf = null;
this.pdf_url = pdf_url || false;
this.pdf_scale = 1.5;
this.pdf_page_total = 0;
this.pdf_page_current = 1; // default is the first page
// promise business
this.pageRendering = false;
this.pageNumPending = null;
this.canvas = $canvas;
this.canvas_context = $canvas.getContext('2d');
// PDF JS business
* Disable the web worker and run all code on the main thread. This will happen
* automatically if the browser doesn't support workers or sending typed arrays
* to workers.
* @var {boolean}
* disableWorker should be 'true' if the document came from another origin than the
* page (typically the 'embed case').
* @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing.
* this is equivalent to the use_cors option in openerpframework.js
window.PDFJS.disableWorker = disableWorker || false;
* Load the PDF document
* @param (optional) url : the url of the document to load
PDFSlidesViewer.prototype.loadDocument = function(url) {
var self = this;
var pdf_url = url || this.pdf_url;
return window.PDFJS.getDocument(pdf_url).then(function (file_content) {
self.pdf = file_content;
self.pdf_page_total = file_content.numPages;
return file_content;
* Get page info from document, resize canvas accordingly, and render page.
* @param page_number : Page number.
PDFSlidesViewer.prototype.renderPage = function(page_number) {
var self = this;
this.pageRendering = true;
return this.pdf.getPage(page_number).then(function(page) {
// Each PDF page has its own viewport which defines the size in pixels and initial rotation.
var viewport = page.getViewport(self.pdf_scale);
self.canvas.height = viewport.height;
self.canvas.width = viewport.width;
// Render PDF page into canvas context
var renderContext = {
canvasContext: self.canvas_context,
viewport: viewport
var renderTask = page.render(renderContext);
// Wait for rendering to finish
return renderTask.promise.then(function () {
self.pageRendering = false;
if (self.pageNumPending !== null) {
// New page rendering is pending
self.pageNumPending = null;
self.pdf_page_current = page_number;
return page_number;
* If another page rendering in progress, waits until the rendering is
* finised. Otherwise, executes rendering immediately.
PDFSlidesViewer.prototype.queueRenderPage = function(num) {
if(this.pageRendering) {
this.pageNumPending = num; // the queue is only the last elem
return Promise.resolve(num);
} else {
return this.renderPage(num);
* Displays previous page.
PDFSlidesViewer.prototype.previousPage = function() {
if (this.pdf_page_current <= 1) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
return this.queueRenderPage(this.pdf_page_current);
* Displays next page.
PDFSlidesViewer.prototype.nextPage = function() {
if (this.pdf_page_current >= this.pdf_page_total) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
return this.queueRenderPage(this.pdf_page_current);
* Displays the given page.
PDFSlidesViewer.prototype.changePage = function(num){
if(1 <= num <= this.pdf_page_total){
this.pdf_page_current = num;
return this.queueRenderPage(num);
return Promise.resolve(false);
* Displays first page.
PDFSlidesViewer.prototype.firstPage = function(){
this.pdf_page_current = 1;
return this.queueRenderPage(1);
* Displays last page.
PDFSlidesViewer.prototype.lastPage = function(){
this.pdf_page_current = this.pdf_page_total;
return this.queueRenderPage(this.pdf_page_total);
PDFSlidesViewer.prototype.toggleFullScreenFooter = function(){
if(document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement) {
var $navBarFooter = $('div#PDFViewer > div.navbar-fixed-bottom');
if ($navBarFooter.css('display') === 'none') {
$navBarFooter.css('display', 'block');
$('div#PDFViewer').css('padding-bottom', '50px');
} else {
$navBarFooter.css('display', 'none');
$('div#PDFViewer').css('padding-bottom', '0');
PDFSlidesViewer.prototype.toggleFullScreen = function(){
// The canvas and the navigation bar needs to be fullscreened
var el = this.canvas.parentNode.parentNode;
var isFullscreenAvailable = document.fullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled || document.msFullscreenEnabled || false;
if(isFullscreenAvailable){ // Full screen supported
// get the actual element in FullScreen mode (Null if no element)
var fullscreenElement = document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement;
if (fullscreenElement) { // Exit the full screen mode
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
// W3C standard
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
// Firefox 10+, Firefox for Android
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
// Chrome 20+, Safari 6+, Opera 15+, Chrome for Android, Opera Mobile 16+
} else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) {
// Chrome 15+, Safari 5.1+
} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
// IE 11+
}else { // Request to put the 'el' element in FullScreen mode
if (el.requestFullscreen) {
// W3C standard
} else if (el.mozRequestFullScreen) {
// Firefox 10+, Firefox for Android
} else if (el.msRequestFullscreen) {
// IE 11+
} else if (el.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1) {
// Safari 6+
} else {
// Chrome 20+, Opera 15+, Chrome for Android, Opera Mobile 16+
} else if (el.webkitRequestFullScreen) {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1) {
// Safari 5.1+
} else {
// Chrome 15+
// Full screen not supported by the browser
console.error("ERROR : full screen not supported by web browser");
return PDFSlidesViewer;