364 lines
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364 lines
13 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import datetime
import logging
import string
import re
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import vatnumber
except ImportError:
_logger.warning("VAT validation partially unavailable because the `vatnumber` Python library cannot be found. "
"Install it to support more countries, for example with `easy_install vatnumber`.")
vatnumber = None
from odoo import api, models, _
from odoo.tools.misc import ustr
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
_eu_country_vat = {
'GR': 'EL'
_eu_country_vat_inverse = {v: k for k, v in _eu_country_vat.items()}
_ref_vat = {
'at': 'ATU12345675',
'be': 'BE0477472701',
'bg': 'BG1234567892',
'ch': 'CHE-123.456.788 TVA or CH TVA 123456', # Swiss by Yannick Vaucher @ Camptocamp
'cy': 'CY12345678F',
'cz': 'CZ12345679',
'de': 'DE123456788',
'dk': 'DK12345674',
'ee': 'EE123456780',
'el': 'EL12345670',
'es': 'ESA12345674',
'fi': 'FI12345671',
'fr': 'FR32123456789',
'gb': 'GB123456782',
'gr': 'GR12345670',
'hu': 'HU12345676',
'hr': 'HR01234567896', # Croatia, contributed by Milan Tribuson
'ie': 'IE1234567FA',
'it': 'IT12345670017',
'lt': 'LT123456715',
'lu': 'LU12345613',
'lv': 'LV41234567891',
'mt': 'MT12345634',
'mx': 'MXABC123456T1B',
'nl': 'NL123456782B90',
'no': 'NO123456785',
'pe': 'PER10254824220 or PED10254824220',
'pl': 'PL1234567883',
'pt': 'PT123456789',
'ro': 'RO1234567897',
'se': 'SE123456789701',
'si': 'SI12345679',
'sk': 'SK0012345675',
'tr': 'TR1234567890 (VERGINO) veya TR12345678901 (TCKIMLIKNO)' # Levent Karakas @ Eska Yazilim A.S.
class ResPartner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
def _split_vat(self, vat):
vat_country, vat_number = vat[:2].lower(), vat[2:].replace(' ', '')
return vat_country, vat_number
def simple_vat_check(self, country_code, vat_number):
Check the VAT number depending of the country.
if not ustr(country_code).encode('utf-8').isalpha():
return False
check_func_name = 'check_vat_' + country_code
check_func = getattr(self, check_func_name, None) or getattr(vatnumber, check_func_name, None)
if not check_func:
# No VAT validation available, default to check that the country code exists
if country_code.upper() == 'EU':
# Foreign companies that trade with non-enterprises in the EU
# may have a VATIN starting with "EU" instead of a country code.
return True
country_code = _eu_country_vat_inverse.get(country_code, country_code)
return bool(self.env['res.country'].search([('code', '=ilike', country_code)]))
return check_func(vat_number)
def vies_vat_check(self, country_code, vat_number):
# Validate against VAT Information Exchange System (VIES)
# see also http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/
return vatnumber.check_vies(country_code.upper() + vat_number)
except Exception:
# see http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/checkVatService.wsdl
# TIMEOUT or SERVER_BUSY. There is no way we can validate the input
# with VIES if any of these arise, including the first one (it means invalid
# country code or empty VAT number), so we fall back to the simple check.
return self.simple_vat_check(country_code, vat_number)
def fix_eu_vat_number(self, country_id, vat):
europe = self.env.ref('base.europe')
country = self.env["res.country"].browse(country_id)
if not europe:
europe = self.env["res.country.group"].search([('name', '=', 'Europe')], limit=1)
if europe and country and country.id in europe.country_ids.ids:
vat = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]', '', vat).upper()
country_code = _eu_country_vat.get(country.code, country.code).upper()
if vat[:2] != country_code:
vat = country_code + vat
return vat
def check_vat(self):
if self.env.context.get('company_id'):
company = self.env['res.company'].browse(self.env.context['company_id'])
company = self.env.user.company_id
if company.vat_check_vies:
# force full VIES online check
check_func = self.vies_vat_check
# quick and partial off-line checksum validation
check_func = self.simple_vat_check
for partner in self:
if not partner.vat:
vat_country, vat_number = self._split_vat(partner.vat)
if not check_func(vat_country, vat_number):
_logger.info("Importing VAT Number [%s] is not valid !" % vat_number)
msg = partner._construct_constraint_msg()
raise ValidationError(msg)
def _construct_constraint_msg(self):
def default_vat_check(cn, vn):
# by default, a VAT number is valid if:
# it starts with 2 letters
# has more than 3 characters
return len(cn) == 2 and cn[0] in string.ascii_lowercase and cn[1] in string.ascii_lowercase
vat_country, vat_number = self._split_vat(self.vat)
vat_no = "'CC##' (CC=Country Code, ##=VAT Number)"
if default_vat_check(vat_country, vat_number):
vat_no = _ref_vat[vat_country] if vat_country in _ref_vat else vat_no
if self.env.context.get('company_id'):
company = self.env['res.company'].browse(self.env.context['company_id'])
company = self.env.user.company_id
if company.vat_check_vies:
return '\n' + _('The VAT number [%s] for partner [%s] either failed the VIES VAT validation check or did not respect the expected format %s.') % (self.vat, self.name, vat_no)
return '\n' + _('The VAT number [%s] for partner [%s] does not seem to be valid. \nNote: the expected format is %s') % (self.vat, self.name, vat_no)
__check_vat_ch_re1 = re.compile(r'(MWST|TVA|IVA)[0-9]{6}$')
__check_vat_ch_re2 = re.compile(r'E([0-9]{9}|-[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{3})(MWST|TVA|IVA)$')
def check_vat_ch(self, vat):
Check Switzerland VAT number.
# VAT number in Switzerland will change between 2011 and 2013
# http://www.estv.admin.ch/mwst/themen/00154/00589/01107/index.html?lang=fr
# Old format is "TVA 123456" we will admit the user has to enter ch before the number
# Format will becomes such as "CHE-999.999.99C TVA"
# Both old and new format will be accepted till end of 2013
# Accepted format are: (spaces are ignored)
# CH TVA ######
# CH IVA ######
# CH MWST #######
# CHE#########MWST
# CHE#########TVA
# CHE#########IVA
# CHE-###.###.### MWST
# CHE-###.###.### TVA
# CHE-###.###.### IVA
if self.__check_vat_ch_re1.match(vat):
return True
match = self.__check_vat_ch_re2.match(vat)
if match:
# For new TVA numbers, do a mod11 check
num = filter(lambda s: s.isdigit(), match.group(1)) # get the digits only
factor = (5, 4, 3, 2, 7, 6, 5, 4)
csum = sum([int(num[i]) * factor[i] for i in range(8)])
check = (11 - (csum % 11)) % 11
return check == int(num[8])
return False
def _ie_check_char(self, vat):
vat = vat.zfill(8)
extra = 0
if vat[7] not in ' W':
if vat[7].isalpha():
extra = 9 * (ord(vat[7]) - 64)
# invalid
return -1
checksum = extra + sum((8-i) * int(x) for i, x in enumerate(vat[:7]))
return 'WABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV'[checksum % 23]
def check_vat_ie(self, vat):
""" Temporary Ireland VAT validation to support the new format
introduced in January 2013 in Ireland, until upstream is fixed.
TODO: remove when fixed upstream"""
if len(vat) not in (8, 9) or not vat[2:7].isdigit():
return False
if len(vat) == 8:
# Normalize pre-2013 numbers: final space or 'W' not significant
vat += ' '
if vat[:7].isdigit():
return vat[7] == self._ie_check_char(vat[:7] + vat[8])
elif vat[1] in (string.ascii_uppercase + '+*'):
# Deprecated format
# See http://www.revenue.ie/en/online/third-party-reporting/reporting-payment-details/faqs.html#section3
return vat[7] == self._ie_check_char(vat[2:7] + vat[0] + vat[8])
return False
# Mexican VAT verification, contributed by Vauxoo
# and Panos Christeas <p_christ@hol.gr>
__check_vat_mx_re = re.compile(r"(?P<primeras>[A-Za-z\xd1\xf1&]{3,4})" \
r"[ \-_]?" \
r"(?P<ano>[0-9]{2})(?P<mes>[01][0-9])(?P<dia>[0-3][0-9])" \
r"[ \-_]?" \
def check_vat_mx(self, vat):
''' Mexican VAT verification
Verificar RFC México
# we convert to 8-bit encoding, to help the regex parse only bytes
vat = ustr(vat).encode('iso8859-1')
m = self.__check_vat_mx_re.match(vat)
if not m:
#No valid format
return False
ano = int(m.group('ano'))
if ano > 30:
ano = 1900 + ano
ano = 2000 + ano
datetime.date(ano, int(m.group('mes')), int(m.group('dia')))
except ValueError:
return False
# Valid format and valid date
return True
# Norway VAT validation, contributed by Rolv Råen (adEgo) <rora@adego.no>
# Support for MVA suffix contributed by Bringsvor Consulting AS (bringsvor@bringsvor.com)
def check_vat_no(self, vat):
Check Norway VAT number.See http://www.brreg.no/english/coordination/number.html
if len(vat) == 12 and vat.upper().endswith('MVA'):
vat = vat[:-3] # Strictly speaking we should enforce the suffix MVA but...
if len(vat) != 9:
return False
except ValueError:
return False
sum = (3 * int(vat[0])) + (2 * int(vat[1])) + \
(7 * int(vat[2])) + (6 * int(vat[3])) + \
(5 * int(vat[4])) + (4 * int(vat[5])) + \
(3 * int(vat[6])) + (2 * int(vat[7]))
check = 11 - (sum % 11)
if check == 11:
check = 0
if check == 10:
# 10 is not a valid check digit for an organization number
return False
return check == int(vat[8])
# Peruvian VAT validation, contributed by Vauxoo
def check_vat_pe(self, vat):
vat_type, vat = vat and len(vat) >= 2 and (vat[0], vat[1:]) or (False, False)
if vat_type and vat_type.upper() == 'D':
return True
elif vat_type and vat_type.upper() == 'R':
# verify RUC
factor = '5432765432'
sum = 0
dig_check = False
if len(vat) != 11:
return False
except ValueError:
return False
for f in range(0, 10):
sum += int(factor[f]) * int(vat[f])
subtraction = 11 - (sum % 11)
if subtraction == 10:
dig_check = 0
elif subtraction == 11:
dig_check = 1
dig_check = subtraction
return int(vat[10]) == dig_check
return False
# VAT validation in Turkey, contributed by # Levent Karakas @ Eska Yazilim A.S.
def check_vat_tr(self, vat):
if not (10 <= len(vat) <= 11):
return False
except ValueError:
return False
# check vat number (vergi no)
if len(vat) == 10:
sum = 0
check = 0
for f in range(0, 9):
c1 = (int(vat[f]) + (9-f)) % 10
c2 = (c1 * (2 ** (9-f))) % 9
if (c1 != 0) and (c2 == 0):
c2 = 9
sum += c2
if sum % 10 == 0:
check = 0
check = 10 - (sum % 10)
return int(vat[9]) == check
# check personal id (tc kimlik no)
if len(vat) == 11:
c1a = 0
c1b = 0
c2 = 0
for f in range(0, 9, 2):
c1a += int(vat[f])
for f in range(1, 9, 2):
c1b += int(vat[f])
c1 = ((7 * c1a) - c1b) % 10
for f in range(0, 10):
c2 += int(vat[f])
c2 = c2 % 10
return int(vat[9]) == c1 and int(vat[10]) == c2
return False