
92 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<template id="hr_expense_planner">
<t t-call="web_planner.pages">
<t t-call="web_planner.category">
<t t-set="menu_categorytitle">Setup</t>
<t t-set="menu_categoryclasses" t-value="'fa-magic'"/>
<t t-call="web_planner.page">
<t t-set="page_title">Get Mobile</t>
<t t-if="not (alias_name and alias_domain)">
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<strong>Your email gateway is not configured.</strong> Please configure your email
gateway from the Settings app, menu <i>General Settings</i>.
Once your email gateway is configured, come back to this screen
to setup the next steps.
<t t-if="alias_name and alias_domain">
To create expenses by email, take photos of your
receipts and send them by email with the following
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
<dt>From: Your Email</dt>
<dd>Your Email Address</dd>
<dd><t t-esc="alias_name"/>@<t t-esc="alias_domain"/></dd>
<dt>Subject: </dt>
<dd><strong class="text-info">[PRODUCT CODE]</strong> Free Description <strong class="text-primary">PRICE</strong></dd>
<hr class="mb32"/>
The <strong class="text-info">PRODUCT CODE</strong> is optional and should be the
internal code of one of your expense product. This
will set the right product automatically on your
expense Odoo.
You can set an optionnal <strong class="text-primary">PRICE</strong>
at the end of the subject of your email.
</p><p class="mb32">
The photo of the receipt and the description of the email will
be attached to the expense. That way, you get everything attached
to fill the remaining fields later on.
<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">
<b>Note:</b> Set the same email address on your employee form than
the one you use are your "From:". Otherwise, your
expenses will not be accepted by email.
<t t-call="web_planner.page">
<t t-set="page_title">End</t>
<t t-set="hide_title" t-value="True"/>
<t t-set="hide_from_menu" t-value="True"/>
<t t-set="hide_mark_as_done" t-value="True"/>
<h1 class="text-center o_planner_trophy" data-icon="&#xe006;" />
<div class="text-center">
<h1>Congratulations, you're done!</h1>
<h3>We hope this feature helped you manage your expenses efficiently.</h3>
<h4>Don't hesitate to <a href="mailto:info@odoo.com?subject=HrExpense%20Planner" target="_blank">send us an email</a> to describe<br/> your experience or to suggest improvements!</h4>
<p>Have a wonderful day,<br/>- The Odoo Team</p>
<img src="/web_planner/static/src/img/odoo_logo.png"/>
<!--Planner Data-->
<record id="planner_hr_expense" model="web.planner">
<field name="name">Expense strategy planner</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="hr_expense_planner"/>
<field name="menu_id" ref="hr_expense.menu_hr_expense_root"/>
<field name="planner_application">planner_hr_expense</field>
<field name="tooltip_planner"><![CDATA[
Send receipts by email to create expenses efficiently.