
412 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, exceptions, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from odoo.tools import float_compare, float_round
from odoo.addons import decimal_precision as dp
class StockMoveLots(models.Model):
_name = 'stock.move.lots'
_description = "Quantities to Process by lots"
move_id = fields.Many2one('stock.move', 'Move')
workorder_id = fields.Many2one('mrp.workorder', 'Work Order')
production_id = fields.Many2one('mrp.production', 'Production Order')
lot_id = fields.Many2one(
'stock.production.lot', 'Lot',
domain="[('product_id', '=', product_id)]")
lot_produced_id = fields.Many2one('stock.production.lot', 'Finished Lot')
lot_produced_qty = fields.Float(
'Quantity Finished Product', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'),
help="Informative, not used in matching")
quantity = fields.Float('To Do', default=1.0, digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'))
quantity_done = fields.Float('Done', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'))
product_id = fields.Many2one(
'product.product', 'Product',
readonly=True, related="move_id.product_id", store=True)
done_wo = fields.Boolean('Done for Work Order', default=True, help="Technical Field which is False when temporarily filled in in work order") # TDE FIXME: naming
done_move = fields.Boolean('Move Done', related='move_id.is_done', store=True) # TDE FIXME: naming
plus_visible = fields.Boolean("Plus Visible", compute='_compute_plus')
@api.constrains('lot_id', 'quantity_done')
def _check_lot_id(self):
if self.move_id.product_id.tracking == 'serial':
lots = set([])
for move_lot in self.move_id.active_move_lot_ids.filtered(lambda r: not r.lot_produced_id and r.lot_id):
if move_lot.lot_id in lots:
raise exceptions.UserError(_('You cannot use the same serial number in two different lines.'))
if float_compare(move_lot.quantity_done, 1.0, precision_rounding=move_lot.product_id.uom_id.rounding) == 1:
raise exceptions.UserError(_('You can only produce 1.0 %s for products with unique serial number.') % move_lot.product_id.uom_id.name)
def _compute_plus(self):
for movelot in self:
if movelot.move_id.product_id.tracking == 'serial':
movelot.plus_visible = (movelot.quantity_done <= 0.0)
movelot.plus_visible = (movelot.quantity == 0.0) or (movelot.quantity_done < movelot.quantity)
def do_plus(self):
self.quantity_done = self.quantity_done + 1
return self.move_id.split_move_lot()
def do_minus(self):
self.quantity_done = self.quantity_done - 1
return self.move_id.split_move_lot()
def write(self, vals):
if 'lot_id' in vals:
for movelot in self:
.filtered(lambda r: r.done_wo and not r.done_move and r.lot_produced_id == movelot.lot_id)\
.write({'lot_produced_id': vals['lot_id']})
return super(StockMoveLots, self).write(vals)
class StockMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.move'
production_id = fields.Many2one(
'mrp.production', 'Production Order for finished products')
raw_material_production_id = fields.Many2one(
'mrp.production', 'Production Order for raw materials')
unbuild_id = fields.Many2one(
'mrp.unbuild', 'Unbuild Order')
consume_unbuild_id = fields.Many2one(
'mrp.unbuild', 'Consume Unbuild Order')
operation_id = fields.Many2one(
'mrp.routing.workcenter', 'Operation To Consume') # TDE FIXME: naming
workorder_id = fields.Many2one(
'mrp.workorder', 'Work Order To Consume')
has_tracking = fields.Selection(related='product_id.tracking', string='Product with Tracking') # TDE FIXME: naming ...
# Quantities to process, in normalized UoMs
quantity_available = fields.Float(
'Quantity Available', compute="_qty_available",
digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'))
quantity_done_store = fields.Float('Quantity done store', digits=0)
quantity_done = fields.Float(
'Quantity', compute='_qty_done_compute', inverse='_qty_done_set',
digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'))
move_lot_ids = fields.One2many('stock.move.lots', 'move_id', string='Lots')
active_move_lot_ids = fields.One2many('stock.move.lots', 'move_id', domain=[('done_wo', '=', True)], string='Lots')
bom_line_id = fields.Many2one('mrp.bom.line', 'BoM Line')
unit_factor = fields.Float('Unit Factor')
is_done = fields.Boolean(
'Done', compute='_compute_is_done',
help='Technical Field to order moves') # TDE: what ?
@api.depends('state', 'product_uom_qty', 'reserved_availability')
def _qty_available(self):
for move in self:
# For consumables, state is available so availability = qty to do
if move.state == 'assigned':
move.quantity_available = move.product_uom_qty
elif move.product_id.uom_id and move.product_uom:
move.quantity_available = move.product_id.uom_id._compute_quantity(move.reserved_availability, move.product_uom)
@api.depends('move_lot_ids', 'move_lot_ids.quantity_done', 'quantity_done_store')
def _qty_done_compute(self):
for move in self:
if move.has_tracking != 'none':
move.quantity_done = sum(move.move_lot_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.done_wo).mapped('quantity_done')) #TODO: change with active_move_lot_ids?
move.quantity_done = move.quantity_done_store
def _qty_done_set(self):
for move in self:
if move.has_tracking == 'none':
move.quantity_done_store = move.quantity_done
def _compute_is_done(self):
for move in self:
move.is_done = (move.state in ('done', 'cancel'))
def action_assign(self, no_prepare=False):
res = super(StockMove, self).action_assign(no_prepare=no_prepare)
return res
def _propagate_cancel(self):
if not self.move_dest_id.raw_material_production_id:
super(StockMove, self)._propagate_cancel()
elif self.move_dest_id.state == 'waiting':
# If waiting, the chain will be broken and we are not sure if we can still wait for it (=> could take from stock instead)
self.move_dest_id.write({'state': 'confirmed'})
def action_cancel(self):
if any(move.quantity_done for move in self):
raise exceptions.UserError(_('You cannot cancel a move move having already consumed material'))
return super(StockMove, self).action_cancel()
def check_move_lots(self):
moves_todo = self.filtered(lambda x: x.raw_material_production_id and x.state not in ('done', 'cancel'))
return moves_todo.create_lots()
def create_lots(self):
lots = self.env['stock.move.lots']
for move in self:
unlink_move_lots = move.move_lot_ids.filtered(lambda x : (x.quantity_done == 0) and x.done_wo)
group_new_quant = {}
old_move_lot = {}
for movelot in move.move_lot_ids:
key = (movelot.lot_id.id or False)
old_move_lot.setdefault(key, []).append(movelot)
for quant in move.reserved_quant_ids:
key = (quant.lot_id.id or False)
quantity = move.product_id.uom_id._compute_quantity(quant.qty, move.product_uom)
if group_new_quant.get(key):
group_new_quant[key] += quantity
group_new_quant[key] = quantity
for key in group_new_quant:
quantity = group_new_quant[key]
if old_move_lot.get(key):
if old_move_lot[key][0].quantity == quantity:
old_move_lot[key][0].quantity = quantity
vals = {
'move_id': move.id,
'product_id': move.product_id.id,
'workorder_id': move.workorder_id.id,
'production_id': move.raw_material_production_id.id,
'quantity': quantity,
'lot_id': key,
return True
def _create_extra_move(self):
''' Creates an extra move if necessary depending on extra quantities than foreseen or extra moves'''
quantity_to_split = 0
uom_qty_to_split = 0
extra_move = self.env['stock.move']
rounding = self.product_uom.rounding
link_procurement = False
# If more produced than the procurement linked, you should create an extra move
if self.procurement_id and self.production_id and float_compare(self.production_id.qty_produced, self.procurement_id.product_qty, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0:
done_moves_total = sum(self.production_id.move_finished_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.product_id == self.product_id and x.state == 'done').mapped('product_uom_qty'))
# If you depassed the quantity before, you don't need to split anymore, but adapt the quantities
if float_compare(done_moves_total, self.procurement_id.product_qty, precision_rounding=rounding) >= 0:
quantity_to_split = 0
if float_compare(self.product_uom_qty, self.quantity_done, precision_rounding=rounding) < 0:
self.product_uom_qty = self.quantity_done #TODO: could change qty on move_dest_id also (in case of 2-step in/out)
quantity_to_split = done_moves_total + self.quantity_done - self.procurement_id.product_qty
uom_qty_to_split = self.product_uom_qty - (self.quantity_done - quantity_to_split)#self.product_uom_qty - (self.procurement_id.product_qty + done_moves_total)
if float_compare(uom_qty_to_split, quantity_to_split, precision_rounding=rounding) < 0:
uom_qty_to_split = quantity_to_split
self.product_uom_qty = self.quantity_done - quantity_to_split
# You split also simply when the quantity done is bigger than foreseen
elif float_compare(self.quantity_done, self.product_uom_qty, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0:
quantity_to_split = self.quantity_done - self.product_uom_qty
uom_qty_to_split = quantity_to_split # + no need to change existing self.product_uom_qty
link_procurement = True
if quantity_to_split:
extra_move = self.copy(default={'quantity_done': quantity_to_split, 'product_uom_qty': uom_qty_to_split, 'production_id': self.production_id.id,
'raw_material_production_id': self.raw_material_production_id.id,
'procurement_id': link_procurement and self.procurement_id.id or False})
if self.has_tracking != 'none':
qty_todo = self.quantity_done - quantity_to_split
for movelot in self.move_lot_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.done_wo):
if movelot.quantity_done and movelot.done_wo:
if float_compare(qty_todo, movelot.quantity_done, precision_rounding=rounding) >= 0:
qty_todo -= movelot.quantity_done
elif float_compare(qty_todo, 0, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0:
remaining = movelot.quantity_done - qty_todo
movelot.quantity_done = qty_todo
movelot.copy(default={'move_id': extra_move.id, 'quantity_done': remaining})
qty_todo = 0
movelot.move_id = extra_move.id
self.quantity_done -= quantity_to_split
return extra_move
def move_validate(self):
''' Validate moves based on a production order. '''
moves = self._filter_closed_moves()
quant_obj = self.env['stock.quant']
moves_todo = self.env['stock.move']
moves_to_unreserve = self.env['stock.move']
# Create extra moves where necessary
for move in moves:
# Here, the `quantity_done` was already rounded to the product UOM by the `do_produce` wizard. However,
# it is possible that the user changed the value before posting the inventory by a value that should be
# rounded according to the move's UOM. In this specific case, we chose to round up the value, because it
# is what is expected by the user (if i consumed/produced a little more, the whole UOM unit should be
# consumed/produced and the moves are split correctly).
rounding = move.product_uom.rounding
move.quantity_done = float_round(move.quantity_done, precision_rounding=rounding, rounding_method ='UP')
if move.quantity_done <= 0:
moves_todo |= move
moves_todo |= move._create_extra_move()
# Split moves where necessary and move quants
for move in moves_todo:
rounding = move.product_uom.rounding
if float_compare(move.quantity_done, move.product_uom_qty, precision_rounding=rounding) < 0:
# Need to do some kind of conversion here
qty_split = move.product_uom._compute_quantity(move.product_uom_qty - move.quantity_done, move.product_id.uom_id)
new_move = move.split(qty_split)
# If you were already putting stock.move.lots on the next one in the work order, transfer those to the new move
move.move_lot_ids.filtered(lambda x: not x.done_wo or x.quantity_done == 0.0).write({'move_id': new_move})
self.browse(new_move).quantity_done = 0.0
main_domain = [('qty', '>', 0)]
preferred_domain = [('reservation_id', '=', move.id)]
fallback_domain = [('reservation_id', '=', False)]
fallback_domain2 = ['&', ('reservation_id', '!=', move.id), ('reservation_id', '!=', False)]
preferred_domain_list = [preferred_domain] + [fallback_domain] + [fallback_domain2]
if move.has_tracking == 'none':
quants = quant_obj.quants_get_preferred_domain(move.product_qty, move, domain=main_domain, preferred_domain_list=preferred_domain_list)
self.env['stock.quant'].quants_move(quants, move, move.location_dest_id, owner_id=move.restrict_partner_id.id)
for movelot in move.active_move_lot_ids:
if float_compare(movelot.quantity_done, 0, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0:
if not movelot.lot_id:
raise UserError(_('You need to supply a lot/serial number.'))
qty = move.product_uom._compute_quantity(movelot.quantity_done, move.product_id.uom_id)
quants = quant_obj.quants_get_preferred_domain(qty, move, lot_id=movelot.lot_id.id, domain=main_domain, preferred_domain_list=preferred_domain_list)
self.env['stock.quant'].quants_move(quants, move, move.location_dest_id, lot_id = movelot.lot_id.id, owner_id=move.restrict_partner_id.id)
moves_to_unreserve |= move
# Next move in production order
if move.move_dest_id and move.move_dest_id.state not in ('done', 'cancel'):
moves_todo.write({'state': 'done', 'date': fields.Datetime.now()})
return moves_todo
def action_done(self):
production_moves = self.filtered(lambda move: (move.production_id or move.raw_material_production_id) and not move.scrapped)
return super(StockMove, self-production_moves).action_done()
def split_move_lot(self):
ctx = dict(self.env.context)
view = self.env.ref('mrp.view_stock_move_lots')
serial = (self.has_tracking == 'serial')
only_create = False # Check picking type in theory
show_reserved = any([x for x in self.move_lot_ids if x.quantity > 0.0])
'serial': serial,
'only_create': only_create,
'create_lots': True,
'state_done': self.is_done,
'show_reserved': show_reserved,
if ctx.get('w_production'):
action = self.env.ref('mrp.act_mrp_product_produce').read()[0]
action['context'] = ctx
return action
result = {
'name': _('Register Lots'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'stock.move',
'views': [(view.id, 'form')],
'view_id': view.id,
'target': 'new',
'res_id': self.id,
'context': ctx,
return result
def save(self):
return True
def action_confirm(self):
moves = self.env['stock.move']
for move in self:
moves |= move.action_explode()
# we go further with the list of ids potentially changed by action_explode
return super(StockMove, moves).action_confirm()
def action_explode(self):
""" Explodes pickings """
# in order to explode a move, we must have a picking_type_id on that move because otherwise the move
# won't be assigned to a picking and it would be weird to explode a move into several if they aren't
# all grouped in the same picking.
if not self.picking_type_id:
return self
bom = self.env['mrp.bom'].sudo()._bom_find(product=self.product_id, company_id=self.company_id.id)
if not bom or bom.type != 'phantom':
return self
phantom_moves = self.env['stock.move']
processed_moves = self.env['stock.move']
factor = self.product_uom._compute_quantity(self.product_uom_qty, bom.product_uom_id) / bom.product_qty
boms, lines = bom.sudo().explode(self.product_id, factor, picking_type=bom.picking_type_id)
for bom_line, line_data in lines:
phantom_moves += self._generate_move_phantom(bom_line, line_data['qty'])
for new_move in phantom_moves:
processed_moves |= new_move.action_explode()
if not self.split_from and self.procurement_id:
# Check if procurements have been made to wait for
moves = self.procurement_id.move_ids
if len(moves) == 1:
self.procurement_id.write({'state': 'done'})
if processed_moves and self.state == 'assigned':
# Set the state of resulting moves according to 'assigned' as the original move is assigned
processed_moves.write({'state': 'assigned'})
# delete the move with original product which is not relevant anymore
return processed_moves
def _propagate_split(self, new_move, qty):
if not self.move_dest_id.raw_material_production_id:
super(StockMove, self)._propagate_split(new_move, qty)
def _generate_move_phantom(self, bom_line, quantity):
if bom_line.product_id.type in ['product', 'consu']:
return self.copy(default={
'picking_id': self.picking_id.id if self.picking_id else False,
'product_id': bom_line.product_id.id,
'product_uom': bom_line.product_uom_id.id,
'product_uom_qty': quantity,
'state': 'draft', # will be confirmed below
'name': self.name,
'procurement_id': self.procurement_id.id,
'split_from': self.id, # Needed in order to keep sale connection, but will be removed by unlink
return self.env['stock.move']
class PushedFlow(models.Model):
_inherit = "stock.location.path"
def _prepare_move_copy_values(self, move_to_copy, new_date):
new_move_vals = super(PushedFlow, self)._prepare_move_copy_values(move_to_copy, new_date)
new_move_vals['production_id'] = False
return new_move_vals