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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import logging
import pprint
import urllib
import urllib2
import werkzeug
from odoo import http
from odoo.addons.payment.models.payment_acquirer import ValidationError
from odoo.http import request
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PaypalController(http.Controller):
_notify_url = '/payment/paypal/ipn/'
_return_url = '/payment/paypal/dpn/'
_cancel_url = '/payment/paypal/cancel/'
def _get_return_url(self, **post):
""" Extract the return URL from the data coming from paypal. """
return_url = post.pop('return_url', '')
if not return_url:
custom = json.loads(urllib.unquote_plus(post.pop('custom', False) or post.pop('cm', False) or '{}'))
return_url = custom.get('return_url', '/')
return return_url
def _parse_pdt_response(self, response):
""" Parse a text response for a PDT verification .
:param response str: text response, structured in the following way:
or STATUS\nError message...\n
:rtype tuple(str, dict)
:return: tuple containing the STATUS str and the key/value pairs
parsed as a dict
lines = filter(None, response.split('\n'))
status = lines.pop(0)
pdt_post = {}
for line in lines:
split = line.split('=', 1)
if len(split) == 2:
pdt_post[split[0]] = urllib.unquote_plus(split[1]).decode('utf8')
_logger.warning('Paypal: error processing pdt response: %s', line)
return status, pdt_post
def paypal_validate_data(self, **post):
""" Paypal IPN: three steps validation to ensure data correctness
- step 1: return an empty HTTP 200 response -> will be done at the end
by returning ''
- step 2: POST the complete, unaltered message back to Paypal (preceded
by cmd=_notify-validate or _notify-synch for PDT), with same encoding
- step 3: paypal send either VERIFIED or INVALID (single word) for IPN
or SUCCESS or FAIL (+ data) for PDT
Once data is validated, process it. """
res = False
new_post = dict(post, cmd='_notify-validate')
reference = post.get('item_number')
tx = None
if reference:
tx = request.env['payment.transaction'].search([('reference', '=', reference)])
paypal_urls = request.env['payment.acquirer']._get_paypal_urls(tx and tx.acquirer_id.environment or 'prod')
pdt_request = bool(new_post.get('amt')) # check for spefific pdt param
if pdt_request:
# this means we are in PDT instead of DPN like before
# fetch the PDT token
new_post['at'] = request.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('payment_paypal.pdt_token')
new_post['cmd'] = '_notify-synch' # command is different in PDT than IPN/DPN
validate_url = paypal_urls['paypal_form_url']
urequest = urllib2.Request(validate_url, werkzeug.url_encode(new_post))
uopen = urllib2.urlopen(urequest)
resp = uopen.read()
if pdt_request:
resp, post = self._parse_pdt_response(resp)
if resp == 'VERIFIED' or pdt_request and resp == 'SUCCESS':
_logger.info('Paypal: validated data')
res = request.env['payment.transaction'].sudo().form_feedback(post, 'paypal')
elif resp == 'INVALID' or pdt_request and resp == 'FAIL':
_logger.warning('Paypal: answered INVALID/FAIL on data verification')
_logger.warning('Paypal: unrecognized paypal answer, received %s instead of VERIFIED/SUCCESS or INVALID/FAIL (validation: %s)' % (resp, 'PDT' if pdt_request else 'IPN/DPN'))
return res
@http.route('/payment/paypal/ipn/', type='http', auth='none', methods=['POST'], csrf=False)
def paypal_ipn(self, **post):
""" Paypal IPN. """
_logger.info('Beginning Paypal IPN form_feedback with post data %s', pprint.pformat(post)) # debug
except ValidationError:
_logger.exception('Unable to validate the Paypal payment')
return ''
@http.route('/payment/paypal/dpn', type='http', auth="none", methods=['POST', 'GET'], csrf=False)
def paypal_dpn(self, **post):
""" Paypal DPN """
_logger.info('Beginning Paypal DPN form_feedback with post data %s', pprint.pformat(post)) # debug
return_url = self._get_return_url(**post)
return werkzeug.utils.redirect(return_url)
@http.route('/payment/paypal/cancel', type='http', auth="none", csrf=False)
def paypal_cancel(self, **post):
""" When the user cancels its Paypal payment: GET on this route """
_logger.info('Beginning Paypal cancel with post data %s', pprint.pformat(post)) # debug
return_url = self._get_return_url(**post)
return werkzeug.utils.redirect(return_url)