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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from urllib import urlencode
from odoo import api, models, fields
class Planner(models.Model):
"""Planner Model.
Each Planner has link to an ir.ui.view record that is a template used
to display the planner pages.
Each Planner has link to ir.ui.menu record that is a top menu used to display the
planner launcher(progressbar)
Method _prepare_<planner_application>_data(self) (model method) that
generates the values used to display in specific planner pages
_name = 'web.planner'
_description = 'Planner'
def _get_planner_application(self):
return []
name = fields.Char(string='Name', required=True)
menu_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.menu', string='Menu', required=True)
view_id = fields.Many2one('ir.ui.view', string='Template', required=True)
progress = fields.Integer(string="Progress Percentage", company_dependent=True)
# data field is used to store the data filled by user in planner(JSON Data)
data = fields.Text(string="Data", company_dependent=True)
tooltip_planner = fields.Html(string='Planner Tooltips', translate=True)
planner_application = fields.Selection('_get_planner_application', string='Planner Application', required=True)
active = fields.Boolean(string="Active", default=True, help="If the active field is set to False, it will allow you to hide the planner. This change requires a refresh of your page.")
def render(self, template_id, planner_app):
# prepare the planner data as per the planner application
values = {
'prepare_backend_url': self.prepare_backend_url,
'is_module_installed': self.is_module_installed,
planner_find_method_name = '_prepare_%s_data' % planner_app
if hasattr(self, planner_find_method_name):
values.update(getattr(self, planner_find_method_name)()) # update the default value
return self.env['ir.ui.view'].browse(template_id).render(values=values)
def prepare_backend_url(self, action_xml_id, view_type='list', module_name=None):
""" prepare the backend url to the given action, or to the given module view.
:param action_xml_id : the xml id of the action to redirect to
:param view_type : the view type to display when redirecting (form, kanban, list, ...)
:param module_name : the name of the module to display (if action_xml_id is 'open_module_tree'), or
to redirect to if the action is not found.
:returns url : the url to the correct page
params = dict(view_type=view_type)
# setting the action
action = self.env.ref(action_xml_id, False)
if action:
params['action'] = action.id
params['model'] = 'ir.module.module'
# setting the module
if module_name:
module = self.env['ir.module.module'].sudo().search([('name', '=', module_name)], limit=1)
if module:
params['id'] = module.id
return "#show_enterprise"
return "/web#%s" % (urlencode(params),)
def is_module_installed(self, module_name=None):
return module_name in self.env['ir.module.module']._installed()
def get_planner_progress(self, planner_application):
return self.search([('planner_application', '=', planner_application)]).progress