- Create a user as 'HR Recruitment Officer' - !record {model: res.users, id: res_users_hr_recruitment_officer, view: False}: company_id: base.main_company name: HR Recruitment Officer login: hrro email: hrofcr@yourcompany.com - I added groups for HR Recruitment Officer. - !record {model: res.users, id: res_users_hr_recruitment_officer}: groups_id: - hr_recruitment.group_hr_recruitment_user - In Order to test process of Recruitment so giving HR officer's rights, - !context uid: 'res_users_hr_recruitment_officer' - An applicant is interested in the job position. So he sends a resume by email. - !python {model: mail.thread, id: False}: | import odoo request_file = open(odoo.modules.module.get_module_resource('hr_recruitment','test', 'resume.eml'),'rb') job_id = self.env.ref('hr.job_developer').id request_message = request_file.read() self.message_process('hr.applicant', request_message, custom_values={"job_id": job_id}) - After getting the mail, I check the details of the new applicant. - !python {model: hr.applicant, id: False}: | applicant = self.search([('email_from','=', 'Mr. Richard Anderson ')], limit=1) assert applicant, "Applicant is not created after getting the mail" resume_ids = self.env['ir.attachment'].search([('datas_fname','=','resume.pdf'),('res_model','=',self._name),('res_id','=',applicant.id)]) assert applicant.name == "Application for the post of Jr.application Programmer.", "Applicant name does not match." assert applicant.stage_id.id == ref('hr_recruitment.stage_job1'), "Stage should be 'Initial qualification' and is '%s'." % (applicant.stage_id.name) assert applicant.stage_id.sequence == 1, "Applicant stage sequence should be 1." assert len(resume_ids), "Resume is not attached." - I assign the Job position to the applicant - !python {model: hr.applicant, id: hr_case_programmer}: | self.write({'job_id':ref('hr.job_developer')}) - I schedule meeting with applicant for interview. - !python {model: hr.applicant, id: hr_case_programmer}: | self.action_makeMeeting()