# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import fields, models class ReportProjectTaskUser(models.Model): _inherit = "report.project.task.user" hours_planned = fields.Float('Planned Hours', readonly=True) hours_effective = fields.Float('Effective Hours', readonly=True) hours_delay = fields.Float('Avg. Plan.-Eff.', readonly=True) remaining_hours = fields.Float('Remaining Hours', readonly=True) progress = fields.Float('Progress', group_operator='avg', readonly=True) total_hours = fields.Float('Total Hours', readonly=True) def _select(self): return super(ReportProjectTaskUser, self)._select() + """, progress as progress, t.effective_hours as hours_effective, remaining_hours as remaining_hours, total_hours as total_hours, t.delay_hours as hours_delay, planned_hours as hours_planned""" def _group_by(self): return super(ReportProjectTaskUser, self)._group_by() + """, remaining_hours, t.effective_hours, progress, total_hours, planned_hours, hours_delay"""