#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. # Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Akretion (http://www.akretion.com) import base64 import csv from datetime import datetime import StringIO from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.exceptions import Warning from odoo.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT class AccountFrFec(models.TransientModel): _name = 'account.fr.fec' _description = 'Ficher Echange Informatise' date_from = fields.Date(string='Start Date', required=True) date_to = fields.Date(string='End Date', required=True) fec_data = fields.Binary('FEC File', readonly=True) filename = fields.Char(string='Filename', size=256, readonly=True) export_type = fields.Selection([ ('official', 'Official FEC report (posted entries only)'), ('nonofficial', 'Non-official FEC report (posted and unposted entries)'), ], string='Export Type', required=True, default='official') def do_query_unaffected_earnings(self): ''' Compute the sum of ending balances for all accounts that are of a type that does not bring forward the balance in new fiscal years. This is needed because we have to display only one line for the initial balance of all expense/revenue accounts in the FEC. ''' sql_query = ''' SELECT 'OUV' AS JournalCode, 'Balance initiale' AS JournalLib, 'OUVERTURE/' || %s AS EcritureNum, %s AS EcritureDate, '120/129' AS CompteNum, 'Benefice (perte) reporte(e)' AS CompteLib, '' AS CompAuxNum, '' AS CompAuxLib, '-' AS PieceRef, %s AS PieceDate, '/' AS EcritureLib, replace(CASE WHEN COALESCE(sum(aml.balance), 0) <= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit, replace(CASE WHEN COALESCE(sum(aml.balance), 0) >= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(-SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit, '' AS EcritureLet, '' AS DateLet, %s AS ValidDate, '' AS Montantdevise, '' AS Idevise FROM account_move_line aml LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id LEFT JOIN account_account_type aat ON aa.user_type_id = aat.id WHERE am.date < %s AND am.company_id = %s AND aat.include_initial_balance = 'f' AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0) ''' # For official report: only use posted entries if self.export_type == "official": sql_query += ''' AND am.state = 'posted' ''' company = self.env.user.company_id formatted_date_from = self.date_from.replace('-', '') date_from = datetime.strptime(self.date_from, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) formatted_date_year = date_from.year self._cr.execute( sql_query, (formatted_date_year, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, self.date_from, company.id)) listrow = [] row = self._cr.fetchone() listrow = list(row) return listrow @api.multi def generate_fec(self): self.ensure_one() # We choose to implement the flat file instead of the XML # file for 2 reasons : # 1) the XSD file impose to have the label on the account.move # but Odoo has the label on the account.move.line, so that's a # problem ! # 2) CSV files are easier to read/use for a regular accountant. # So it will be easier for the accountant to check the file before # sending it to the fiscal administration header = [ 'JournalCode', # 0 'JournalLib', # 1 'EcritureNum', # 2 'EcritureDate', # 3 'CompteNum', # 4 'CompteLib', # 5 'CompAuxNum', # 6 We use partner.id 'CompAuxLib', # 7 'PieceRef', # 8 'PieceDate', # 9 'EcritureLib', # 10 'Debit', # 11 'Credit', # 12 'EcritureLet', # 13 'DateLet', # 14 'ValidDate', # 15 'Montantdevise', # 16 'Idevise', # 17 ] company = self.env.user.company_id if not company.vat: raise Warning( _("Missing VAT number for company %s") % company.name) if company.vat[0:2] != 'FR': raise Warning( _("FEC is for French companies only !")) fecfile = StringIO.StringIO() w = csv.writer(fecfile, delimiter='|') w.writerow(header) # INITIAL BALANCE unaffected_earnings_xml_ref = self.env.ref('account.data_unaffected_earnings') unaffected_earnings_line = True # used to make sure that we add the unaffected earning initial balance only once if unaffected_earnings_xml_ref: #compute the benefit/loss of last year to add in the initial balance of the current year earnings account unaffected_earnings_results = self.do_query_unaffected_earnings() unaffected_earnings_line = False sql_query = ''' SELECT 'OUV' AS JournalCode, 'Balance initiale' AS JournalLib, 'OUVERTURE/' || %s AS EcritureNum, %s AS EcritureDate, MIN(aa.code) AS CompteNum, replace(MIN(aa.name), '|', '/') AS CompteLib, '' AS CompAuxNum, '' AS CompAuxLib, '-' AS PieceRef, %s AS PieceDate, '/' AS EcritureLib, replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) <= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit, replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) >= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(-SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit, '' AS EcritureLet, '' AS DateLet, %s AS ValidDate, '' AS Montantdevise, '' AS Idevise, MIN(aa.id) AS CompteID FROM account_move_line aml LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id LEFT JOIN account_account_type aat ON aa.user_type_id = aat.id WHERE am.date < %s AND am.company_id = %s AND aat.include_initial_balance = 't' AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0) ''' # For official report: only use posted entries if self.export_type == "official": sql_query += ''' AND am.state = 'posted' ''' sql_query += ''' GROUP BY aml.account_id, aat.type HAVING sum(aml.balance) != 0 AND aat.type not in ('receivable', 'payable') ''' formatted_date_from = self.date_from.replace('-', '') date_from = datetime.strptime(self.date_from, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) formatted_date_year = date_from.year self._cr.execute( sql_query, (formatted_date_year, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, self.date_from, company.id)) for row in self._cr.fetchall(): listrow = list(row) account_id = listrow.pop() if not unaffected_earnings_line: account = self.env['account.account'].browse(account_id) if account.user_type_id.id == self.env.ref('account.data_unaffected_earnings').id: #add the benefit/loss of previous fiscal year to the first unaffected earnings account found. unaffected_earnings_line = True current_amount = float(listrow[11].replace(',', '.')) - float(listrow[12].replace(',', '.')) unaffected_earnings_amount = float(unaffected_earnings_results[11].replace(',', '.')) - float(unaffected_earnings_results[12].replace(',', '.')) listrow_amount = current_amount + unaffected_earnings_amount if listrow_amount > 0: listrow[11] = str(listrow_amount).replace('.', ',') listrow[12] = '0,00' else: listrow[11] = '0,00' listrow[12] = str(-listrow_amount).replace('.', ',') w.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") for s in listrow]) #if the unaffected earnings account wasn't in the selection yet: add it manually if (not unaffected_earnings_line and unaffected_earnings_results and (unaffected_earnings_results[11] != '0,00' or unaffected_earnings_results[12] != '0,00')): #search an unaffected earnings account unaffected_earnings_account = self.env['account.account'].search([('user_type_id', '=', self.env.ref('account.data_unaffected_earnings').id)], limit=1) if unaffected_earnings_account: unaffected_earnings_results[4] = unaffected_earnings_account.code unaffected_earnings_results[5] = unaffected_earnings_account.name w.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") for s in unaffected_earnings_results]) # INITIAL BALANCE - receivable/payable sql_query = ''' SELECT 'OUV' AS JournalCode, 'Balance initiale' AS JournalLib, 'OUVERTURE/' || %s AS EcritureNum, %s AS EcritureDate, MIN(aa.code) AS CompteNum, replace(MIN(aa.name), '|', '/') AS CompteLib, CASE WHEN rp.ref IS null OR rp.ref = '' THEN COALESCE('ID ' || rp.id, '') ELSE replace(rp.ref, '|', '/') END AS CompAuxNum, COALESCE(replace(rp.name, '|', '/'), '') AS CompAuxLib, '-' AS PieceRef, %s AS PieceDate, '/' AS EcritureLib, replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) <= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit, replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) >= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(-SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit, '' AS EcritureLet, '' AS DateLet, %s AS ValidDate, '' AS Montantdevise, '' AS Idevise, MIN(aa.id) AS CompteID FROM account_move_line aml LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id LEFT JOIN res_partner rp ON rp.id=aml.partner_id JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id LEFT JOIN account_account_type aat ON aa.user_type_id = aat.id WHERE am.date < %s AND am.company_id = %s AND aat.include_initial_balance = 't' AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0) ''' # For official report: only use posted entries if self.export_type == "official": sql_query += ''' AND am.state = 'posted' ''' sql_query += ''' GROUP BY aml.account_id, aat.type, rp.ref, rp.id HAVING sum(aml.balance) != 0 AND aat.type in ('receivable', 'payable') ''' self._cr.execute( sql_query, (formatted_date_year, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, self.date_from, company.id)) for row in self._cr.fetchall(): listrow = list(row) account_id = listrow.pop() w.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") for s in listrow]) # LINES sql_query = ''' SELECT replace(aj.code, '|', '/') AS JournalCode, replace(aj.name, '|', '/') AS JournalLib, replace(am.name, '|', '/') AS EcritureNum, TO_CHAR(am.date, 'YYYYMMDD') AS EcritureDate, aa.code AS CompteNum, replace(aa.name, '|', '/') AS CompteLib, CASE WHEN rp.ref IS null OR rp.ref = '' THEN COALESCE('ID ' || rp.id, '') ELSE replace(rp.ref, '|', '/') END AS CompAuxNum, COALESCE(replace(rp.name, '|', '/'), '') AS CompAuxLib, CASE WHEN am.ref IS null OR am.ref = '' THEN '-' ELSE replace(am.ref, '|', '/') END AS PieceRef, TO_CHAR(am.date, 'YYYYMMDD') AS PieceDate, CASE WHEN aml.name IS NULL THEN '/' WHEN aml.name SIMILAR TO '[\t|\s|\n]*' THEN '/' ELSE replace(aml.name, '|', '/') END AS EcritureLib, replace(CASE WHEN aml.debit = 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(aml.debit, '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit, replace(CASE WHEN aml.credit = 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(aml.credit, '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit, CASE WHEN rec.name IS NULL THEN '' ELSE rec.name END AS EcritureLet, CASE WHEN aml.full_reconcile_id IS NULL THEN '' ELSE TO_CHAR(rec.create_date, 'YYYYMMDD') END AS DateLet, TO_CHAR(am.date, 'YYYYMMDD') AS ValidDate, CASE WHEN aml.amount_currency IS NULL OR aml.amount_currency = 0 THEN '' ELSE replace(to_char(aml.amount_currency, '000000000000000D99'), '.', ',') END AS Montantdevise, CASE WHEN aml.currency_id IS NULL THEN '' ELSE rc.name END AS Idevise FROM account_move_line aml LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id LEFT JOIN res_partner rp ON rp.id=aml.partner_id JOIN account_journal aj ON aj.id = am.journal_id JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id LEFT JOIN res_currency rc ON rc.id = aml.currency_id LEFT JOIN account_full_reconcile rec ON rec.id = aml.full_reconcile_id WHERE am.date >= %s AND am.date <= %s AND am.company_id = %s AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0) ''' # For official report: only use posted entries if self.export_type == "official": sql_query += ''' AND am.state = 'posted' ''' sql_query += ''' ORDER BY am.date, am.name, aml.id ''' self._cr.execute( sql_query, (self.date_from, self.date_to, company.id)) for row in self._cr.fetchall(): listrow = list(row) w.writerow([s.encode("utf-8") for s in listrow]) siren = company.vat[4:13] end_date = self.date_to.replace('-', '') suffix = '' if self.export_type == "nonofficial": suffix = '-NONOFFICIAL' fecvalue = fecfile.getvalue() self.write({ 'fec_data': base64.encodestring(fecvalue), # Filename = FECYYYYMMDD where YYYMMDD is the closing date 'filename': '%sFEC%s%s.csv' % (siren, end_date, suffix), }) fecfile.close() action = { 'name': 'FEC', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url', 'url': "web/content/?model=account.fr.fec&id=" + str(self.id) + "&filename_field=filename&field=fec_data&download=true&filename=" + self.filename, 'target': 'self', } return action