1206 Transfer Account Indian Chart of Accounts - Schedule VI 12142 12141 6 Authorised Share Capital 11101 Issued, Subscribed And Paid Up Capital 11102 Capital Reserve 11110 Capital Redemption Reserve 11111 Securities Premium Reserve 11112 Debenture Redeemption Reserve 11113 Revaluation Reserve 11114 Shares Option Outstanding Account 11115 Other Reserve 11116 Surplus (Profit and Loss Account) 11117 Money Received Against Share Warrants 1112 Share Application Money Pending Allotment 1121 Bank Loan (Long Term) 113011 From Others 113021 Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 1131 Other Long Term Liabilities 1132 Long Term Provisions 1133 Bank Loan (Short Term) 114011 Loans And Advances From Related Parties 11402 Depsoits 11403 Others 11404 Sundry Creditors For Material/Supplies 11411 Sundry Creditors For Services 11412 Excise Duty Payable 1142111 Education Cess Payable On Excise Duty 1142112 Higher Education Cess Payable On Excise Duty 1142113 Service Tax Payable 1142121 Education Cess Payable On Service Tax 1142122 Higher Education Cess Payable On Service Tax 1142123 TDS Paybale 114213 Central Sales Tax Payable 114214 VAT Payable 114215 Out Standing Cheques for Clearance 11422 Advance From Customers 11423 EPF Payable 114301 Unpaid Remuneration 114302 Electricity And Power Charges Payable 114311 Employee Providend Fund Payable 114312 Internet Expenses Payable 114313 Mobile Expenses Payable 114314 Secueity Expenses Payable 114315 Telephone Expenses Payable 114316 Wages Payable 114317 Provision For Taxation 114318 Provision For Expenses 114319 Land 120101 Buildings 120102 Plant And Equipments 120103 Furnitures And Fixtures 120104 Vehicles 120105 Computer/Laptops 120106 Office Equipments 120107 Goodwill 120111 Building Under Construction 120120 Intangible Assets Under Development 12013 Investment In Property 12020 Investment In Equity Instrument 12021 Investment In Preference Shares 12022 Investment In Government Or Trust Securities 12023 Investment In Debentures And Bonds 12024 Investment In Mutual Fund 12025 Investment In Partnership Firm 12026 Gold 120270 Fixed Deposit With Banks-Earmarked 120271 Deferred Tax Assets (Net) 1203 Secured, Considered Good 120411 Unsecured, Considered Good 120412 Doubtful 120413 Earnest Money Deposit 1204211 Other Deposit 1204212 Unsecured, Considered Good 120422 Doubtful 120423 Loans And Advances To Related Parties 12043 Other Loans And Advances 12044 Secured, Considered Good 120511 Unsecured, Considered Good 120512 Doubtful 120513 Preliminery Expense 120521 Software 120522 Others 12053 Investment In Equity 12110 Investment In Preference Shares 12111 Investment In Government Securities 12112 Investment In Debentures And Bonds 12113 Investment In Mutual Fund 12114 Investment In Partnership Firm 12115 In Short Term Fixed Deposits 12116 Raw Material 12120 Work-In-Progress 12121 Finished Goods 12122 Stock-In-Trade 12123 Stores And Spares 12124 Loose Tools 12125 Other With Job Worker 12126 Goods-In-Transit 12127 Secured, Considered Good 121311 Unsecured, Considered Good 121312 Doubtful 121313 Secured, Considered Good 121321 Unsecured, Considered Good 121322 Doubtful 121323 Sundry Debtors 12133 Advance To Associate Concerns 1215111 Unsecured Recoverable in Cash or in Kind or for Value to be Received 1215121 Doubtful 121513 Advance To Suppliers 121521 Advance Income Tax/Refund Due 121522 Balance With Revenue Authorities (Indirect Taxes) 121523 Prepaid Expenses 121524 Sales Tax Receivable 121610 VAT Receivable 121611 Excise Duty Receivable 1216121 Education Cess Receivable On Excise Duty 1216122 Higher Education Cess Receivable On Excise Duty 1216123 Service Tax Receivable 1216131 Education Cess Receivable On Service Tax 1216132 Higher Education Cess Receivable On Service Tax 1216133 TDS Receivable 121614 Preliminary Expense 121621 Central Sales(Exclusive of Excise Duty) 2011 Export Sales 2012 Sales of Services 2013 Job Work Receipts 2014 Product Sales 2015 Other Operating Income 2016 Interest 2021 Other Financial Services 2022 Other Non Operating Income 2023 Opening Stock 2101 Raw Material 21021 Stores And Consumables 21022 Closing Stock 2103 Purchase of Stock-In-Trade 2111 Changes In Inventories of Finished Goods, Work-In-Progress And Stock-In-Trade 212 Salaries, Bonus, PF And ESIC 2131 Directors Remuneration 2132 Directors Setting Fees 2133 Staff Welfare Expense 2134 Commision To M.D 2135 Commision To Joint M.D 2136 Interest On Cash Credit Facality 2141 Interest On Car Loan 2142 Interest On Other Loans 2143 Bank Charges 2144 Bank Gurantee Charges 2145 Depreciation 2151 Preliminary Expenses 2152 Jobwork Charges 21601 Stores and Spares 21602 Workshop Expense 21603 Centeral Sales Tax 21604 Machinery Repair and Maintenance 21605 Freight Forwarding and Octroi Expenses (Local) 21606 Electrical Repairing Expense 21607 Material Testing Expense 21608 Power and Fuel Charges 21609 Packing Material Expense 216091 Measuring Expense 216092 Processing Labour Charges 216093 Car Expenses (Including Insurance) 21611 Travelling Expenses (Including Foreign Travelling) 21612 Repair And Maintenance Building 21613 Computer Maintenace 21614 General Expenses 21615 Internet And Website Expenses 21616 Insurance Expenses 21617 Telephone Expense 21618 Labour Welfare Expenses 21619 Legal Expenses 216191 Postage And Telegram 216192 Professional Charges 216193 Security Expesnes 216194 Stationery Expenses 216195 Auditors Remuneration 216196 Rent Rates And Taxes 216197 Tender Fee And Testing Charges 216198 Interest On Delayed Payment of Taxes 216199 Excise/ Service Tax Expenses 2161991 Advertisement And Publicity 2161992 Donation 2161993 Export Expenses 2161994 Internal Audit Fee 2161995 Conveyance Expense 2161996 Packing and Forwarding Expense 2161997 Annual Service Fees 2161998 Loan Processing Fees 2161999 Office Cleaning Expense 21619991 Prelimenary Expense W/Off 21619992 Software Expense W/Off 21619993 Custom Duty 21619994 Stamping Charge 21619995 Post and Courrier Charges 21619996 Foreign Exchange Profit 2017 Foreign Exchange Loss 2170