# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from .test_project_base import TestProjectBase from odoo.tools import mute_logger EMAIL_TPL = """Return-Path: X-Original-To: {to} Delivered-To: {to} To: {to} cc: {cc} Received: by mail1.odoo.com (Postfix, from userid 10002) id 5DF9ABFB2A; Fri, 10 Aug 2012 16:16:39 +0200 (CEST) Message-ID: {msg_id} Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 12:43:21 +0530 From: {email_from} MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: {subject} Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Hello, This email should create a new entry in your module. Please check that it effectively works. Thanks, -- Raoul Boitempoils Integrator at Agrolait""" class TestProjectFlow(TestProjectBase): def test_project_process_project_manager_duplicate(self): pigs = self.project_pigs.sudo(self.user_projectmanager) dogs = pigs.copy() self.assertEqual(len(dogs.tasks), 2, 'project: duplicating a project must duplicate its tasks') @mute_logger('odoo.addons.mail.mail_thread') def test_task_process_without_stage(self): # Do: incoming mail from an unknown partner on an alias creates a new task 'Frogs' task = self.format_and_process( EMAIL_TPL, to='project+pigs@mydomain.com, valid.lelitre@agrolait.com', cc='valid.other@gmail.com', email_from='%s' % self.user_projectuser.email, subject='Frogs', msg_id='<1198923581.41972151344608186760.JavaMail@agrolait.com>', target_model='project.task') # Test: one task created by mailgateway administrator self.assertEqual(len(task), 1, 'project: message_process: a new project.task should have been created') # Test: check partner in message followers self.assertIn(self.partner_2, task.message_partner_ids, "Partner in message cc is not added as a task followers.") # Test: messages self.assertEqual(len(task.message_ids), 2, 'project: message_process: newly created task should have 2 messages: creation and email') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids[1].subtype_id.name, 'Task Opened', 'project: message_process: first message of new task should have Task Created subtype') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids[0].author_id, self.user_projectuser.partner_id, 'project: message_process: second message should be the one from Agrolait (partner failed)') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids[0].subject, 'Frogs', 'project: message_process: second message should be the one from Agrolait (subject failed)') # Test: task content self.assertEqual(task.name, 'Frogs', 'project_task: name should be the email subject') self.assertEqual(task.project_id.id, self.project_pigs.id, 'project_task: incorrect project') self.assertEqual(task.stage_id.sequence, False, "project_task: shouldn't have a stage, i.e. sequence=False") @mute_logger('odoo.addons.mail.mail_thread') def test_task_process_with_stages(self): # Do: incoming mail from an unknown partner on an alias creates a new task 'Cats' task = self.format_and_process( EMAIL_TPL, to='project+goats@mydomain.com, valid.lelitre@agrolait.com', cc='valid.other@gmail.com', email_from='%s' % self.user_projectuser.email, subject='Cats', msg_id='<1198923581.41972151344608186760.JavaMail@agrolait.com>', target_model='project.task') # Test: one task created by mailgateway administrator self.assertEqual(len(task), 1, 'project: message_process: a new project.task should have been created') # Test: check partner in message followers self.assertIn(self.partner_2, task.message_partner_ids, "Partner in message cc is not added as a task followers.") # Test: messages self.assertEqual(len(task.message_ids), 2, 'project: message_process: newly created task should have 2 messages: creation and email') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids[1].subtype_id.name, 'Task Opened', 'project: message_process: first message of new task should have Task Created subtype') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids[0].author_id, self.user_projectuser.partner_id, 'project: message_process: second message should be the one from Agrolait (partner failed)') self.assertEqual(task.message_ids[0].subject, 'Cats', 'project: message_process: second message should be the one from Agrolait (subject failed)') # Test: task content self.assertEqual(task.name, 'Cats', 'project_task: name should be the email subject') self.assertEqual(task.project_id.id, self.project_goats.id, 'project_task: incorrect project') self.assertEqual(task.stage_id.sequence, 1, "project_task: should have a stage with sequence=1")