#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import optparse import os import pexpect import shutil import signal import subprocess import tempfile import time import xmlrpclib from contextlib import contextmanager from glob import glob from os.path import abspath, dirname, join from sys import stdout from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile # apt-get install rsync python-pexpect debhelper python-setuptools #---------------------------------------------------------- # Utils #---------------------------------------------------------- execfile(join(dirname(__file__), '..', 'odoo', 'release.py')) version = version.split('-')[0] docker_version = version.replace('+', '') timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.gmtime()) GPGPASSPHRASE = os.getenv('GPGPASSPHRASE') GPGID = os.getenv('GPGID') PUBLISH_DIRS = { 'debian': 'deb', 'redhat': 'rpm', 'tarball': 'src', 'windows': 'exe', } ADDONS_NOT_TO_PUBLISH = [ ] def mkdir(d): if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) def system(l, chdir=None): print l if chdir: cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(chdir) if isinstance(l, list): rc = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, l[0], l) elif isinstance(l, str): tmp = ['sh', '-c', l] rc = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, tmp[0], tmp) if chdir: os.chdir(cwd) return rc def _rpc_count_modules(addr='', port=8069, dbname='mycompany'): time.sleep(5) modules = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('%s:%s/xmlrpc/object' % (addr, port)).execute( dbname, 1, 'admin', 'ir.module.module', 'search', [('state', '=', 'installed')] ) if modules and len(modules) > 1: time.sleep(1) toinstallmodules = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('%s:%s/xmlrpc/object' % (addr, port)).execute( dbname, 1, 'admin', 'ir.module.module', 'search', [('state', '=', 'to install')] ) if toinstallmodules: print("Package test: FAILED. Not able to install dependencies of base.") raise Exception("Installation of package failed") else: print("Package test: successfuly installed %s modules" % len(modules)) else: print("Package test: FAILED. Not able to install base.") raise Exception("Installation of package failed") def publish(o, type, extensions): def _publish(o, release): arch = '' filename = release.split(os.path.sep)[-1] release_dir = PUBLISH_DIRS[type] release_path = join(o.pub, release_dir, filename) system('mkdir -p %s' % join(o.pub, release_dir)) shutil.move(join(o.build_dir, release), release_path) # Latest/symlink handler release_abspath = abspath(release_path) latest_abspath = release_abspath.replace(timestamp, 'latest') if os.path.islink(latest_abspath): os.unlink(latest_abspath) os.symlink(release_abspath, latest_abspath) return release_path published = [] for extension in extensions: release = glob("%s/odoo_*.%s" % (o.build_dir, extension))[0] published.append(_publish(o, release)) return published class OdooDocker(object): def __init__(self): self.log_file = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', prefix="bash", suffix=".txt", delete=False) self.port = 8069 # TODO sle: reliable way to get a free port? self.prompt_re = '[root@nightly-tests] # ' self.timeout = 600 def system(self, command): self.docker.sendline(command) self.docker.expect_exact(self.prompt_re) def start(self, docker_image, build_dir, pub_dir): self.build_dir = build_dir self.pub_dir = pub_dir self.docker = pexpect.spawn( 'docker run -v %s:/opt/release -p' ' -t -i %s /bin/bash --noediting' % (self.build_dir, self.port, docker_image), timeout=self.timeout, searchwindowsize=len(self.prompt_re) + 1, ) time.sleep(2) # let the bash start self.docker.logfile_read = self.log_file self.id = subprocess.check_output('docker ps -l -q', shell=True) def end(self): try: _rpc_count_modules(port=str(self.port)) except Exception, e: print('Exception during docker execution: %s:' % str(e)) print('Error during docker execution: printing the bash output:') with open(self.log_file.name) as f: print '\n'.join(f.readlines()) raise finally: self.docker.close() system('docker rm -f %s' % self.id) self.log_file.close() os.remove(self.log_file.name) @contextmanager def docker(docker_image, build_dir, pub_dir): _docker = OdooDocker() try: _docker.start(docker_image, build_dir, pub_dir) try: yield _docker except Exception, e: raise finally: _docker.end() class KVM(object): def __init__(self, o, image, ssh_key='', login='openerp'): self.o = o self.image = image self.ssh_key = ssh_key self.login = login def timeout(self,signum,frame): print "vm timeout kill",self.pid os.kill(self.pid,15) def start(self): l="kvm -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp: -drive".split(" ") #l.append('file=%s,if=virtio,index=0,boot=on,snapshot=on'%self.image) l.append('file=%s,snapshot=on'%self.image) #l.extend(['-vnc','']) l.append('-nographic') print " ".join(l) self.pid=os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, l[0], l) time.sleep(10) signal.alarm(2400) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.timeout) try: self.run() finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_DFL) os.kill(self.pid,15) time.sleep(10) def ssh(self,cmd): l=['ssh','-o','UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null','-o','StrictHostKeyChecking=no','-p','10022','-i',self.ssh_key,'%s@'%self.login,cmd] system(l) def rsync(self,args,options='--delete --exclude .bzrignore'): cmd ='rsync -rt -e "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 10022 -i %s" %s %s' % (self.ssh_key, options, args) system(cmd) def run(self): pass class KVMWinBuildExe(KVM): def run(self): with open(join(self.o.build_dir, 'setup/win32/Makefile.version'), 'w') as f: f.write("VERSION=%s\n" % version) with open(join(self.o.build_dir, 'setup/win32/Makefile.python'), 'w') as f: f.write("PYTHON_VERSION=%s\n" % self.o.vm_winxp_python_version.replace('.', '')) with open(join(self.o.build_dir, 'setup/win32/Makefile.servicename'), 'w') as f: f.write("SERVICENAME=%s\n" % nt_service_name) self.ssh("mkdir -p build") self.rsync('%s/ %s@' % (self.o.build_dir, self.login)) self.ssh("cd build/server/setup/win32;time make allinone;") self.rsync('%s@ %s/' % (self.login, self.o.build_dir), '') print "KVMWinBuildExe.run(): done" class KVMWinTestExe(KVM): def run(self): setuppath = glob("%s/openerp-server-setup-*.exe" % self.o.build_dir)[0] setupfile = setuppath.split('/')[-1] setupversion = setupfile.split('openerp-server-setup-')[1].split('.exe')[0] self.rsync('"%s" %s@' % (setuppath, self.login)) self.ssh("TEMP=/tmp ./%s /S" % setupfile) self.ssh('PGPASSWORD=openpgpwd /cygdrive/c/"Program Files"/"Odoo %s"/PostgreSQL/bin/createdb.exe -e -U openpg mycompany' % setupversion) self.ssh('/cygdrive/c/"Program Files"/"Odoo %s"/server/odoo-bin.exe -d mycompany -i base --stop-after-init' % setupversion) self.ssh('net start %s' % nt_service_name) _rpc_count_modules(port=18069) #---------------------------------------------------------- # Stage: building #---------------------------------------------------------- def _prepare_build_dir(o, win32=False): cmd = ['rsync', '-a', '--exclude', '.git', '--exclude', '*.pyc', '--exclude', '*.pyo'] if not win32: cmd += ['--exclude', 'setup/win32'] system(cmd + ['%s/' % o.odoo_dir, o.build_dir]) try: for addon_path in glob(join(o.build_dir, 'addons/*')): if addon_path.split(os.path.sep)[-1] not in ADDONS_NOT_TO_PUBLISH: shutil.move(addon_path, join(o.build_dir, 'odoo/addons')) except shutil.Error: # Thrown when the add-on is already in odoo/addons (if _prepare_build_dir # has already been called once) pass def build_tgz(o): system(['python2', 'setup.py', 'sdist', '--quiet', '--formats=gztar,zip'], o.build_dir) system(['mv', glob('%s/dist/odoo-*.tar.gz' % o.build_dir)[0], '%s/odoo_%s.%s.tar.gz' % (o.build_dir, version, timestamp)]) system(['mv', glob('%s/dist/odoo-*.zip' % o.build_dir)[0], '%s/odoo_%s.%s.zip' % (o.build_dir, version, timestamp)]) def build_deb(o): # Append timestamp to version for the .dsc to refer the right .tar.gz cmd=['sed', '-i', '1s/^.*$/odoo (%s.%s) stable; urgency=low/'%(version,timestamp), 'debian/changelog'] subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=o.build_dir) deb = pexpect.spawn('dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -k%s' % GPGID, cwd=o.build_dir) deb.logfile = stdout if GPGPASSPHRASE: deb.expect_exact('Enter passphrase: ', timeout=1200) deb.send(GPGPASSPHRASE + '\r\n') deb.expect_exact('Enter passphrase: ') deb.send(GPGPASSPHRASE + '\r\n') deb.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=1200) system(['mv', glob('%s/../odoo_*.deb' % o.build_dir)[0], '%s' % o.build_dir]) system(['mv', glob('%s/../odoo_*.dsc' % o.build_dir)[0], '%s' % o.build_dir]) system(['mv', glob('%s/../odoo_*_amd64.changes' % o.build_dir)[0], '%s' % o.build_dir]) system(['mv', glob('%s/../odoo_*.tar.gz' % o.build_dir)[0], '%s' % o.build_dir]) def build_rpm(o): system(['python2', 'setup.py', '--quiet', 'bdist_rpm'], o.build_dir) system(['mv', glob('%s/dist/odoo-*.noarch.rpm' % o.build_dir)[0], '%s/odoo_%s.%s.noarch.rpm' % (o.build_dir, version, timestamp)]) def build_exe(o): KVMWinBuildExe(o, o.vm_winxp_image, o.vm_winxp_ssh_key, o.vm_winxp_login).start() system(['cp', glob('%s/openerp*.exe' % o.build_dir)[0], '%s/odoo_%s.%s.exe' % (o.build_dir, version, timestamp)]) #---------------------------------------------------------- # Stage: testing #---------------------------------------------------------- def _prepare_testing(o): if not o.no_tarball: subprocess.call(["mkdir", "docker_src"], cwd=o.build_dir) subprocess.call(["cp", "package.dfsrc", os.path.join(o.build_dir, "docker_src", "Dockerfile")], cwd=os.path.join(o.odoo_dir, "setup")) # Use rsync to copy requirements.txt in order to keep original permissions subprocess.call(["rsync", "-a", "requirements.txt", os.path.join(o.build_dir, "docker_src")], cwd=os.path.join(o.odoo_dir)) subprocess.call(["docker", "build", "-t", "odoo-%s-src-nightly-tests" % docker_version, "."], cwd=os.path.join(o.build_dir, "docker_src")) if not o.no_debian: subprocess.call(["mkdir", "docker_debian"], cwd=o.build_dir) subprocess.call(["cp", "package.dfdebian", os.path.join(o.build_dir, "docker_debian", "Dockerfile")], cwd=os.path.join(o.odoo_dir, "setup")) # Use rsync to copy requirements.txt in order to keep original permissions subprocess.call(["rsync", "-a", "requirements.txt", os.path.join(o.build_dir, "docker_debian")], cwd=os.path.join(o.odoo_dir)) subprocess.call(["docker", "build", "-t", "odoo-%s-debian-nightly-tests" % docker_version, "."], cwd=os.path.join(o.build_dir, "docker_debian")) if not o.no_rpm: subprocess.call(["mkdir", "docker_fedora"], cwd=o.build_dir) subprocess.call(["cp", "package.dffedora", os.path.join(o.build_dir, "docker_fedora", "Dockerfile")], cwd=os.path.join(o.odoo_dir, "setup")) subprocess.call(["docker", "build", "-t", "odoo-%s-fedora-nightly-tests" % docker_version, "."], cwd=os.path.join(o.build_dir, "docker_fedora")) def test_tgz(o): with docker('odoo-%s-src-nightly-tests' % docker_version, o.build_dir, o.pub) as wheezy: wheezy.release = '*.tar.gz' wheezy.system("service postgresql start") wheezy.system('pip install /opt/release/%s' % wheezy.release) wheezy.system("useradd --system --no-create-home odoo") wheezy.system('su postgres -s /bin/bash -c "createuser -s odoo"') wheezy.system('su postgres -s /bin/bash -c "createdb mycompany"') wheezy.system('mkdir /var/lib/odoo') wheezy.system('chown odoo:odoo /var/lib/odoo') wheezy.system('su odoo -s /bin/bash -c "odoo --addons-path=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/odoo/addons -d mycompany -i base --stop-after-init"') wheezy.system('su odoo -s /bin/bash -c "odoo --addons-path=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/odoo/addons -d mycompany &"') def test_deb(o): with docker('odoo-%s-debian-nightly-tests' % docker_version, o.build_dir, o.pub) as wheezy: wheezy.release = '*.deb' wheezy.system("service postgresql start") wheezy.system('su postgres -s /bin/bash -c "createdb mycompany"') wheezy.system('/usr/bin/dpkg -i /opt/release/%s' % wheezy.release) wheezy.system('/usr/bin/apt-get install -f -y') wheezy.system('su odoo -s /bin/bash -c "odoo -c /etc/odoo/odoo.conf -d mycompany -i base --stop-after-init"') wheezy.system('su odoo -s /bin/bash -c "odoo -c /etc/odoo/odoo.conf -d mycompany &"') def test_rpm(o): with docker('odoo-%s-fedora-nightly-tests' % docker_version, o.build_dir, o.pub) as fedora24: fedora24.release = '*.noarch.rpm' # Start postgresql fedora24.system('su postgres -c "/usr/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgres/data start"') fedora24.system('sleep 5') fedora24.system('su postgres -c "createdb mycompany"') # Odoo install fedora24.system('dnf install -d 0 -e 0 /opt/release/%s -y' % fedora24.release) fedora24.system('su odoo -s /bin/bash -c "odoo -c /etc/odoo/odoo.conf -d mycompany -i base --stop-after-init"') fedora24.system('su odoo -s /bin/bash -c "odoo -c /etc/odoo/odoo.conf -d mycompany &"') def test_exe(o): KVMWinTestExe(o, o.vm_winxp_image, o.vm_winxp_ssh_key, o.vm_winxp_login).start() #--------------------------------------------------------- # Generates Packages, Sources and Release files of debian package #--------------------------------------------------------- def gen_deb_package(o, published_files): # Executes command to produce file_name in path, and moves it to o.pub/deb def _gen_file(o, (command, file_name), path): cur_tmp_file_path = os.path.join(path, file_name) with open(cur_tmp_file_path, 'w') as out: subprocess.call(command, stdout=out, cwd=path) system(['cp', cur_tmp_file_path, os.path.join(o.pub, 'deb', file_name)]) # Copy files to a temp directory (required because the working directory must contain only the # files of the last release) temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='debPackages') for pub_file_path in published_files: system(['cp', pub_file_path, temp_path]) commands = [ (['dpkg-scanpackages', '.'], "Packages"), # Generate Packages file (['dpkg-scansources', '.'], "Sources"), # Generate Sources file (['apt-ftparchive', 'release', '.'], "Release") # Generate Release file ] # Generate files for command in commands: _gen_file(o, command, temp_path) # Remove temp directory shutil.rmtree(temp_path) # Generate Release.gpg (= signed Release) # Options -abs: -a (Create ASCII armored output), -b (Make a detach signature), -s (Make a signature) subprocess.call(['gpg', '--default-key', GPGID, '--passphrase', GPGPASSPHRASE, '--yes', '-abs', '--no-tty', '-o', 'Release.gpg', 'Release'], cwd=os.path.join(o.pub, 'deb')) #--------------------------------------------------------- # Generates an RPM repo #--------------------------------------------------------- def gen_rpm_repo(o, file_name): # Sign the RPM rpmsign = pexpect.spawn('/bin/bash', ['-c', 'rpm --resign %s' % file_name], cwd=os.path.join(o.pub, 'rpm')) rpmsign.expect_exact('Enter pass phrase: ') rpmsign.send(GPGPASSPHRASE + '\r\n') rpmsign.expect(pexpect.EOF) # Removes the old repodata subprocess.call(['rm', '-rf', os.path.join(o.pub, 'rpm', 'repodata')]) # Copy files to a temp directory (required because the working directory must contain only the # files of the last release) temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='rpmPackages') subprocess.call(['cp', file_name, temp_path]) subprocess.call(['createrepo', temp_path]) # creates a repodata folder in temp_path subprocess.call(['cp', '-r', os.path.join(temp_path, "repodata"), os.path.join(o.pub, 'rpm')]) # Remove temp directory shutil.rmtree(temp_path) #---------------------------------------------------------- # Options and Main #---------------------------------------------------------- def options(): op = optparse.OptionParser() root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) build_dir = "%s-%s" % (root, timestamp) op.add_option("-b", "--build-dir", default=build_dir, help="build directory (%default)", metavar="DIR") op.add_option("-p", "--pub", default=None, help="pub directory (%default)", metavar="DIR") op.add_option("", "--no-testing", action="store_true", help="don't test the builded packages") op.add_option("", "--no-debian", action="store_true", help="don't build the debian package") op.add_option("", "--no-rpm", action="store_true", help="don't build the rpm package") op.add_option("", "--no-tarball", action="store_true", help="don't build the tarball") op.add_option("", "--no-windows", action="store_true", help="don't build the windows package") # Windows VM op.add_option("", "--vm-winxp-image", default='/home/odoo/vm/winxp27/winxp27.vdi', help="%default") op.add_option("", "--vm-winxp-ssh-key", default='/home/odoo/vm/winxp27/id_rsa', help="%default") op.add_option("", "--vm-winxp-login", default='Naresh', help="Windows login (%default)") op.add_option("", "--vm-winxp-python-version", default='2.7', help="Windows Python version installed in the VM (default: %default)") (o, args) = op.parse_args() # derive other options o.odoo_dir = root o.pkg = join(o.build_dir, 'pkg') o.work = join(o.build_dir, 'openerp-%s' % version) o.work_addons = join(o.work, 'odoo', 'addons') return o def main(): o = options() _prepare_build_dir(o) if not o.no_testing: _prepare_testing(o) try: if not o.no_tarball: build_tgz(o) try: if not o.no_testing: test_tgz(o) published_files = publish(o, 'tarball', ['tar.gz', 'zip']) except Exception, e: print("Won't publish the tgz release.\n Exception: %s" % str(e)) if not o.no_debian: build_deb(o) try: if not o.no_testing: test_deb(o) published_files = publish(o, 'debian', ['deb', 'dsc', 'changes', 'tar.gz']) gen_deb_package(o, published_files) except Exception, e: print("Won't publish the deb release.\n Exception: %s" % str(e)) if not o.no_rpm: build_rpm(o) try: if not o.no_testing: test_rpm(o) published_files = publish(o, 'redhat', ['noarch.rpm']) gen_rpm_repo(o, published_files[0]) except Exception, e: print("Won't publish the rpm release.\n Exception: %s" % str(e)) if not o.no_windows: _prepare_build_dir(o, win32=True) build_exe(o) try: if not o.no_testing: test_exe(o) published_files = publish(o, 'windows', ['exe']) except Exception, e: print("Won't publish the exe release.\n Exception: %s" % str(e)) except: pass finally: shutil.rmtree(o.build_dir) print('Build dir %s removed' % o.build_dir) if not o.no_testing: system("docker rm -f `docker ps -a | awk '{print $1 }'` 2>>/dev/null") print('Remaining dockers removed') if __name__ == '__main__': main()