# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import models import wizard import report from odoo import api, SUPERUSER_ID def _auto_install_l10n(cr, registry): #check the country of the main company (only) and eventually load some module needed in that country env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) country_code = env.user.company_id.country_id.code if country_code: #auto install localization module(s) if available module_list = [] if country_code in ['BJ', 'BF', 'CM', 'CF', 'KM', 'CG', 'CI', 'GA', 'GN', 'GW', 'GQ', 'ML', 'NE', 'CD', 'SN', 'TD', 'TG']: #countries using OHADA Chart of Accounts module_list.append('l10n_syscohada') elif country_code == 'GB': module_list.append('l10n_uk') else: if env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', '=', 'l10n_' + country_code.lower())]): module_list.append('l10n_' + country_code.lower()) else: module_list.append('l10n_generic_coa') if country_code == 'US': module_list.append('account_plaid') module_list.append('account_check_printing') if country_code in ['US', 'AU', 'NZ', 'CA', 'CO', 'EC', 'ES', 'FR', 'IN', 'MX', 'UK']: module_list.append('account_yodlee') #european countries will be using SEPA europe = env.ref('base.europe', raise_if_not_found=False) if europe: europe_country_codes = [x.code for x in europe.country_ids] if country_code in europe_country_codes: module_list.append('account_sepa') module_ids = env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', 'in', module_list), ('state', '=', 'uninstalled')]) module_ids.sudo().button_install()