account.payment.tree account.payment account.supplier.payment.tree account.payment account.payment account.payment.form account.payment

account.payment.graph account.payment Payments account.payment form tree,form,graph {'default_payment_type': 'inbound', 'default_partner_type': 'customer'} [('partner_type', '=', 'customer')]

Click to register a payment

Payments are used to register liquidity movements (send, collect or transfer money). You can then process those payments by your own means or by using installed facilities.

Payments account.payment form tree,form,graph {'default_payment_type': 'outbound', 'default_partner_type': 'supplier'} [('partner_type', '=', 'supplier')]

Click to register a payment

Payments are used to register liquidity movements (send, collect or transfer money). You can then process those payments by your own means or by using installed facilities.

account.payment.invoice.form account.payment
Register Payment account.payment form form {'default_invoice_ids': [(4, active_id, None)]} new account.register.payments.wizard account.register.payments