# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from odoo import api, fields, models class event_config_settings(models.TransientModel): _name = 'event.config.settings' _inherit = 'res.config.settings' module_event_sale = fields.Selection([ (0, "All events are free"), (1, 'Allow selling tickets') ], "Tickets", help='Install the event_sale module') module_website_event_track = fields.Selection([ (0, "No mini website per event"), (1, 'Allow tracks, agenda and dedicated menus/website per event') ], "Tracks and Agenda", help='Install the module website_event_track') module_website_event_questions = fields.Selection([ (0, "No extra questions on registrations"), (1, 'Allow adding extra questions on registrations') ], "Registration Survey", help='Install the website_event_questions module') auto_confirmation = fields.Selection([ (1, 'No validation step on registration'), (0, "Manually confirm every registration") ], "Auto Confirmation", help='Unselect this option to manually manage draft event and draft registration') module_event_barcode = fields.Boolean("Scan badges to confirm attendances", help="Install the event_barcode module") @api.multi def set_default_auto_confirmation(self): if self.env.user._is_admin() or self.env['res.users'].has_group('event.group_event_manager'): IrValues = self.env['ir.values'].sudo() else: IrValues = self.env['ir.values'] IrValues.set_default('event.config.settings', 'auto_confirmation', self.auto_confirmation)