Reminder for Goal Update ${object.user_id.lang} Reminder ${}

You have not updated your progress for the goal ${} (currently reached at ${object.completeness}%) for at least ${object.remind_update_delay} days. Do not forget to do it.

Simple Challenge Report Progress ${}

The following message contains the current progress for the challenge ${}

% if object.visibility_mode == 'personal': % for line in ctx["challenge_lines"]: = 100: style="font-weight:bold;" % endif > % endfor
Goal Target Current Completeness
${line['name']} ${line['target']} % if line['suffix']: ${line['suffix']} % endif ${line['current']} % if line['suffix']: ${line['suffix']} % endif ${line['completeness']} %
% else: % for line in ctx["challenge_lines"]: % for goal in line['goals']: = 100: style="font-weight:bold;" % endif > % endfor
# Person Completeness Current
${goal['rank']} ${goal['name']} ${goal['completeness']}% ${goal['current']}/${line['target']} % if line['suffix']: ${line['suffix']} % endif

% endfor % endif ]]>
Set your Timezone Configure your profile and specify your timezone count boolean [('id','=',,('', '!=', False)] Set your Company Data Write some information about your company (specify at least a name) count boolean [('user_ids', 'in', []), ('name', '=', 'YourCompany')] lower Create User ir.actions.act_window res.users form current {} Create and manage users that will connect to the system. Users can be deactivated should there be a period of time during which they will/should not connect to the system. You can assign them groups in order to give them specific access to the applications they need to use in the system. Invite new Users Create at least another user boolean count [('id', '!=',] Mail Group Following Follow mail.channels to receive news python result = env['mail.followers'].search_count([('res_model', '=', ''), ('partner_id', '=',]) Complete your Profile once personal never inprogress other Setup your Company once personal never inprogress other 1 1 0 1