# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import commands import logging import math import os import os.path import subprocess import time import traceback try: from .. escpos import * from .. escpos.exceptions import * from .. escpos.printer import Usb except ImportError: escpos = printer = None from Queue import Queue from threading import Thread, Lock try: import usb.core except ImportError: usb = None from odoo import http, _ import odoo.addons.hw_proxy.controllers.main as hw_proxy _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # workaround https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-server/+bug/947231 # related to http://bugs.python.org/issue7980 from datetime import datetime datetime.strptime('2012-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d') class EscposDriver(Thread): def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = Queue() self.lock = Lock() self.status = {'status':'connecting', 'messages':[]} def connected_usb_devices(self): connected = [] # printers can either define bDeviceClass=7, or they can define one of # their interfaces with bInterfaceClass=7. This class checks for both. class FindUsbClass(object): def __init__(self, usb_class): self._class = usb_class def __call__(self, device): # first, let's check the device if device.bDeviceClass == self._class: return True # transverse all devices and look through their interfaces to # find a matching class for cfg in device: intf = usb.util.find_descriptor(cfg, bInterfaceClass=self._class) if intf is not None: return True return False printers = usb.core.find(find_all=True, custom_match=FindUsbClass(7)) # if no printers are found after this step we will take the # first epson or star device we can find. # epson if not printers: printers = usb.core.find(find_all=True, idVendor=0x04b8) # star if not printers: printers = usb.core.find(find_all=True, idVendor=0x0519) for printer in printers: try: description = usb.util.get_string(printer, 256, printer.iManufacturer) + " " + usb.util.get_string(printer, 256, printer.iProduct) except Exception as e: _logger.error("Can not get printer description: %s" % (e.message or repr(e))) description = 'Unknown printer' connected.append({ 'vendor': printer.idVendor, 'product': printer.idProduct, 'name': description }) return connected def lockedstart(self): with self.lock: if not self.isAlive(): self.daemon = True self.start() def get_escpos_printer(self): printers = self.connected_usb_devices() if len(printers) > 0: print_dev = Usb(printers[0]['vendor'], printers[0]['product']) self.set_status( 'connected', "Connected to %s (in=0x%02x,out=0x%02x)" % (printers[0]['name'], print_dev.in_ep, print_dev.out_ep) ) return print_dev else: self.set_status('disconnected','Printer Not Found') return None def get_status(self): self.push_task('status') return self.status def open_cashbox(self,printer): printer.cashdraw(2) printer.cashdraw(5) def set_status(self, status, message = None): _logger.info(status+' : '+ (message or 'no message')) if status == self.status['status']: if message != None and (len(self.status['messages']) == 0 or message != self.status['messages'][-1]): self.status['messages'].append(message) else: self.status['status'] = status if message: self.status['messages'] = [message] else: self.status['messages'] = [] if status == 'error' and message: _logger.error('ESC/POS Error: '+message) elif status == 'disconnected' and message: _logger.warning('ESC/POS Device Disconnected: '+message) def run(self): printer = None if not escpos: _logger.error('ESC/POS cannot initialize, please verify system dependencies.') return while True: try: error = True timestamp, task, data = self.queue.get(True) printer = self.get_escpos_printer() if printer == None: if task != 'status': self.queue.put((timestamp,task,data)) error = False time.sleep(5) continue elif task == 'receipt': if timestamp >= time.time() - 1 * 60 * 60: self.print_receipt_body(printer,data) printer.cut() elif task == 'xml_receipt': if timestamp >= time.time() - 1 * 60 * 60: printer.receipt(data) elif task == 'cashbox': if timestamp >= time.time() - 12: self.open_cashbox(printer) elif task == 'printstatus': self.print_status(printer) elif task == 'status': pass error = False except NoDeviceError as e: print "No device found %s" %str(e) except HandleDeviceError as e: print "Impossible to handle the device due to previous error %s" % str(e) except TicketNotPrinted as e: print "The ticket does not seems to have been fully printed %s" % str(e) except NoStatusError as e: print "Impossible to get the status of the printer %s" % str(e) except Exception as e: self.set_status('error', str(e)) errmsg = str(e) + '\n' + '-'*60+'\n' + traceback.format_exc() + '-'*60 + '\n' _logger.error(errmsg); finally: if error: self.queue.put((timestamp, task, data)) if printer: printer.close() def push_task(self,task, data = None): self.lockedstart() self.queue.put((time.time(),task,data)) def print_status(self,eprint): localips = ['','',''] hosting_ap = os.system('pgrep hostapd') == 0 ssid = subprocess.check_output('iwconfig 2>&1 | grep \'ESSID:"\' | sed \'s/.*"\\(.*\\)"/\\1/\'', shell=True).rstrip() mac = subprocess.check_output('ifconfig | grep -B 1 \'inet addr\' | grep -o \'HWaddr .*\' | sed \'s/HWaddr //\'', shell=True).rstrip() ips = [ c.split(':')[1].split(' ')[0] for c in commands.getoutput("/sbin/ifconfig").split('\n') if 'inet addr' in c ] ips = [ ip for ip in ips if ip not in localips ] eprint.text('\n\n') eprint.set(align='center',type='b',height=2,width=2) eprint.text('PosBox Status\n') eprint.text('\n') eprint.set(align='center') if hosting_ap: eprint.text('Wireless network:\nPosbox\n\n') elif ssid: eprint.text('Wireless network:\n' + ssid + '\n\n') if len(ips) == 0: eprint.text('ERROR: Could not connect to LAN\n\nPlease check that the PosBox is correc-\ntly connected with a network cable,\n that the LAN is setup with DHCP, and\nthat network addresses are available') elif len(ips) == 1: eprint.text('IP Address:\n'+ips[0]+'\n') else: eprint.text('IP Addresses:\n') for ip in ips: eprint.text(ip+'\n') if len(ips) >= 1: eprint.text('\nMAC Address:\n' + mac + '\n') eprint.text('\nHomepage:\nhttp://'+ips[0]+':8069\n') eprint.text('\n\n') eprint.cut() def print_receipt_body(self,eprint,receipt): def check(string): return string != True and bool(string) and string.strip() def price(amount): return ("{0:."+str(receipt['precision']['price'])+"f}").format(amount) def money(amount): return ("{0:."+str(receipt['precision']['money'])+"f}").format(amount) def quantity(amount): if math.floor(amount) != amount: return ("{0:."+str(receipt['precision']['quantity'])+"f}").format(amount) else: return str(amount) def printline(left, right='', width=40, ratio=0.5, indent=0): lwidth = int(width * ratio) rwidth = width - lwidth lwidth = lwidth - indent left = left[:lwidth] if len(left) != lwidth: left = left + ' ' * (lwidth - len(left)) right = right[-rwidth:] if len(right) != rwidth: right = ' ' * (rwidth - len(right)) + right return ' ' * indent + left + right + '\n' def print_taxes(): taxes = receipt['tax_details'] for tax in taxes: eprint.text(printline(tax['tax']['name'],price(tax['amount']), width=40,ratio=0.6)) # Receipt Header if receipt['company']['logo']: eprint.set(align='center') eprint.print_base64_image(receipt['company']['logo']) eprint.text('\n') else: eprint.set(align='center',type='b',height=2,width=2) eprint.text(receipt['company']['name'] + '\n') eprint.set(align='center',type='b') if check(receipt['company']['contact_address']): eprint.text(receipt['company']['contact_address'] + '\n') if check(receipt['company']['phone']): eprint.text('Tel:' + receipt['company']['phone'] + '\n') if check(receipt['company']['vat']): eprint.text('VAT:' + receipt['company']['vat'] + '\n') if check(receipt['company']['email']): eprint.text(receipt['company']['email'] + '\n') if check(receipt['company']['website']): eprint.text(receipt['company']['website'] + '\n') if check(receipt['header']): eprint.text(receipt['header']+'\n') if check(receipt['cashier']): eprint.text('-'*32+'\n') eprint.text('Served by '+receipt['cashier']+'\n') # Orderlines eprint.text('\n\n') eprint.set(align='center') for line in receipt['orderlines']: pricestr = price(line['price_display']) if line['discount'] == 0 and line['unit_name'] == 'Unit(s)' and line['quantity'] == 1: eprint.text(printline(line['product_name'],pricestr,ratio=0.6)) else: eprint.text(printline(line['product_name'],ratio=0.6)) if line['discount'] != 0: eprint.text(printline('Discount: '+str(line['discount'])+'%', ratio=0.6, indent=2)) if line['unit_name'] == 'Unit(s)': eprint.text( printline( quantity(line['quantity']) + ' x ' + price(line['price']), pricestr, ratio=0.6, indent=2)) else: eprint.text( printline( quantity(line['quantity']) + line['unit_name'] + ' x ' + price(line['price']), pricestr, ratio=0.6, indent=2)) # Subtotal if the taxes are not included taxincluded = True if money(receipt['subtotal']) != money(receipt['total_with_tax']): eprint.text(printline('','-------')); eprint.text(printline(_('Subtotal'),money(receipt['subtotal']),width=40, ratio=0.6)) print_taxes() #eprint.text(printline(_('Taxes'),money(receipt['total_tax']),width=40, ratio=0.6)) taxincluded = False # Total eprint.text(printline('','-------')); eprint.set(align='center',height=2) eprint.text(printline(_(' TOTAL'),money(receipt['total_with_tax']),width=40, ratio=0.6)) eprint.text('\n\n'); # Paymentlines eprint.set(align='center') for line in receipt['paymentlines']: eprint.text(printline(line['journal'], money(line['amount']), ratio=0.6)) eprint.text('\n'); eprint.set(align='center',height=2) eprint.text(printline(_(' CHANGE'),money(receipt['change']),width=40, ratio=0.6)) eprint.set(align='center') eprint.text('\n'); # Extra Payment info if receipt['total_discount'] != 0: eprint.text(printline(_('Discounts'),money(receipt['total_discount']),width=40, ratio=0.6)) if taxincluded: print_taxes() #eprint.text(printline(_('Taxes'),money(receipt['total_tax']),width=40, ratio=0.6)) # Footer if check(receipt['footer']): eprint.text('\n'+receipt['footer']+'\n\n') eprint.text(receipt['name']+'\n') eprint.text( str(receipt['date']['date']).zfill(2) +'/'+ str(receipt['date']['month']+1).zfill(2) +'/'+ str(receipt['date']['year']).zfill(4) +' '+ str(receipt['date']['hour']).zfill(2) +':'+ str(receipt['date']['minute']).zfill(2) ) driver = EscposDriver() driver.push_task('printstatus') hw_proxy.drivers['escpos'] = driver class EscposProxy(hw_proxy.Proxy): @http.route('/hw_proxy/open_cashbox', type='json', auth='none', cors='*') def open_cashbox(self): _logger.info('ESC/POS: OPEN CASHBOX') driver.push_task('cashbox') @http.route('/hw_proxy/print_receipt', type='json', auth='none', cors='*') def print_receipt(self, receipt): _logger.info('ESC/POS: PRINT RECEIPT') driver.push_task('receipt',receipt) @http.route('/hw_proxy/print_xml_receipt', type='json', auth='none', cors='*') def print_xml_receipt(self, receipt): _logger.info('ESC/POS: PRINT XML RECEIPT') driver.push_task('xml_receipt',receipt)