# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models class ChannelPartner(models.Model): _inherit = 'mail.channel.partner' @api.model def unpin_old_livechat_sessions(self): """ Unpin livechat sessions with no activity for at least one day to clean the operator's interface """ self.env.cr.execute(""" UPDATE mail_channel_partner SET is_pinned = false WHERE id in ( SELECT cp.id FROM mail_channel_partner cp INNER JOIN mail_channel c on c.id = cp.channel_id WHERE c.channel_type = 'livechat' AND cp.is_pinned is true AND cp.write_date < current_timestamp - interval '1 day' ) """) class MailChannel(models.Model): """ Chat Session Reprensenting a conversation between users. It extends the base method for anonymous usage. """ _name = 'mail.channel' _inherit = ['mail.channel', 'rating.mixin'] anonymous_name = fields.Char('Anonymous Name') create_date = fields.Datetime('Create Date', required=True) channel_type = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('livechat', 'Livechat Conversation')]) livechat_channel_id = fields.Many2one('im_livechat.channel', 'Channel') @api.multi def _channel_message_notifications(self, message): """ When a anonymous user create a mail.channel, the operator is not notify (to avoid massive polling when clicking on livechat button). So when the anonymous person is sending its FIRST message, the channel header should be added to the notification, since the user cannot be listining to the channel. """ notifications = super(MailChannel, self)._channel_message_notifications(message) message_values_dict = notifications[0][1] if len(notifications) else dict(message.message_format()[0]) for channel in self: # add uuid for private livechat channels to allow anonymous to listen if channel.channel_type == 'livechat': notifications.append([channel.uuid, message_values_dict]) if not message.author_id: unpinned_channel_partner = self.mapped('channel_last_seen_partner_ids').filtered(lambda cp: not cp.is_pinned) if unpinned_channel_partner: unpinned_channel_partner.write({'is_pinned': True}) notifications = self._channel_channel_notifications(unpinned_channel_partner.mapped('partner_id').ids) + notifications return notifications @api.multi def channel_info(self, extra_info=False): """ Extends the channel header by adding the livechat operator and the 'anonymous' profile :rtype : list(dict) """ channel_infos = super(MailChannel, self).channel_info(extra_info) # add the operator id if self.env.context.get('im_livechat_operator_partner_id'): partner_name = self.env['res.partner'].browse(self.env.context.get('im_livechat_operator_partner_id')).name_get()[0] for channel_info in channel_infos: channel_info['operator_pid'] = partner_name channel_infos_dict = dict((c['id'], c) for c in channel_infos) for channel in self: # add the anonymous name if channel.anonymous_name: channel_infos_dict[channel.id]['anonymous_name'] = channel.anonymous_name # add the last message date if channel.channel_type == 'livechat': last_msg = self.env['mail.message'].search([("channel_ids", "in", [channel.id])], limit=1) if last_msg: channel_infos_dict[channel.id]['last_message_date'] = last_msg.date return channel_infos_dict.values() @api.model def channel_fetch_slot(self): values = super(MailChannel, self).channel_fetch_slot() pinned_channels = self.env['mail.channel.partner'].search([('partner_id', '=', self.env.user.partner_id.id), ('is_pinned', '=', True)]).mapped('channel_id') values['channel_livechat'] = self.search([('channel_type', '=', 'livechat'), ('id', 'in', pinned_channels.ids)]).channel_info() return values @api.model def remove_empty_livechat_sessions(self): hours = 1 # never remove empty session created within the last hour self.env.cr.execute(""" SELECT id as id FROM mail_channel C WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM mail_message_mail_channel_rel R WHERE R.mail_channel_id = C.id ) AND C.channel_type = 'livechat' AND livechat_channel_id IS NOT NULL AND COALESCE(write_date, create_date, (now() at time zone 'UTC'))::timestamp < ((now() at time zone 'UTC') - interval %s)""", ("%s hours" % hours,)) empty_channel_ids = [item['id'] for item in self.env.cr.dictfetchall()] self.browse(empty_channel_ids).unlink() @api.model def get_empty_list_help(self, help): if help: return '%s

' % (help) return super(MailChannel, self).get_empty_list_help(help)