# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.addons.base.tests.test_ir_actions import TestServerActionsBase class TestServerActionsEmail(TestServerActionsBase): def test_00_state_email(self): """ Test ir.actions.server email type """ # create email_template email_template = self.env['mail.template'].create({ 'name': 'TestTemplate', 'email_from': 'myself@example.com', 'email_to': 'brigitte@example.com', 'partner_to': '%s' % self.test_partner.id, 'model_id': self.res_partner_model.id, 'subject': 'About ${object.name}', 'body_html': '

Dear ${object.name}, your parent is ${object.parent_id and object.parent_id.name or "False"}

', }) self.action.write({'state': 'email', 'template_id': email_template.id}) run_res = self.action.with_context(self.context).run() self.assertFalse(run_res, 'ir_actions_server: email server action correctly finished should return False') # check an email is waiting for sending mail = self.env['mail.mail'].search([('subject', '=', 'About TestingPartner')]) self.assertEqual(len(mail), 1, 'ir_actions_server: TODO') # check email content self.assertEqual(mail.body, '

Dear TestingPartner, your parent is False

', 'ir_actions_server: TODO')