# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from lxml import etree, objectify from urllib2 import urlopen, Request from StringIO import StringIO import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from uuid import uuid4 from odoo import _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError, UserError from odoo import _ XMLNS = 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd' def strip_ns(xml, ns): """Strip the provided name from tag names. :param str xml: xml document :param str ns: namespace to strip :rtype: etree._Element :return: the parsed xml string with the namespace prefix removed """ it = ET.iterparse(StringIO(xml)) ns_prefix = '{%s}' % XMLNS for _, el in it: if el.tag.startswith(ns_prefix): el.tag = el.tag[len(ns_prefix):] # strip all Auth.net namespaces return it.root def error_check(elem): """Check if the response sent by Authorize.net contains an error. Errors can be a failure to try the transaction (in that case, the transasctionResponse is empty, and the meaningful error message will be in message/code) or a failure to process the transaction (in that case, the message/code content will be generic and the actual error message is in transactionResponse/errors/error/errorText). :param etree._Element elem: the root element of the response that will be parsed :rtype: tuple (bool, str) :return: tuple containnig a boolean indicating if the response should be considered as an error and the most meaningful error message found in it. """ result_code = elem.find('messages/resultCode') msg = 'No meaningful error message found, please check logs or the Authorize.net backend' has_error = result_code is not None and result_code.text == 'Error' if has_error: # accumulate the most meangingful error error = elem.find('transactionResponse/errors/error') error = error if error is not None else elem.find('messages/message') if error is not None: code = error[0].text text = error[1].text msg = '%s: %s' % (code, text) return (has_error, msg) class AuthorizeAPI(): """Authorize.net Gateway API integration. This class allows contacting the Authorize.net API with simple operation requests. It implements a *very limited* subset of the complete API (http://developer.authorize.net/api/reference); namely: - Customer Profile/Payment Profile creation - Transaction authorization/capture/voiding """ AUTH_ERROR_STATUS = 3 def __init__(self, acquirer): """Initiate the environment with the acquirer data. :param record acquirer: payment.acquirer account that will be contacted """ if acquirer.environment == 'test': self.url = 'https://apitest.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api' else: self.url = 'https://api.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api' self.name = acquirer.authorize_login self.transaction_key = acquirer.authorize_transaction_key def _authorize_request(self, data): """Encode, send and process the request to the Authorize.net API. Encodes the xml data and process the response. Note that only a basic processing is done at this level (namespace cleanup, basic error management). :param etree._Element data: etree data to process """ data = etree.tostring(data, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8') request = Request(self.url, data) request.add_header('Content-Type', 'text/xml') response = urlopen(request).read() response = strip_ns(response, XMLNS) return response def _base_tree(self, requestType): """Create a basic tree containing authentication information. Create a etree Element of type requestType and appends the Authorize.net credentials (they are always required). :param str requestType: the type of request to send to Authorize.net See http://developer.authorize.net/api/reference for available types. :return: basic etree Element of the requested type containing credentials information :rtype: etree._Element """ root = etree.Element(requestType, xmlns=XMLNS) auth = etree.SubElement(root, "merchantAuthentication") etree.SubElement(auth, "name").text = self.name etree.SubElement(auth, "transactionKey").text = self.transaction_key return root # Customer profiles def create_customer_profile(self, partner, cardnumber, expiration_date, card_code): """Create a payment and customer profile in the Authorize.net backend. Creates a customer profile for the partner/credit card combination and links a corresponding payment profile to it. Note that a single partner in the Odoo database can have multiple customer profiles in Authorize.net (i.e. a customer profile is created for every res.partner/payment.token couple). :param record partner: the res.partner record of the customer :param str cardnumber: cardnumber in string format (numbers only, no separator) :param str expiration_date: expiration date in 'YYYY-MM' string format :param str card_code: three- or four-digit verification number :return: a dict containing the profile_id and payment_profile_id of the newly created customer profile and payment profile :rtype: dict """ root = self._base_tree('createCustomerProfileRequest') profile = etree.SubElement(root, "profile") etree.SubElement(profile, "merchantCustomerId").text = 'ODOO-%s-%s' % (partner.id, uuid4().hex[:8]) etree.SubElement(profile, "email").text = partner.email payment_profile = etree.SubElement(profile, "paymentProfiles") etree.SubElement(payment_profile, "customerType").text = 'business' if partner.is_company else 'individual' billTo = etree.SubElement(payment_profile, "billTo") etree.SubElement(billTo, "address").text = (partner.street or '' + (partner.street2 if partner.street2 else '')) or None etree.SubElement(billTo, "city").text = partner.city etree.SubElement(billTo, "state").text = partner.state_id.name or None etree.SubElement(billTo, "zip").text = partner.zip or '' etree.SubElement(billTo, "country").text = partner.country_id.name or None payment = etree.SubElement(payment_profile, "payment") creditCard = etree.SubElement(payment, "creditCard") etree.SubElement(creditCard, "cardNumber").text = cardnumber etree.SubElement(creditCard, "expirationDate").text = expiration_date etree.SubElement(creditCard, "cardCode").text = card_code etree.SubElement(root, "validationMode").text = 'liveMode' response = self._authorize_request(root) res = dict() res['profile_id'] = response.find('customerProfileId').text res['payment_profile_id'] = response.find('customerPaymentProfileIdList/numericString').text return res def create_customer_profile_from_tx(self, partner, transaction_id): """Create an Auth.net payment/customer profile from an existing transaction. Creates a customer profile for the partner/credit card combination and links a corresponding payment profile to it. Note that a single partner in the Odoo database can have multiple customer profiles in Authorize.net (i.e. a customer profile is created for every res.partner/payment.token couple). Note that this function makes 2 calls to the authorize api, since we need to obtain a partial cardnumber to generate a meaningful payment.token name. :param record partner: the res.partner record of the customer :param str transaction_id: id of the authorized transaction in the Authorize.net backend :return: a dict containing the profile_id and payment_profile_id of the newly created customer profile and payment profile as well as the last digits of the card number :rtype: dict """ root = self._base_tree('createCustomerProfileFromTransactionRequest') etree.SubElement(root, "transId").text = transaction_id customer = etree.SubElement(root, "customer") etree.SubElement(customer, "merchantCustomerId").text = 'ODOO-%s-%s' % (partner.id, uuid4().hex[:8]) etree.SubElement(customer, "email").text = partner.email or '' response = self._authorize_request(root) res = dict() res['profile_id'] = response.find('customerProfileId').text res['payment_profile_id'] = response.find('customerPaymentProfileIdList/numericString').text root_profile = self._base_tree('getCustomerPaymentProfileRequest') etree.SubElement(root_profile, "customerProfileId").text = res['profile_id'] etree.SubElement(root_profile, "customerPaymentProfileId").text = res['payment_profile_id'] response_profile = self._authorize_request(root_profile) res['name'] = response_profile.find('paymentProfile/payment/creditCard/cardNumber').text return res # Transaction management def auth_and_capture(self, token, amount, reference): """Authorize and capture a payment for the given amount. Authorize and immediately capture a payment for the given payment.token record for the specified amount with reference as communication. :param record token: the payment.token record that must be charged :param str amount: transaction amount (up to 15 digits with decimal point) :param str reference: used as "invoiceNumber" in the Authorize.net backend :return: a dict containing the response code, transaction id and transaction type :rtype: dict """ root = self._base_tree('createTransactionRequest') tx = etree.SubElement(root, "transactionRequest") etree.SubElement(tx, "transactionType").text = "authCaptureTransaction" etree.SubElement(tx, "amount").text = str(amount) profile = etree.SubElement(tx, "profile") etree.SubElement(profile, "customerProfileId").text = token.authorize_profile payment_profile = etree.SubElement(profile, "paymentProfile") etree.SubElement(payment_profile, "paymentProfileId").text = token.acquirer_ref order = etree.SubElement(tx, "order") etree.SubElement(order, "invoiceNumber").text = reference response = self._authorize_request(root) res = dict() (has_error, error_msg) = error_check(response) if has_error: res['x_response_code'] = self.AUTH_ERROR_STATUS res['x_response_reason_text'] = error_msg return res res['x_response_code'] = response.find('transactionResponse/responseCode').text res['x_trans_id'] = response.find('transactionResponse/transId').text res['x_type'] = 'auth_capture' return res def authorize(self, token, amount, reference): """Authorize a payment for the given amount. Authorize (without capture) a payment for the given payment.token record for the specified amount with reference as communication. :param record token: the payment.token record that must be charged :param str amount: transaction amount (up to 15 digits with decimal point) :param str reference: used as "invoiceNumber" in the Authorize.net backend :return: a dict containing the response code, transaction id and transaction type :rtype: dict """ root = self._base_tree('createTransactionRequest') tx = etree.SubElement(root, "transactionRequest") etree.SubElement(tx, "transactionType").text = "authOnlyTransaction" etree.SubElement(tx, "amount").text = str(amount) profile = etree.SubElement(tx, "profile") etree.SubElement(profile, "customerProfileId").text = token.authorize_profile payment_profile = etree.SubElement(profile, "paymentProfile") etree.SubElement(payment_profile, "paymentProfileId").text = token.acquirer_ref order = etree.SubElement(tx, "order") etree.SubElement(order, "invoiceNumber").text = reference response = self._authorize_request(root) res = dict() (has_error, error_msg) = error_check(response) if has_error: res['x_response_code'] = self.AUTH_ERROR_STATUS res['x_response_reason_text'] = error_msg return res res['x_response_code'] = response.find('transactionResponse/responseCode').text res['x_trans_id'] = response.find('transactionResponse/transId').text res['x_type'] = 'auth_only' return res def capture(self, transaction_id, amount): """Capture a previously authorized payment for the given amount. Capture a previsouly authorized payment. Note that the amount is required even though we do not support partial capture. :param str transaction_id: id of the authorized transaction in the Authorize.net backend :param str amount: transaction amount (up to 15 digits with decimal point) :return: a dict containing the response code, transaction id and transaction type :rtype: dict """ root = self._base_tree('createTransactionRequest') tx = etree.SubElement(root, "transactionRequest") etree.SubElement(tx, "transactionType").text = "priorAuthCaptureTransaction" etree.SubElement(tx, "amount").text = str(amount) etree.SubElement(tx, "refTransId").text = transaction_id response = self._authorize_request(root) res = dict() (has_error, error_msg) = error_check(response) if has_error: res['x_response_code'] = self.AUTH_ERROR_STATUS res['x_response_reason_text'] = error_msg return res res['x_response_code'] = response.find('transactionResponse/responseCode').text res['x_trans_id'] = response.find('transactionResponse/transId').text res['x_type'] = 'prior_auth_capture' return res def void(self, transaction_id): """Void a previously authorized payment. :param str transaction_id: the id of the authorized transaction in the Authorize.net backend :return: a dict containing the response code, transaction id and transaction type :rtype: dict """ root = self._base_tree('createTransactionRequest') tx = etree.SubElement(root, "transactionRequest") etree.SubElement(tx, "transactionType").text = "voidTransaction" etree.SubElement(tx, "refTransId").text = transaction_id response = self._authorize_request(root) res = dict() (has_error, error_msg) = error_check(response) if has_error: res['x_response_code'] = self.AUTH_ERROR_STATUS res['x_response_reason_text'] = error_msg return res res['x_response_code'] = response.find('transactionResponse/responseCode').text res['x_trans_id'] = response.find('transactionResponse/transId').text res['x_type'] = 'void' return res # Test def test_authenticate(self): """Test Authorize.net communication with a simple credentials check. :return: True if authentication was successful, else False (or throws an error) :rtype: bool """ test_auth = self._base_tree('authenticateTestRequest') response = self._authorize_request(test_auth) root = objectify.fromstring(response) if root.find('{ns}messages/{ns}resultCode'.format(ns='{%s}' % XMLNS)) == 'Ok': return True return False