# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import fields, models class Company(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.company' po_lead = fields.Float(string='Purchase Lead Time', required=True, help="Margin of error for vendor lead times. When the system " "generates Purchase Orders for procuring products, " "they will be scheduled that many days earlier " "to cope with unexpected vendor delays.", default=0.0) po_lock = fields.Selection([ ('edit', 'Allow to edit purchase orders'), ('lock', 'Confirmed purchase orders are not editable') ], string="Purchase Order Modification", default="edit", help='Purchase Order Modification used when you want to purchase order editable after confirm') po_double_validation = fields.Selection([ ('one_step', 'Confirm purchase orders in one step'), ('two_step', 'Get 2 levels of approvals to confirm a purchase order') ], string="Levels of Approvals", default='one_step', help="Provide a double validation mechanism for purchases") po_double_validation_amount = fields.Monetary(string='Double validation amount', default=5000, help="Minimum amount for which a double validation is required")