# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo.addons.sale.tests.test_sale_common import TestSale from odoo.exceptions import UserError class TestSaleStock(TestSale): def test_00_sale_stock_invoice(self): """ Test SO's changes when playing around with stock moves, quants, pack operations, pickings and whatever other model there is in stock with "invoice on delivery" products """ inv_obj = self.env['account.invoice'] self.so = self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id': self.partner.id, 'partner_invoice_id': self.partner.id, 'partner_shipping_id': self.partner.id, 'order_line': [(0, 0, {'name': p.name, 'product_id': p.id, 'product_uom_qty': 2, 'product_uom': p.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': p.list_price}) for (_, p) in self.products.iteritems()], 'pricelist_id': self.env.ref('product.list0').id, 'picking_policy': 'direct', }) # confirm our standard so, check the picking self.so.action_confirm() self.assertTrue(self.so.picking_ids, 'Sale Stock: no picking created for "invoice on delivery" stockable products') # invoice on order self.so.action_invoice_create() # deliver partially, check the so's invoice_status and delivered quantities self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'no', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "nothing to invoice" after invoicing') pick = self.so.picking_ids pick.force_assign() pick.pack_operation_product_ids.write({'qty_done': 1}) wiz_act = pick.do_new_transfer() wiz = self.env[wiz_act['res_model']].browse(wiz_act['res_id']) wiz.process() self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "to invoice" after partial delivery') del_qties = [sol.qty_delivered for sol in self.so.order_line] del_qties_truth = [1.0 if sol.product_id.type in ['product', 'consu'] else 0.0 for sol in self.so.order_line] self.assertEqual(del_qties, del_qties_truth, 'Sale Stock: delivered quantities are wrong after partial delivery') # invoice on delivery: only stockable products inv_id = self.so.action_invoice_create() inv_1 = inv_obj.browse(inv_id) self.assertTrue(all([il.product_id.invoice_policy == 'delivery' for il in inv_1.invoice_line_ids]), 'Sale Stock: invoice should only contain "invoice on delivery" products') # complete the delivery and check invoice_status again self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'no', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "nothing to invoice" after partial delivery and invoicing') self.assertEqual(len(self.so.picking_ids), 2, 'Sale Stock: number of pickings should be 2') pick_2 = self.so.picking_ids[0] pick_2.force_assign() pick_2.pack_operation_product_ids.write({'qty_done': 1}) self.assertIsNone(pick_2.do_new_transfer(), 'Sale Stock: second picking should be final without need for a backorder') self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "to invoice" after complete delivery') del_qties = [sol.qty_delivered for sol in self.so.order_line] del_qties_truth = [2.0 if sol.product_id.type in ['product', 'consu'] else 0.0 for sol in self.so.order_line] self.assertEqual(del_qties, del_qties_truth, 'Sale Stock: delivered quantities are wrong after complete delivery') # Without timesheet, we manually set the delivered qty for the product serv_del self.so.order_line[1]['qty_delivered'] = 2.0 inv_id = self.so.action_invoice_create() self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'invoiced', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "fully invoiced" after complete delivery and invoicing') def test_01_sale_stock_order(self): """ Test SO's changes when playing around with stock moves, quants, pack operations, pickings and whatever other model there is in stock with "invoice on order" products """ # let's cheat and put all our products to "invoice on order" self.so = self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id': self.partner.id, 'partner_invoice_id': self.partner.id, 'partner_shipping_id': self.partner.id, 'order_line': [(0, 0, {'name': p.name, 'product_id': p.id, 'product_uom_qty': 2, 'product_uom': p.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': p.list_price}) for (_, p) in self.products.iteritems()], 'pricelist_id': self.env.ref('product.list0').id, 'picking_policy': 'direct', }) for sol in self.so.order_line: sol.product_id.invoice_policy = 'order' # confirm our standard so, check the picking self.so.action_confirm() self.assertTrue(self.so.picking_ids, 'Sale Stock: no picking created for "invoice on order" stockable products') # let's do an invoice for a deposit of 5% adv_wiz = self.env['sale.advance.payment.inv'].with_context(active_ids=[self.so.id]).create({ 'advance_payment_method': 'percentage', 'amount': 5.0, 'product_id': self.env.ref('sale.advance_product_0').id, }) act = adv_wiz.with_context(open_invoices=True).create_invoices() inv = self.env['account.invoice'].browse(act['res_id']) self.assertEqual(inv.amount_untaxed, self.so.amount_untaxed * 5.0 / 100.0, 'Sale Stock: deposit invoice is wrong') self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so should be to invoice after invoicing deposit') # invoice on order: everything should be invoiced self.so.action_invoice_create(final=True) self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'invoiced', 'Sale Stock: so should be fully invoiced after second invoice') # deliver, check the delivered quantities pick = self.so.picking_ids pick.force_assign() pick.pack_operation_product_ids.write({'qty_done': 2}) self.assertIsNone(pick.do_new_transfer(), 'Sale Stock: complete delivery should not need a backorder') del_qties = [sol.qty_delivered for sol in self.so.order_line] del_qties_truth = [2.0 if sol.product_id.type in ['product', 'consu'] else 0.0 for sol in self.so.order_line] self.assertEqual(del_qties, del_qties_truth, 'Sale Stock: delivered quantities are wrong after partial delivery') # invoice on delivery: nothing to invoice with self.assertRaises(UserError): self.so.action_invoice_create() def test_02_sale_stock_return(self): """ Test a SO with a product invoiced on delivery. Deliver and invoice the SO, then do a return of the picking. Check that a refund invoice is well generated. """ # intial so self.partner = self.env.ref('base.res_partner_1') self.product = self.env.ref('product.product_delivery_01') so_vals = { 'partner_id': self.partner.id, 'partner_invoice_id': self.partner.id, 'partner_shipping_id': self.partner.id, 'order_line': [(0, 0, { 'name': self.product.name, 'product_id': self.product.id, 'product_uom_qty': 5.0, 'product_uom': self.product.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': self.product.list_price})], 'pricelist_id': self.env.ref('product.list0').id, } self.so = self.env['sale.order'].create(so_vals) # confirm our standard so, check the picking self.so.action_confirm() self.assertTrue(self.so.picking_ids, 'Sale Stock: no picking created for "invoice on delivery" stockable products') # invoice in on delivery, nothing should be invoiced self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'no', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "no" instead of "%s".' % self.so.invoice_status) # deliver completely pick = self.so.picking_ids pick.force_assign() pick.pack_operation_product_ids.write({'qty_done': 5}) pick.do_new_transfer() # Check quantity delivered del_qty = sum(sol.qty_delivered for sol in self.so.order_line) self.assertEqual(del_qty, 5.0, 'Sale Stock: delivered quantity should be 5.0 instead of %s after complete delivery' % del_qty) # Check invoice self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "to invoice" instead of "%s" before invoicing' % self.so.invoice_status) inv_1_id = self.so.action_invoice_create() self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'invoiced', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "invoiced" instead of "%s" after invoicing' % self.so.invoice_status) self.assertEqual(len(inv_1_id), 1, 'Sale Stock: only one invoice instead of "%s" should be created' % len(inv_1_id)) self.inv_1 = self.env['account.invoice'].browse(inv_1_id) self.assertEqual(self.inv_1.amount_untaxed, self.inv_1.amount_untaxed, 'Sale Stock: amount in SO and invoice should be the same') self.inv_1.action_invoice_open() # Create return picking StockReturnPicking = self.env['stock.return.picking'] default_data = StockReturnPicking.with_context(active_ids=pick.ids, active_id=pick.ids[0]).default_get(['move_dest_exists', 'original_location_id', 'product_return_moves', 'parent_location_id', 'location_id']) return_wiz = StockReturnPicking.with_context(active_ids=pick.ids, active_id=pick.ids[0]).create(default_data) return_wiz.product_return_moves.quantity = 2.0 # Return only 2 return_wiz.product_return_moves.to_refund_so = True # Refund these 2 res = return_wiz.create_returns() return_pick = self.env['stock.picking'].browse(res['res_id']) # Validate picking return_pick.force_assign() return_pick.pack_operation_product_ids.write({'qty_done': 2}) return_pick.do_new_transfer() # Check invoice self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "to invoice" instead of "%s" after picking return' % self.so.invoice_status) self.assertEqual(self.so.order_line[0].qty_delivered, 3.0, 'Sale Stock: delivered quantity should be 3.0 instead of "%s" after picking return' % self.so.order_line[0].qty_delivered) # let's do an invoice with refunds adv_wiz = self.env['sale.advance.payment.inv'].with_context(active_ids=[self.so.id]).create({ 'advance_payment_method': 'all', }) adv_wiz.with_context(open_invoices=True).create_invoices() self.inv_2 = self.so.invoice_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.state == 'draft') self.assertEqual(self.inv_2.invoice_line_ids[0].quantity, 2.0, 'Sale Stock: refund quantity on the invoice should be 2.0 instead of "%s".' % self.inv_2.invoice_line_ids[0].quantity) self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'no', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "no" instead of "%s" after invoicing the return' % self.so.invoice_status) def test_03_sale_stock_delivery_partial(self): """ Test a SO with a product invoiced on delivery. Deliver partially and invoice the SO, when the SO is set on 'done', the SO should be fully invoiced. """ # intial so self.partner = self.env.ref('base.res_partner_1') self.product = self.env.ref('product.product_delivery_01') so_vals = { 'partner_id': self.partner.id, 'partner_invoice_id': self.partner.id, 'partner_shipping_id': self.partner.id, 'order_line': [(0, 0, { 'name': self.product.name, 'product_id': self.product.id, 'product_uom_qty': 5.0, 'product_uom': self.product.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': self.product.list_price})], 'pricelist_id': self.env.ref('product.list0').id, } self.so = self.env['sale.order'].create(so_vals) # confirm our standard so, check the picking self.so.action_confirm() self.assertTrue(self.so.picking_ids, 'Sale Stock: no picking created for "invoice on delivery" stockable products') # invoice in on delivery, nothing should be invoiced self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'no', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "nothing to invoice"') # deliver partially pick = self.so.picking_ids pick.force_assign() pick.pack_operation_product_ids.write({'qty_done': 4}) backorder_wiz_id = pick.do_new_transfer()['res_id'] backorder_wiz = self.env['stock.backorder.confirmation'].browse([backorder_wiz_id]) backorder_wiz.process_cancel_backorder() # Check quantity delivered del_qty = sum(sol.qty_delivered for sol in self.so.order_line) self.assertEqual(del_qty, 4.0, 'Sale Stock: delivered quantity should be 4.0 after partial delivery') # Check invoice self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "to invoice" before invoicing') inv_1_id = self.so.action_invoice_create() self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'no', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "no" after invoicing') self.assertEqual(len(inv_1_id), 1, 'Sale Stock: only one invoice should be created') self.inv_1 = self.env['account.invoice'].browse(inv_1_id) self.assertEqual(self.inv_1.amount_untaxed, self.inv_1.amount_untaxed, 'Sale Stock: amount in SO and invoice should be the same') self.so.action_done() self.assertEqual(self.so.invoice_status, 'invoiced', 'Sale Stock: so invoice_status should be "invoiced" when set to done') def test_04_create_picking_update_saleorderline(self): """ Test that updating multiple sale order lines after a succesful delivery creates a single picking containing the new move lines. """ # sell two products item1 = self.products['prod_order'] item2 = self.products['prod_del'] self.so = self.env['sale.order'].create({ 'partner_id': self.partner.id, 'order_line': [ (0, 0, {'name': item1.name, 'product_id': item1.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom': item1.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item1.list_price}), (0, 0, {'name': item2.name, 'product_id': item2.id, 'product_uom_qty': 1, 'product_uom': item2.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': item2.list_price}), ], }) self.so.action_confirm() # deliver them self.assertEquals(len(self.so.picking_ids), 1) self.so.picking_ids[0].action_done() self.assertEquals(self.so.picking_ids[0].state, "done") # update the two original sale order lines self.so.write({ 'order_line': [ (1, self.so.order_line[0].id, {'product_uom_qty': 2}), (1, self.so.order_line[1].id, {'product_uom_qty': 2}), ] }) # a single picking should be created for the new delivery self.assertEquals(len(self.so.picking_ids), 2)