# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from odoo import api, fields, models, _ from odoo.addons import decimal_precision as dp from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_round from datetime import datetime import operator as py_operator OPERATORS = { '<': py_operator.lt, '>': py_operator.gt, '<=': py_operator.le, '>=': py_operator.ge, '=': py_operator.eq, '!=': py_operator.ne } class Product(models.Model): _inherit = "product.product" reception_count = fields.Integer('Receipt', compute='_compute_reception_count') delivery_count = fields.Integer('Delivery', compute='_compute_delivery_count') stock_quant_ids = fields.One2many('stock.quant', 'product_id', help='Technical: used to compute quantities.') stock_move_ids = fields.One2many('stock.move', 'product_id', help='Technical: used to compute quantities.') qty_available = fields.Float( 'Quantity On Hand', compute='_compute_quantities', search='_search_qty_available', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'), help="Current quantity of products.\n" "In a context with a single Stock Location, this includes " "goods stored at this Location, or any of its children.\n" "In a context with a single Warehouse, this includes " "goods stored in the Stock Location of this Warehouse, or any " "of its children.\n" "stored in the Stock Location of the Warehouse of this Shop, " "or any of its children.\n" "Otherwise, this includes goods stored in any Stock Location " "with 'internal' type.") virtual_available = fields.Float( 'Forecast Quantity', compute='_compute_quantities', search='_search_virtual_available', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'), help="Forecast quantity (computed as Quantity On Hand " "- Outgoing + Incoming)\n" "In a context with a single Stock Location, this includes " "goods stored in this location, or any of its children.\n" "In a context with a single Warehouse, this includes " "goods stored in the Stock Location of this Warehouse, or any " "of its children.\n" "Otherwise, this includes goods stored in any Stock Location " "with 'internal' type.") incoming_qty = fields.Float( 'Incoming', compute='_compute_quantities', search='_search_incoming_qty', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'), help="Quantity of products that are planned to arrive.\n" "In a context with a single Stock Location, this includes " "goods arriving to this Location, or any of its children.\n" "In a context with a single Warehouse, this includes " "goods arriving to the Stock Location of this Warehouse, or " "any of its children.\n" "Otherwise, this includes goods arriving to any Stock " "Location with 'internal' type.") outgoing_qty = fields.Float( 'Outgoing', compute='_compute_quantities', search='_search_outgoing_qty', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'), help="Quantity of products that are planned to leave.\n" "In a context with a single Stock Location, this includes " "goods leaving this Location, or any of its children.\n" "In a context with a single Warehouse, this includes " "goods leaving the Stock Location of this Warehouse, or " "any of its children.\n" "Otherwise, this includes goods leaving any Stock " "Location with 'internal' type.") # TDE CLEANME: unused except in one test orderpoint_ids = fields.One2many('stock.warehouse.orderpoint', 'product_id', 'Minimum Stock Rules') nbr_reordering_rules = fields.Integer('Reordering Rules', compute='_compute_nbr_reordering_rules') reordering_min_qty = fields.Float(compute='_compute_nbr_reordering_rules') reordering_max_qty = fields.Float(compute='_compute_nbr_reordering_rules') def _compute_reception_count(self): move_data = self.env['stock.move'].read_group([ ('product_id', 'in', self.ids), ('location_id.usage', '!=', 'internal'), ('location_dest_id.usage', '=', 'internal'), ('state', 'in', ('confirmed', 'assigned', 'pending'))], ['product_id'], ['product_id']) res = dict((data['product_id'][0], data['product_id_count']) for data in move_data) for move in self: move.reception_count = res.get(move.id, 0) def _compute_delivery_count(self): move_data = self.env['stock.move'].read_group([ ('product_id', 'in', self.ids), ('location_id.usage', '=', 'internal'), ('location_dest_id.usage', '!=', 'internal'), ('state', 'in', ('confirmed', 'assigned', 'pending'))], ['product_id'], ['product_id']) res = dict((data['product_id'][0], data['product_id_count']) for data in move_data) for move in self: move.delivery_count = res.get(move.id, 0) @api.depends('stock_quant_ids', 'stock_move_ids') def _compute_quantities(self): res = self._compute_quantities_dict(self._context.get('lot_id'), self._context.get('owner_id'), self._context.get('package_id'), self._context.get('from_date'), self._context.get('to_date')) for product in self: product.qty_available = res[product.id]['qty_available'] product.incoming_qty = res[product.id]['incoming_qty'] product.outgoing_qty = res[product.id]['outgoing_qty'] product.virtual_available = res[product.id]['virtual_available'] @api.multi def _product_available(self, field_names=None, arg=False): """ Compatibility method """ return self._compute_quantities_dict(self._context.get('lot_id'), self._context.get('owner_id'), self._context.get('package_id'), self._context.get('from_date'), self._context.get('to_date')) @api.multi def _compute_quantities_dict(self, lot_id, owner_id, package_id, from_date=False, to_date=False): domain_quant_loc, domain_move_in_loc, domain_move_out_loc = self._get_domain_locations() domain_quant = [('product_id', 'in', self.ids)] + domain_quant_loc dates_in_the_past = False if to_date and to_date < fields.Datetime.now(): #Only to_date as to_date will correspond to qty_available dates_in_the_past = True domain_move_in = [('product_id', 'in', self.ids)] + domain_move_in_loc domain_move_out = [('product_id', 'in', self.ids)] + domain_move_out_loc if lot_id: domain_quant += [('lot_id', '=', lot_id)] if owner_id: domain_quant += [('owner_id', '=', owner_id)] domain_move_in += [('restrict_partner_id', '=', owner_id)] domain_move_out += [('restrict_partner_id', '=', owner_id)] if package_id: domain_quant += [('package_id', '=', package_id)] if dates_in_the_past: domain_move_in_done = list(domain_move_in) domain_move_out_done = list(domain_move_out) if from_date: domain_move_in += [('date', '>=', from_date)] domain_move_out += [('date', '>=', from_date)] if to_date: domain_move_in += [('date', '<=', to_date)] domain_move_out += [('date', '<=', to_date)] Move = self.env['stock.move'] Quant = self.env['stock.quant'] domain_move_in_todo = [('state', 'not in', ('done', 'cancel', 'draft'))] + domain_move_in domain_move_out_todo = [('state', 'not in', ('done', 'cancel', 'draft'))] + domain_move_out moves_in_res = dict((item['product_id'][0], item['product_qty']) for item in Move.read_group(domain_move_in_todo, ['product_id', 'product_qty'], ['product_id'], orderby='id')) moves_out_res = dict((item['product_id'][0], item['product_qty']) for item in Move.read_group(domain_move_out_todo, ['product_id', 'product_qty'], ['product_id'], orderby='id')) quants_res = dict((item['product_id'][0], item['qty']) for item in Quant.read_group(domain_quant, ['product_id', 'qty'], ['product_id'], orderby='id')) if dates_in_the_past: # Calculate the moves that were done before now to calculate back in time (as most questions will be recent ones) domain_move_in_done = [('state', '=', 'done'), ('date', '>', to_date)] + domain_move_in_done domain_move_out_done = [('state', '=', 'done'), ('date', '>', to_date)] + domain_move_out_done moves_in_res_past = dict((item['product_id'][0], item['product_qty']) for item in Move.read_group(domain_move_in_done, ['product_id', 'product_qty'], ['product_id'], orderby='id')) moves_out_res_past = dict((item['product_id'][0], item['product_qty']) for item in Move.read_group(domain_move_out_done, ['product_id', 'product_qty'], ['product_id'], orderby='id')) res = dict() for product in self.with_context(prefetch_fields=False): res[product.id] = {} if dates_in_the_past: qty_available = quants_res.get(product.id, 0.0) - moves_in_res_past.get(product.id, 0.0) + moves_out_res_past.get(product.id, 0.0) else: qty_available = quants_res.get(product.id, 0.0) res[product.id]['qty_available'] = float_round(qty_available, precision_rounding=product.uom_id.rounding) res[product.id]['incoming_qty'] = float_round(moves_in_res.get(product.id, 0.0), precision_rounding=product.uom_id.rounding) res[product.id]['outgoing_qty'] = float_round(moves_out_res.get(product.id, 0.0), precision_rounding=product.uom_id.rounding) res[product.id]['virtual_available'] = float_round( qty_available + res[product.id]['incoming_qty'] - res[product.id]['outgoing_qty'], precision_rounding=product.uom_id.rounding) return res def _get_domain_locations(self): ''' Parses the context and returns a list of location_ids based on it. It will return all stock locations when no parameters are given Possible parameters are shop, warehouse, location, force_company, compute_child ''' # TDE FIXME: clean that brol, context seems overused Warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse'] location_ids = [] if self.env.context.get('location', False): if isinstance(self.env.context['location'], (int, long)): location_ids = [self.env.context['location']] elif isinstance(self.env.context['location'], basestring): domain = [('complete_name', 'ilike', self.env.context['location'])] if self.env.context.get('force_company', False): domain += [('company_id', '=', self.env.context['force_company'])] location_ids = self.env['stock.location'].search(domain).ids else: location_ids = self.env.context['location'] else: if self.env.context.get('warehouse', False): if isinstance(self.env.context['warehouse'], (int, long)): wids = [self.env.context['warehouse']] elif isinstance(self.env.context['warehouse'], basestring): domain = [('name', 'ilike', self.env.context['warehouse'])] if self.env.context.get('force_company', False): domain += [('company_id', '=', self.env.context['force_company'])] wids = Warehouse.search(domain).ids else: wids = self.env.context['warehouse'] else: wids = Warehouse.search([]).ids for w in Warehouse.browse(wids): location_ids.append(w.view_location_id.id) return self._get_domain_locations_new(location_ids, company_id=self.env.context.get('force_company', False), compute_child=self.env.context.get('compute_child', True)) def _get_domain_locations_new(self, location_ids, company_id=False, compute_child=True): operator = compute_child and 'child_of' or 'in' domain = company_id and ['&', ('company_id', '=', company_id)] or [] locations = self.env['stock.location'].browse(location_ids) # TDE FIXME: should move the support of child_of + auto_join directly in expression # The code has been modified because having one location with parent_left being # 0 make the whole domain unusable hierarchical_locations = locations.filtered(lambda location: location.parent_left != 0 and operator == "child_of") other_locations = locations.filtered(lambda location: location not in hierarchical_locations) # TDE: set - set ? loc_domain = [] dest_loc_domain = [] for location in hierarchical_locations: loc_domain = loc_domain and ['|'] + loc_domain or loc_domain loc_domain += ['&', ('location_id.parent_left', '>=', location.parent_left), ('location_id.parent_left', '<', location.parent_right)] dest_loc_domain = dest_loc_domain and ['|'] + dest_loc_domain or dest_loc_domain dest_loc_domain += ['&', ('location_dest_id.parent_left', '>=', location.parent_left), ('location_dest_id.parent_left', '<', location.parent_right)] if other_locations: loc_domain = loc_domain and ['|'] + loc_domain or loc_domain loc_domain = loc_domain + [('location_id', operator, [location.id for location in other_locations])] dest_loc_domain = dest_loc_domain and ['|'] + dest_loc_domain or dest_loc_domain dest_loc_domain = dest_loc_domain + [('location_dest_id', operator, [location.id for location in other_locations])] return ( domain + loc_domain, domain + dest_loc_domain + ['!'] + loc_domain if loc_domain else domain + dest_loc_domain, domain + loc_domain + ['!'] + dest_loc_domain if dest_loc_domain else domain + loc_domain ) def _search_virtual_available(self, operator, value): # TDE FIXME: should probably clean the search methods return self._search_product_quantity(operator, value, 'virtual_available') def _search_incoming_qty(self, operator, value): # TDE FIXME: should probably clean the search methods return self._search_product_quantity(operator, value, 'incoming_qty') def _search_outgoing_qty(self, operator, value): # TDE FIXME: should probably clean the search methods return self._search_product_quantity(operator, value, 'outgoing_qty') def _search_product_quantity(self, operator, value, field): # TDE FIXME: should probably clean the search methods # to prevent sql injections if field not in ('qty_available', 'virtual_available', 'incoming_qty', 'outgoing_qty'): raise UserError(_('Invalid domain left operand %s') % field) if operator not in ('<', '>', '=', '!=', '<=', '>='): raise UserError(_('Invalid domain operator %s') % operator) if not isinstance(value, (float, int)): raise UserError(_('Invalid domain right operand %s') % value) # TODO: Still optimization possible when searching virtual quantities ids = [] for product in self.search([]): if OPERATORS[operator](product[field], value): ids.append(product.id) return [('id', 'in', ids)] def _search_qty_available(self, operator, value): # TDE FIXME: should probably clean the search methods if value == 0.0 and operator in ('=', '>=', '<='): return self._search_product_quantity(operator, value, 'qty_available') product_ids = self._search_qty_available_new(operator, value, self._context.get('lot_id'), self._context.get('owner_id'), self._context.get('package_id')) if (value > 0 and operator in ('<=', '<')) or (value < 0 and operator in ('>=', '>')): # include also unavailable products domain = self._search_product_quantity(operator, value, 'qty_available') product_ids += domain[0][2] return [('id', 'in', product_ids)] def _search_qty_available_new(self, operator, value, lot_id=False, owner_id=False, package_id=False): # TDE FIXME: should probably clean the search methods product_ids = set() domain_quant = self._get_domain_locations()[0] if lot_id: domain_quant.append(('lot_id', '=', lot_id)) if owner_id: domain_quant.append(('owner_id', '=', owner_id)) if package_id: domain_quant.append(('package_id', '=', package_id)) quants_groupby = self.env['stock.quant'].read_group(domain_quant, ['product_id', 'qty'], ['product_id'], orderby='id') for quant in quants_groupby: if OPERATORS[operator](quant['qty'], value): product_ids.add(quant['product_id'][0]) return list(product_ids) def _compute_nbr_reordering_rules(self): read_group_res = self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'].read_group( [('product_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['product_id', 'product_min_qty', 'product_max_qty'], ['product_id']) res = {i: {} for i in self.ids} for data in read_group_res: res[data['product_id'][0]]['nbr_reordering_rules'] = int(data['product_id_count']) res[data['product_id'][0]]['reordering_min_qty'] = data['product_min_qty'] res[data['product_id'][0]]['reordering_max_qty'] = data['product_max_qty'] for product in self: product.nbr_reordering_rules = res[product.id].get('nbr_reordering_rules', 0) product.reordering_min_qty = res[product.id].get('reordering_min_qty', 0) product.reordering_max_qty = res[product.id].get('reordering_max_qty', 0) @api.onchange('tracking') def onchange_tracking(self): products = self.filtered(lambda self: self.tracking and self.tracking != 'none') if products: unassigned_quants = self.env['stock.quant'].search_count([('product_id', 'in', products.ids), ('lot_id', '=', False), ('location_id.usage','=', 'internal')]) if unassigned_quants: return { 'warning': { 'title': _('Warning!'), 'message': _("You have products in stock that have no lot number. You can assign serial numbers by doing an inventory. ")}} @api.model def view_header_get(self, view_id, view_type): res = super(Product, self).view_header_get(view_id, view_type) if not res and self._context.get('active_id') and self._context.get('active_model') == 'stock.location': res = '%s%s' % (_('Products: '), self.env['stock.location'].browse(self._context['active_id']).name) return res @api.model def fields_view_get(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', toolbar=False, submenu=False): res = super(Product, self).fields_view_get(view_id=view_id, view_type=view_type, toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu) if self._context.get('location') and isinstance(self._context['location'], (int, long)): location = self.env['stock.location'].browse(self._context['location']) fields = res.get('fields') if fields: if location.usage == 'supplier': if fields.get('virtual_available'): res['fields']['virtual_available']['string'] = _('Future Receipts') if fields.get('qty_available'): res['fields']['qty_available']['string'] = _('Received Qty') elif location.usage == 'internal': if fields.get('virtual_available'): res['fields']['virtual_available']['string'] = _('Forecasted Quantity') elif location.usage == 'customer': if fields.get('virtual_available'): res['fields']['virtual_available']['string'] = _('Future Deliveries') if fields.get('qty_available'): res['fields']['qty_available']['string'] = _('Delivered Qty') elif location.usage == 'inventory': if fields.get('virtual_available'): res['fields']['virtual_available']['string'] = _('Future P&L') if fields.get('qty_available'): res['fields']['qty_available']['string'] = _('P&L Qty') elif location.usage == 'procurement': if fields.get('virtual_available'): res['fields']['virtual_available']['string'] = _('Future Qty') if fields.get('qty_available'): res['fields']['qty_available']['string'] = _('Unplanned Qty') elif location.usage == 'production': if fields.get('virtual_available'): res['fields']['virtual_available']['string'] = _('Future Productions') if fields.get('qty_available'): res['fields']['qty_available']['string'] = _('Produced Qty') return res @api.multi def action_view_routes(self): return self.mapped('product_tmpl_id').action_view_routes() @api.multi def write(self, values): res = super(Product, self).write(values) if 'active' in values and not values['active']: products = self.mapped('orderpoint_ids').filtered(lambda r: r.active).mapped('product_id') if products: msg = _('You still have some active reordering rules on this product. Please archive or delete them first.') msg += '\n\n' for product in products: msg += '- %s \n' % product.display_name raise UserError(msg) return res class ProductTemplate(models.Model): _inherit = 'product.template' type = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('product', 'Stockable Product')]) property_stock_procurement = fields.Many2one( 'stock.location', "Procurement Location", company_dependent=True, domain=[('usage', 'like', 'procurement')], help="This stock location will be used, instead of the default one, as the source location for stock moves generated by procurements.") property_stock_production = fields.Many2one( 'stock.location', "Production Location", company_dependent=True, domain=[('usage', 'like', 'production')], help="This stock location will be used, instead of the default one, as the source location for stock moves generated by manufacturing orders.") property_stock_inventory = fields.Many2one( 'stock.location', "Inventory Location", company_dependent=True, domain=[('usage', 'like', 'inventory')], help="This stock location will be used, instead of the default one, as the source location for stock moves generated when you do an inventory.") sale_delay = fields.Float( 'Customer Lead Time', default=0, help="The average delay in days between the confirmation of the customer order and the delivery of the finished products. It's the time you promise to your customers.") tracking = fields.Selection([ ('serial', 'By Unique Serial Number'), ('lot', 'By Lots'), ('none', 'No Tracking')], string="Tracking", default='none', required=True) description_picking = fields.Text('Description on Picking', translate=True) qty_available = fields.Float( 'Quantity On Hand', compute='_compute_quantities', search='_search_qty_available', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure')) virtual_available = fields.Float( 'Forecasted Quantity', compute='_compute_quantities', search='_search_virtual_available', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure')) incoming_qty = fields.Float( 'Incoming', compute='_compute_quantities', search='_search_incoming_qty', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure')) outgoing_qty = fields.Float( 'Outgoing', compute='_compute_quantities', search='_search_outgoing_qty', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure')) location_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', 'Location') warehouse_id = fields.Many2one('stock.warehouse', 'Warehouse') route_ids = fields.Many2many( 'stock.location.route', 'stock_route_product', 'product_id', 'route_id', 'Routes', domain=[('product_selectable', '=', True)], help="Depending on the modules installed, this will allow you to define the route of the product: whether it will be bought, manufactured, MTO/MTS,...") nbr_reordering_rules = fields.Integer('Reordering Rules', compute='_compute_nbr_reordering_rules') # TDE FIXME: really used ? reordering_min_qty = fields.Float(compute='_compute_nbr_reordering_rules') reordering_max_qty = fields.Float(compute='_compute_nbr_reordering_rules') # TDE FIXME: seems only visible in a view - remove me ? route_from_categ_ids = fields.Many2many( relation="stock.location.route", string="Category Routes", related='categ_id.total_route_ids') def _compute_quantities(self): res = self._compute_quantities_dict() for template in self: template.qty_available = res[template.id]['qty_available'] template.virtual_available = res[template.id]['virtual_available'] template.incoming_qty = res[template.id]['incoming_qty'] template.outgoing_qty = res[template.id]['outgoing_qty'] def _product_available(self, name, arg): return self._compute_quantities_dict() def _compute_quantities_dict(self): # TDE FIXME: why not using directly the function fields ? variants_available = self.mapped('product_variant_ids')._product_available() prod_available = {} for template in self: qty_available = 0 virtual_available = 0 incoming_qty = 0 outgoing_qty = 0 for p in template.product_variant_ids: qty_available += variants_available[p.id]["qty_available"] virtual_available += variants_available[p.id]["virtual_available"] incoming_qty += variants_available[p.id]["incoming_qty"] outgoing_qty += variants_available[p.id]["outgoing_qty"] prod_available[template.id] = { "qty_available": qty_available, "virtual_available": virtual_available, "incoming_qty": incoming_qty, "outgoing_qty": outgoing_qty, } return prod_available def _search_qty_available(self, operator, value): domain = [('qty_available', operator, value)] product_variant_ids = self.env['product.product'].search(domain) return [('product_variant_ids', 'in', product_variant_ids.ids)] def _search_virtual_available(self, operator, value): domain = [('virtual_available', operator, value)] product_variant_ids = self.env['product.product'].search(domain) return [('product_variant_ids', 'in', product_variant_ids.ids)] def _search_incoming_qty(self, operator, value): domain = [('incoming_qty', operator, value)] product_variant_ids = self.env['product.product'].search(domain) return [('product_variant_ids', 'in', product_variant_ids.ids)] def _search_outgoing_qty(self, operator, value): domain = [('outgoing_qty', operator, value)] product_variant_ids = self.env['product.product'].search(domain) return [('product_variant_ids', 'in', product_variant_ids.ids)] def _compute_nbr_reordering_rules(self): res = {k: {'nbr_reordering_rules': 0, 'reordering_min_qty': 0, 'reordering_max_qty': 0} for k in self.ids} product_data = self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'].read_group([('product_id.product_tmpl_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['product_id', 'product_min_qty', 'product_max_qty'], ['product_id']) for data in product_data: product = self.env['product.product'].browse([data['product_id'][0]]) product_tmpl_id = product.product_tmpl_id.id res[product_tmpl_id]['nbr_reordering_rules'] += int(data['product_id_count']) res[product_tmpl_id]['reordering_min_qty'] = data['product_min_qty'] res[product_tmpl_id]['reordering_max_qty'] = data['product_max_qty'] for template in self: template.nbr_reordering_rules = res[template.id]['nbr_reordering_rules'] template.reordering_min_qty = res[template.id]['reordering_min_qty'] template.reordering_max_qty = res[template.id]['reordering_max_qty'] @api.onchange('tracking') def onchange_tracking(self): return self.mapped('product_variant_ids').onchange_tracking() @api.multi def write(self, vals): if 'uom_id' in vals: new_uom = self.env['product.uom'].browse(vals['uom_id']) updated = self.filtered(lambda template: template.uom_id != new_uom) done_moves = self.env['stock.move'].search([('product_id', 'in', updated.mapped('product_variant_ids').ids)], limit=1) if done_moves: raise UserError(_("You can not change the unit of measure of a product that has already been used in a done stock move. If you need to change the unit of measure, you may deactivate this product.")) if 'type' in vals and vals['type'] != 'product' and sum(self.mapped('nbr_reordering_rules')) != 0: raise UserError(_('You still have some active reordering rules on this product. Please archive or delete them first.')) return super(ProductTemplate, self).write(vals) @api.multi def action_view_routes(self): routes = self.mapped('route_ids') | self.mapped('categ_id').mapped('total_route_ids') | self.env['stock.location.route'].search([('warehouse_selectable', '=', True)]) action = self.env.ref('stock.action_routes_form').read()[0] action['domain'] = [('id', 'in', routes.ids)] return action @api.multi def action_open_quants(self): products = self.mapped('product_variant_ids') action = self.env.ref('stock.product_open_quants').read()[0] action['domain'] = [('product_id', 'in', products.ids)] action['context'] = {'search_default_locationgroup': 1, 'search_default_internal_loc': 1} return action @api.multi def action_view_orderpoints(self): products = self.mapped('product_variant_ids') action = self.env.ref('stock.product_open_orderpoint').read()[0] if products and len(products) == 1: action['context'] = {'default_product_id': products.ids[0], 'search_default_product_id': products.ids[0]} else: action['domain'] = [('product_id', 'in', products.ids)] action['context'] = {} return action @api.multi def action_view_stock_moves(self): products = self.mapped('product_variant_ids') action = self.env.ref('stock.act_product_stock_move_open').read()[0] if products: action['context'] = {'default_product_id': products.ids[0]} action['domain'] = [('product_id.product_tmpl_id', 'in', self.ids)] return action class ProductCategory(models.Model): _inherit = 'product.category' route_ids = fields.Many2many( 'stock.location.route', 'stock_location_route_categ', 'categ_id', 'route_id', 'Routes', domain=[('product_categ_selectable', '=', True)]) removal_strategy_id = fields.Many2one( 'product.removal', 'Force Removal Strategy', help="Set a specific removal strategy that will be used regardless of the source location for this product category") total_route_ids = fields.Many2many( 'stock.location.route', string='Total routes', compute='_compute_total_route_ids', readonly=True) @api.one def _compute_total_route_ids(self): category = self routes = self.route_ids while category.parent_id: category = category.parent_id routes |= category.route_ids self.total_route_ids = routes