:banner: banners/upgrade_api.jpg :types: api :code-column: .. _reference/upgrade-api: =========== Upgrade API =========== Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This document describes the API used to upgrade an Odoo database to a higher version. It allows a database to be upgraded without ressorting to the html form at https://upgrade.odoo.com Although the database will follow the same process described on that form. The required steps are: * :ref:`creating a request ` * :ref:`uploading a database dump ` * :ref:`running the upgrade process ` * :ref:`obtaining the status of the database request ` * :ref:`downloading the upgraded database dump ` The methods ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _upgrade-api-create-method: Creating a database upgrade request =================================== This action creates a database request with the following information: * your contract reference * your email address * the target version (the Odoo version you want to upgrade to) * the purpose of your request (test or production) * the database dump name (required but purely informative) * optionally the server timezone (for Odoo source version < 6.1) The ``create`` method --------------------- .. py:function:: https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/create Creates a database upgrade request :param str contract: (required) your enterprise contract reference :param str email: (required) your email address :param str target: (required) the Odoo version you want to upgrade to. Valid choices: 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 8.0 :param str aim: (required) the purpose of your upgrade database request. Valid choices: test, production. :param str filename: (required) a purely informative name for you database dump file :param str timezone: (optional) the timezone used by your server. Only for Odoo source version < 6.1 :return: request result :rtype: JSON dictionary The *create* method returns a JSON dictionary containing the following keys: .. _upgrade-api-json-failure: ``failures`` '''''''''''' The list of errors. A list of dictionaries, each dictionary giving information about one particular error. Each dictionary can contain various keys depending of the type of error but you will always get the ``reason`` and the ``message`` keys: * ``reason``: the error type * ``message``: a human friendly message Some possible keys: * ``code``: a faulty value * ``value``: a faulty value * ``expected``: a list of valid values See a sample output aside. .. rst-class:: setup doc-aside .. switcher:: .. code-block:: json { "failures": [ { "expected": [ "6.0", "6.1", "7.0", "8.0", ], "message": "Invalid value \"5.0\"", "reason": "TARGET:INVALID", "value": "5.0" }, { "code": "M123456-abcxyz", "message": "Can not find contract M123456-abcxyz", "reason": "CONTRACT:NOT_FOUND" } ] } ``request`` ''''''''''' If the *create* method is successful, the value associated to the *request* key will be a dictionary containing various information about the created request: The most important keys are: * ``id``: the request id * ``key``: your private key for this request These 2 values will be requested by the other methods (upload, process and status) The other keys will be explained in the section describing the :ref:`status method `. Sample script ''''''''''''' Here are 2 examples of database upgrade request creation using: * one in the python programming language using the pycurl library * one in the bash programming language using `curl `_ (tool for transfering data using http) and `jq `_ (JSON processor): .. rst-class:: setup doc-aside .. switcher:: .. code-block:: python from urllib import urlencode from io import BytesIO import pycurl import json CREATE_URL = "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/create" CONTRACT = "M123456-abcdef" AIM = "test" TARGET = "8.0" EMAIL = "john.doe@example.com" FILENAME = "db_name.dump" fields = dict([ ('aim', AIM), ('email', EMAIL), ('filename', DB_SOURCE), ('contract', CONTRACT), ('target', TARGET), ]) postfields = urlencode(fields) c = pycurl.Curl() c.setopt(pycurl.URL, CREATE_URL) c.setopt(c.POSTFIELDS, postfields) data = BytesIO() c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, data.write) c.perform() # transform output into a dict: response = json.loads(data.getvalue()) # get http status: http_code = c.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE) c.close() .. code-block:: bash CONTRACT=M123456-abcdef AIM=test TARGET=8.0 EMAIL=john.doe@example.com FILENAME=db_name.dump CREATE_URL="https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/create" URL_PARAMS="contract=${CONTRACT}&aim=${AIM}&target=${TARGET}&email=${EMAIL}&filename=${FILENAME}" curl -sS "${CREATE_URL}?${URL_PARAMS}" > create_result.json # check for failures failures=$(cat create_result.json | jq -r '.failures[]') if [ "$failures" != "" ]; then echo $failures | jq -r '.' exit 1 fi .. _upgrade-api-upload-method: Uploading your database dump ============================ There are 2 methods to upload your database dump: * the ``upload`` method using the HTTPS protocol * the ``request_sftp_access`` method using the SFTP protocol The ``upload`` method --------------------- It's the most simple and most straightforward way of uploading your database dump. It uses the HTTPS protocol. .. py:function:: https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/upload Uploads a database dump :param str key: (required) your private key :param str request: (required) your request id :return: request result :rtype: JSON dictionary The request id and the private key are obtained using the :ref:`create method ` The result is a JSON dictionary containing the list of ``failures``, which should be empty if everything went fine. .. rst-class:: setup doc-aside .. switcher:: .. code-block:: python import os import pycurl from urllib import urlencode UPLOAD_URL = "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/upload" DUMPFILE = "openchs.70.cdump" fields = dict([ ('request', '10534'), ('key', 'Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ=='), ]) headers = {"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"} postfields = urlencode(fields) c = pycurl.Curl() c.setopt(pycurl.URL, UPLOAD_URL+"?"+postfields) c.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1) filesize = os.path.getsize(DUMPFILE) c.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDSIZE, filesize) fp = open(DUMPFILE, 'rb') c.setopt(pycurl.READFUNCTION, fp.read) c.setopt( pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ['%s: %s' % (k, headers[k]) for k in headers]) c.perform() c.close() .. code-block:: bash UPLOAD_URL="https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/upload" DUMPFILE="openchs.70.cdump" KEY="Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==" REQUEST_ID="10534" URL_PARAMS="key=${KEY}&request=${REQUEST_ID}" HEADER="Content-Type: application/octet-stream" curl -H $HEADER --data-binary "@${DUMPFILE}" "${UPLOAD_URL}?${URL_PARAMS}" .. _upgrade-api-request-sftp-access-method: The ``request_sftp_access`` method ---------------------------------- This method is recommanded for big database dumps. It uses the SFTP protocol and supports resuming. It will create a temporary SFTP server where you can connect to and allow you to upload your database dump using an SFTP client. .. py:function:: https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/request_sftp_access Creates an SFTP server :param str key: (required) your private key :param str request: (required) your request id :param str ssh_keys: (required) the path to a file listing the ssh public keys you'd like to use :return: request result :rtype: JSON dictionary The request id and the private key are obtained using the :ref:`create method ` The file listing your ssh public keys should be roughly similar to a standard ``authorized_keys`` file. This file should only contains public keys, blank lines or comments (lines starting with the ``#`` character) Your database upgrade request should be in the ``draft`` state. The ``request_sftp_access`` method returns a JSON dictionary containing the following keys: .. rst-class:: setup doc-aside .. switcher:: .. code-block:: python import os import pycurl from urllib import urlencode UPLOAD_URL = "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/request_sftp_access" SSH_KEYS="/path/to/your/authorized_keys" fields = dict([ ('request', '10534'), ('key', 'Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ=='), ]) postfields = urlencode(fields) c = pycurl.Curl() c.setopt(pycurl.URL, UPLOAD_URL+"?"+postfields) c.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1) c.setopt(c.HTTPPOST,[("ssh_keys", (c.FORM_FILE, SSH_KEYS, c.FORM_CONTENTTYPE, "text/plain")) ]) c.perform() c.close() .. code-block:: bash REQUEST_SFTP_ACCESS_URL="https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/request_sftp_access" SSH_KEYS=/path/to/your/authorized_keys KEY="Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==" REQUEST_ID="10534" URL_PARAMS="key=${KEY}&request=${REQUEST_ID}" curl -sS "${REQUEST_SFTP_ACCESS_URL}?${URL_PARAMS}" -F ssh_keys=@${SSH_KEYS} > request_sftp_result.json # check for failures failures=$(cat request_sftp_result.json | jq -r '.failures[]') if [ "$failures" != "" ]; then echo $failures | jq -r '.' exit 1 fi ``failures`` '''''''''''' The list of errors. See :ref:`failures ` for an explanation about the JSON dictionary returned in case of failure. ``request`` ''''''''''' If the call is successful, the value associated to the *request* key will be a dictionary containing your SFTP connexion parameters: * ``hostname``: the host address to connect to * ``sftp_port``: the port to connect to * ``sftp_user``: the SFTP user to use for connecting * ``shared_file``: the filename you need to use (identical to the ``filename`` value you have used when creating the request in the :ref:`create method `.) * ``request_id``: the related upgrade request id (only informative, ,not required for the connection) * ``sample_command``: a sample command using the 'sftp' client You should normally be able to connect using the sample command as is. You will only have access to the ``shared_file``. No other files will be accessible and you will not be able to create new files in your shared environment on the SFTP server. Using the 'sftp' client +++++++++++++++++++++++ Once you have successfully connected using your SFTP client, you can upload your database dump. Here is a sample session using the 'sftp' client: :: $ sftp -P 2200 user_10534@upgrade.odoo.com Connected to upgrade.odoo.com. sftp> put /path/to/openchs.70.cdump openchs.70.cdump Uploading /path/to/openchs.70.cdump to /openchs.70.cdump sftp> ls -l openchs.70.cdump -rw-rw-rw- 0 0 0 849920 Aug 30 15:58 openchs.70.cdump If your connection is interrupted, you can continue your file transfer using the ``-a`` command line switch: .. code-block:: text sftp> put -a /path/to/openchs.70.cdump openchs.70.cdump Resuming upload of /path/to/openchs.70.cdump to /openchs.70.cdump If you don't want to manually type the command and need to automate your database upgrade using a script, you can use a batch file or pipe your commands to 'sftp': :: echo "put /path/to/openchs.70.cdump openchs.70.cdump" | sftp -b - -P 2200 user_10534@upgrade.odoo.com The ``-b`` parameter takes a filename. If the filename is ``-``, it reads the commands from standard input. .. _upgrade-api-process-method: Asking to process your request ============================== This action ask the Upgrade Platform to process your database dump. The ``process`` method ---------------------- .. py:function:: https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/process Process a database dump :param str key: (required) your private key :param str request: (required) your request id :return: request result :rtype: JSON dictionary The request id and the private key are obtained using the :ref:`create method ` The result is a JSON dictionary containing the list of ``failures``, which should be empty if everything went fine. .. rst-class:: setup doc-aside .. switcher:: .. code-block:: python from urllib import urlencode from io import BytesIO import pycurl import json PROCESS_URL = "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/process" fields = dict([ ('request', '10534'), ('key', 'Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ=='), ]) postfields = urlencode(fields) c = pycurl.Curl() c.setopt(pycurl.URL, PROCESS_URL) c.setopt(c.POSTFIELDS, postfields) data = BytesIO() c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, data.write) c.perform() # transform output into a dict: response = json.loads(data.getvalue()) # get http status: http_code = c.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE) c.close() .. code-block:: bash PROCESS_URL="https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/process" KEY="Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==" REQUEST_ID="10534" URL_PARAMS="key=${KEY}&request=${REQUEST_ID}" curl -sS "${PROCESS_URL}?${URL_PARAMS}" .. _upgrade-api-status-method: Obtaining your request status ============================= This action ask the status of your database upgrade request. The ``status`` method --------------------- .. py:function:: https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/status Ask the status of a database upgrade request :param str key: (required) your private key :param str request: (required) your request id :return: request result :rtype: JSON dictionary The request id and the private key are obtained using the :ref:`create method ` The result is a JSON dictionary containing various information about your database upgrade request. .. rst-class:: setup doc-aside .. switcher:: .. code-block:: python from urllib import urlencode from io import BytesIO import pycurl import json STATUS_URL = "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/status" fields = dict([ ('request', '10534'), ('key', 'Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ=='), ]) postfields = urlencode(fields) c = pycurl.Curl() c.setopt(pycurl.URL, PROCESS_URL) c.setopt(c.POSTFIELDS, postfields) data = BytesIO() c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, data.write) c.perform() # transform output into a dict: response = json.loads(data.getvalue()) c.close() .. code-block:: bash STATUS_URL="https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/v1/status" KEY="Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==" REQUEST_ID="10534" URL_PARAMS="key=${KEY}&request=${REQUEST_ID}" curl -sS "${STATUS_URL}?${URL_PARAMS}" Sample output ------------- The ``request`` key contains various useful information about your request: ``id`` the request id ``key`` your private key ``email`` the email address you supplied when creating the request ``target`` the target Odoo version you supplied when creating the request ``aim`` the purpose (test, production) of your database upgrade request you supplied when creating the request ``filename`` the filename you supplied when creating the request ``timezone`` the timezone you supplied when creating the request ``state`` the state of your request ``issue_stage`` the stage of the issue we have create on Odoo main server ``issue`` the id of the issue we have create on Odoo main server ``status_url`` the URL to access your database upgrade request html page ``notes_url`` the URL to get the notes about your database upgrade ``original_sql_url`` the URL used to get your uploaded (not upgraded) database as an SQL stream ``original_dump_url`` the URL used to get your uploaded (not upgraded) database as an archive file ``upgraded_sql_url`` the URL used to get your upgraded database as an SQL stream ``upgraded_dump_url`` the URL used to get your upgraded database as an archive file ``modules_url`` the URL used to get your custom modules ``filesize`` the size of your uploaded database file ``database_uuid`` the Unique ID of your database ``created_at`` the date when you created the request ``estimated_time`` an estimation of the time it takes to upgrade your database ``processed_at`` time when your database upgrade was started ``elapsed`` the time it takes to upgrade your database ``filestore`` your attachments were converted to the filestore ``customer_message`` an important message related to your request ``database_version`` the guessed Odoo version of your uploaded (not upgraded) database ``postgresql`` the guessed Postgresql version of your uploaded (not upgraded) database ``compressions`` the compression methods used by your uploaded database .. rst-class:: setup doc-aside .. switcher:: .. code-block:: json { "failures": [], "request": { "id": 10534, "key": "Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==", "email": "john.doe@example.com", "target": "8.0", "aim": "test", "filename": "db_name.dump", "timezone": null, "state": "draft", "issue_stage": "new", "issue": 648398, "status_url": "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/eu1/10534/Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==/status", "notes_url": "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/eu1/10534/Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==/upgraded/notes", "original_sql_url": "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/eu1/10534/Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==/original/sql", "original_dump_url": "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/eu1/10534/Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==/original/archive", "upgraded_sql_url": "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/eu1/10534/Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==/upgraded/sql", "upgraded_dump_url": "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/eu1/10534/Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==/upgraded/archive", "modules_url": "https://upgrade.odoo.com/database/eu1/10534/Aw7pItGVKFuZ_FOR3U8VFQ==/modules/archive", "filesize": "912.99 Kb", "database_uuid": null, "created_at": "2015-09-09 07:13:49", "estimated_time": null, "processed_at": null, "elapsed": "00:00", "filestore": false, "customer_message": null, "database_version": null, "postgresql": "9.4", "compressions": [ "pgdmp_custom", "sql" ] } } .. _upgrade-api-download-method: Downloading your database dump ============================== Beside downloading your migrated database using the URL provided by the :ref:`status method `, you can also use the SFTP protocol as described in the :ref:`request_sftp_access method ` The diffence is that you'll only be able to download the migrated database. No uploading will be possible. Your database upgrade request should be in the ``done`` state. Once you have successfully connected using your SFTP client, you can download your database dump. Here is a sample session using the 'sftp' client: :: $ sftp -P 2200 user_10534@upgrade.odoo.com Connected to upgrade.odoo.com. sftp> get upgraded_openchs.70.cdump /path/to/upgraded_openchs.70.cdump Downloading /upgraded_openchs.70.cdump to /path/to/upgraded_openchs.70.cdump