# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import datetime import logging import time import traceback from collections import defaultdict import dateutil from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from odoo import api, fields, models, SUPERUSER_ID from odoo.modules.registry import Registry from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATE_RANGE_FUNCTION = { 'minutes': lambda interval: relativedelta(minutes=interval), 'hour': lambda interval: relativedelta(hours=interval), 'day': lambda interval: relativedelta(days=interval), 'month': lambda interval: relativedelta(months=interval), False: lambda interval: relativedelta(0), } class BaseActionRule(models.Model): """ Base Action Rules """ _name = 'base.action.rule' _description = 'Action Rules' _order = 'sequence' name = fields.Char(string='Rule Name', required=True) model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', string='Related Document Model', required=True, domain=[('transient', '=', False)]) model = fields.Char(related='model_id.model', readonly=True) active = fields.Boolean(default=True, help="When unchecked, the rule is hidden and will not be executed.") sequence = fields.Integer(help="Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of rules.") kind = fields.Selection([('on_create', 'On Creation'), ('on_write', 'On Update'), ('on_create_or_write', 'On Creation & Update'), ('on_unlink', 'On Deletion'), ('on_change', 'Based on Form Modification'), ('on_time', 'Based on Timed Condition')], string='When to Run', required=True) trg_date_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model.fields', string='Trigger Date', help="""When should the condition be triggered. If present, will be checked by the scheduler. If empty, will be checked at creation and update.""", domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id), ('ttype', 'in', ('date', 'datetime'))]") trg_date_range = fields.Integer(string='Delay after trigger date', help="""Delay after the trigger date. You can put a negative number if you need a delay before the trigger date, like sending a reminder 15 minutes before a meeting.""") trg_date_range_type = fields.Selection([('minutes', 'Minutes'), ('hour', 'Hours'), ('day', 'Days'), ('month', 'Months')], string='Delay type', default='day') trg_date_calendar_id = fields.Many2one("resource.calendar", string='Use Calendar', help="When calculating a day-based timed condition, it is possible to use a calendar to compute the date based on working days.") act_user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Set Responsible') act_followers = fields.Many2many("res.partner", string="Add Followers") server_action_ids = fields.Many2many('ir.actions.server', string='Server Actions', domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id)]", help="Examples: email reminders, call object service, etc.") filter_pre_id = fields.Many2one("ir.filters", string='Before Update Filter', ondelete='restrict', domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id.model)]", help="If present, this condition must be satisfied before the update of the record.") filter_pre_domain = fields.Char(string='Before Update Domain', help="If present, this condition must be satisfied before the update of the record.") filter_id = fields.Many2one("ir.filters", string='Filter', ondelete='restrict', domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id.model)]", help="If present, this condition must be satisfied before executing the action rule.") filter_domain = fields.Char(string='Domain', help="If present, this condition must be satisfied before executing the action rule.") last_run = fields.Datetime(readonly=True, copy=False) on_change_fields = fields.Char(string="On Change Fields Trigger", help="Comma-separated list of field names that triggers the onchange.") # which fields have an impact on the registry CRITICAL_FIELDS = ['model_id', 'active', 'kind', 'on_change_fields'] @api.onchange('model_id') def onchange_model_id(self): self.filter_pre_id = self.filter_id = False @api.onchange('kind') def onchange_kind(self): if self.kind in ['on_create', 'on_create_or_write', 'on_unlink']: self.filter_pre_id = self.filter_pre_domain = self.trg_date_id = self.trg_date_range = self.trg_date_range_type = False elif self.kind in ['on_write', 'on_create_or_write']: self.trg_date_id = self.trg_date_range = self.trg_date_range_type = False elif self.kind == 'on_time': self.filter_pre_id = self.filter_pre_domain = False @api.onchange('filter_pre_id') def onchange_filter_pre_id(self): self.filter_pre_domain = self.filter_pre_id.domain @api.onchange('filter_id') def onchange_filter_id(self): self.filter_domain = self.filter_id.domain @api.model def create(self, vals): base_action_rule = super(BaseActionRule, self).create(vals) self._update_cron() self._update_registry() return base_action_rule @api.multi def write(self, vals): res = super(BaseActionRule, self).write(vals) if set(vals).intersection(self.CRITICAL_FIELDS): self._update_cron() self._update_registry() return res @api.multi def unlink(self): res = super(BaseActionRule, self).unlink() self._update_cron() self._update_registry() return res def _update_cron(self): """ Activate the cron job depending on whether there exists action rules based on time conditions. """ cron = self.env.ref('base_action_rule.ir_cron_crm_action', raise_if_not_found=False) return cron and cron.toggle(model=self._name, domain=[('kind', '=', 'on_time')]) def _update_registry(self): """ Update the registry after a modification on action rules. """ if self.env.registry.ready and not self.env.context.get('import_file'): # for the sake of simplicity, simply force the registry to reload self._cr.commit() self.env.reset() registry = Registry.new(self._cr.dbname) registry.signal_registry_change() def _get_actions(self, records, kinds): """ Return the actions of the given kinds for records' model. The returned actions' context contain an object to manage processing. """ if '__action_done' not in self._context: self = self.with_context(__action_done={}) domain = [('model', '=', records._name), ('kind', 'in', kinds)] actions = self.with_context(active_test=True).search(domain) return actions.with_env(self.env) def _get_eval_context(self): """ Prepare the context used when evaluating python code :returns: dict -- evaluation context given to safe_eval """ return { 'datetime': datetime, 'dateutil': dateutil, 'time': time, 'uid': self.env.uid, 'user': self.env.user, } def _filter_pre(self, records): """ Filter the records that satisfy the precondition of action ``self``. """ if self.filter_pre_id and records: domain = [('id', 'in', records.ids)] + safe_eval(self.filter_pre_id.domain, self._get_eval_context()) ctx = safe_eval(self.filter_pre_id.context) return records.with_context(**ctx).search(domain).with_env(records.env) elif self.filter_pre_domain and records: domain = [('id', 'in', records.ids)] + safe_eval(self.filter_pre_domain, self._get_eval_context()) return records.search(domain) else: return records def _filter_post(self, records): """ Filter the records that satisfy the postcondition of action ``self``. """ if self.filter_id and records: domain = [('id', 'in', records.ids)] + safe_eval(self.filter_id.domain, self._get_eval_context()) ctx = safe_eval(self.filter_id.context) return records.with_context(**ctx).search(domain).with_env(records.env) elif self.filter_domain and records: domain = [('id', 'in', records.ids)] + safe_eval(self.filter_domain, self._get_eval_context()) return records.search(domain) else: return records def _process(self, records): """ Process action ``self`` on the ``records`` that have not been done yet. """ # filter out the records on which self has already been done action_done = self._context['__action_done'] records_done = action_done.get(self, records.browse()) records -= records_done if not records: return # mark the remaining records as done (to avoid recursive processing) action_done = dict(action_done) action_done[self] = records_done + records self = self.with_context(__action_done=action_done) records = records.with_context(__action_done=action_done) # modify records values = {} if 'date_action_last' in records._fields: values['date_action_last'] = fields.Datetime.now() if self.act_user_id and 'user_id' in records._fields: values['user_id'] = self.act_user_id.id if values: records.write(values) # subscribe followers if self.act_followers and hasattr(records, 'message_subscribe'): followers = self.env['mail.followers'].sudo().search( [('res_model', '=', records._name), ('res_id', 'in', records.ids), ('partner_id', 'in', self.act_followers.ids), ] ) if not len(followers) == len(self.act_followers): records.message_subscribe(self.act_followers.ids) # execute server actions if self.server_action_ids: for record in records: ctx = {'active_model': record._name, 'active_ids': record.ids, 'active_id': record.id} self.server_action_ids.with_context(**ctx).run() @api.model_cr def _register_hook(self): """ Patch models that should trigger action rules based on creation, modification, deletion of records and form onchanges. """ # # Note: the patched methods must be defined inside another function, # otherwise their closure may be wrong. For instance, the function # create refers to the outer variable 'create', which you expect to be # bound to create itself. But that expectation is wrong if create is # defined inside a loop; in that case, the variable 'create' is bound to # the last function defined by the loop. # def make_create(): """ Instanciate a create method that processes action rules. """ @api.model def create(self, vals, **kw): # retrieve the action rules to possibly execute actions = self.env['base.action.rule']._get_actions(self, ['on_create', 'on_create_or_write']) # call original method record = create.origin(self.with_env(actions.env), vals, **kw) # check postconditions, and execute actions on the records that satisfy them for action in actions.with_context(old_values=None): action._process(action._filter_post(record)) return record.with_env(self.env) return create def make_write(): """ Instanciate a _write method that processes action rules. """ # # Note: we patch method _write() instead of write() in order to # catch updates made by field recomputations. # @api.multi def _write(self, vals, **kw): # retrieve the action rules to possibly execute actions = self.env['base.action.rule']._get_actions(self, ['on_write', 'on_create_or_write']) records = self.with_env(actions.env) # check preconditions on records pre = {action: action._filter_pre(records) for action in actions} # read old values before the update old_values = { old_vals.pop('id'): old_vals for old_vals in records.read(list(vals)) } # call original method _write.origin(records, vals, **kw) # check postconditions, and execute actions on the records that satisfy them for action in actions.with_context(old_values=old_values): action._process(action._filter_post(pre[action])) return True return _write def make_unlink(): """ Instanciate an unlink method that processes action rules. """ @api.multi def unlink(self, **kwargs): # retrieve the action rules to possibly execute actions = self.env['base.action.rule']._get_actions(self, ['on_unlink']) records = self.with_env(actions.env) # check conditions, and execute actions on the records that satisfy them for action in actions: action._process(action._filter_post(records)) # call original method return unlink.origin(self, **kwargs) return unlink def make_onchange(action_rule_id): """ Instanciate an onchange method for the given action rule. """ def base_action_rule_onchange(self): action_rule = self.env['base.action.rule'].browse(action_rule_id) result = {} for server_action in action_rule.server_action_ids.with_context(active_model=self._name, onchange_self=self): res = server_action.run() if res: if 'value' in res: res['value'].pop('id', None) self.update({key: val for key, val in res['value'].iteritems() if key in self._fields}) if 'domain' in res: result.setdefault('domain', {}).update(res['domain']) if 'warning' in res: result['warning'] = res['warning'] return result return base_action_rule_onchange patched_models = defaultdict(set) def patch(model, name, method): """ Patch method `name` on `model`, unless it has been patched already. """ if model not in patched_models[name]: patched_models[name].add(model) model._patch_method(name, method) # retrieve all actions, and patch their corresponding model for action_rule in self.with_context({}).search([]): Model = self.env.get(action_rule.model) # Do not crash if the model of the base_action_rule was uninstalled if Model is None: _logger.warning("Action rule with ID %d depends on model %s" % (action_rule.id, action_rule.model)) continue if action_rule.kind == 'on_create': patch(Model, 'create', make_create()) elif action_rule.kind == 'on_create_or_write': patch(Model, 'create', make_create()) patch(Model, '_write', make_write()) elif action_rule.kind == 'on_write': patch(Model, '_write', make_write()) elif action_rule.kind == 'on_unlink': patch(Model, 'unlink', make_unlink()) elif action_rule.kind == 'on_change': # register an onchange method for the action_rule method = make_onchange(action_rule.id) for field_name in action_rule.on_change_fields.split(","): Model._onchange_methods[field_name.strip()].append(method) @api.model def _check_delay(self, action, record, record_dt): if action.trg_date_calendar_id and action.trg_date_range_type == 'day': return action.trg_date_calendar_id.schedule_days_get_date( action.trg_date_range, day_date=fields.Datetime.from_string(record_dt), compute_leaves=True, )[0] else: delay = DATE_RANGE_FUNCTION[action.trg_date_range_type](action.trg_date_range) return fields.Datetime.from_string(record_dt) + delay @api.model def _check(self, automatic=False, use_new_cursor=False): """ This Function is called by scheduler. """ if '__action_done' not in self._context: self = self.with_context(__action_done={}) # retrieve all the action rules to run based on a timed condition eval_context = self._get_eval_context() for action in self.with_context(active_test=True).search([('kind', '=', 'on_time')]): last_run = fields.Datetime.from_string(action.last_run) or datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) # retrieve all the records that satisfy the action's condition domain = [] context = dict(self._context) if action.filter_domain: domain = safe_eval(action.filter_domain, eval_context) elif action.filter_id: domain = safe_eval(action.filter_id.domain, eval_context) context.update(safe_eval(action.filter_id.context)) if 'lang' not in context: # Filters might be language-sensitive, attempt to reuse creator lang # as we are usually running this as super-user in background filter_meta = action.filter_id.get_metadata()[0] user_id = (filter_meta['write_uid'] or filter_meta['create_uid'])[0] context['lang'] = self.env['res.users'].browse(user_id).lang records = self.env[action.model].with_context(context).search(domain) # determine when action should occur for the records if action.trg_date_id.name == 'date_action_last' and 'create_date' in records._fields: get_record_dt = lambda record: record[action.trg_date_id.name] or record.create_date else: get_record_dt = lambda record: record[action.trg_date_id.name] # process action on the records that should be executed now = datetime.datetime.now() for record in records: record_dt = get_record_dt(record) if not record_dt: continue action_dt = self._check_delay(action, record, record_dt) if last_run <= action_dt < now: try: action._process(record) except Exception: _logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) action.write({'last_run': fields.Datetime.now()}) if automatic: # auto-commit for batch processing self._cr.commit()