hr.timesheet.account.form hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet.account
hr.timesheet.account.filter hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet.account hr.timesheet.account.tree hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet.account hr.timesheet.sheet.tree hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet hr.timesheet.sheet.form hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet
hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet.filter hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet My Timesheets hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet form tree,form [('employee_id.user_id', '=', uid)]

new timesheet.

You must record timesheets every day and confirm at the end of the week. Once the timesheet is confirmed, it should be validated by a manager.

Timesheets can also be invoiced to customers, depending on the configuration of each project's related contract.

Timesheets to Approve ir.actions.act_window hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet form {'search_default_to_approve':1}

New timesheet to approve.

You must record timesheets every day and confirm at the end of the week. Once the timesheet is confirmed, it should be validated by a manager.

Timesheets can also be invoiced to customers, depending on the configuration of each project's related contract.

tree account.analytic.line.form account.analytic.line account.analytic.line hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet form Timesheets tree,form {'search_default_employee_id': [active_id], 'default_employee_id': active_id} hr.timesheet.sheet.employee.extd_form hr.employee
Timesheets to Approve hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet form tree,form { 'search_default_department_id': [active_id], 'default_department_id': active_id, 'search_default_to_approve': 1}