# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import time from odoo import api, fields, models class ProductProduct(models.Model): _inherit = "product.product" date_from = fields.Date(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Margin Date From') date_to = fields.Date(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Margin Date To') invoice_state = fields.Selection(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', selection=[ ('paid', 'Paid'), ('open_paid', 'Open and Paid'), ('draft_open_paid', 'Draft, Open and Paid') ], string='Invoice State', readonly=True) sale_avg_price = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Avg. Unit Price', help="Avg. Price in Customer Invoices.") purchase_avg_price = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Avg. Unit Price', help="Avg. Price in Vendor Bills ") sale_num_invoiced = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='# Invoiced in Sale', help="Sum of Quantity in Customer Invoices") purchase_num_invoiced = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='# Invoiced in Purchase', help="Sum of Quantity in Vendor Bills") sales_gap = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Sales Gap', help="Expected Sale - Turn Over") purchase_gap = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Purchase Gap', help="Normal Cost - Total Cost") turnover = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Turnover', help="Sum of Multiplication of Invoice price and quantity of Customer Invoices") total_cost = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Total Cost', help="Sum of Multiplication of Invoice price and quantity of Vendor Bills ") sale_expected = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Expected Sale', help="Sum of Multiplication of Sale Catalog price and quantity of Customer Invoices") normal_cost = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Normal Cost', help="Sum of Multiplication of Cost price and quantity of Vendor Bills") total_margin = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Total Margin', help="Turnover - Standard price") expected_margin = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Expected Margin', help="Expected Sale - Normal Cost") total_margin_rate = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Total Margin Rate(%)', help="Total margin * 100 / Turnover") expected_margin_rate = fields.Float(compute='_compute_product_margin_fields_values', string='Expected Margin (%)', help="Expected margin * 100 / Expected Sale") @api.model def read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, orderby=False, lazy=True): """ Inherit read_group to calculate the sum of the non-stored fields, as it is not automatically done anymore through the XML. """ res = super(ProductProduct, self).read_group(domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy) fields_list = ['turnover', 'sale_avg_price', 'sale_purchase_price', 'sale_num_invoiced', 'purchase_num_invoiced', 'sales_gap', 'purchase_gap', 'total_cost', 'sale_expected', 'normal_cost', 'total_margin', 'expected_margin', 'total_margin_rate', 'expected_margin_rate'] if any(x in fields for x in fields_list): # Calculate first for every product in which line it needs to be applied re_ind = 0 prod_re = {} tot_products = self.browse([]) for re in res: if re.get('__domain'): products = self.search(re['__domain']) tot_products |= products for prod in products: prod_re[prod.id] = re_ind re_ind += 1 res_val = tot_products._compute_product_margin_fields_values(field_names=[x for x in fields if fields in fields_list]) for key in res_val.keys(): for l in res_val[key].keys(): re = res[prod_re[key]] if re.get(l): re[l] += res_val[key][l] else: re[l] = res_val[key][l] return res def _compute_product_margin_fields_values(self, field_names=None): res = {} if field_names is None: field_names = [] for val in self: res[val.id] = {} date_from = self.env.context.get('date_from', time.strftime('%Y-01-01')) date_to = self.env.context.get('date_to', time.strftime('%Y-12-31')) invoice_state = self.env.context.get('invoice_state', 'open_paid') res[val.id]['date_from'] = date_from res[val.id]['date_to'] = date_to res[val.id]['invoice_state'] = invoice_state invoice_types = () states = () if invoice_state == 'paid': states = ('paid',) elif invoice_state == 'open_paid': states = ('open', 'paid') elif invoice_state == 'draft_open_paid': states = ('draft', 'open', 'paid') if "force_company" in self.env.context: company_id = self.env.context['force_company'] else: company_id = self.env.user.company_id.id #Cost price is calculated afterwards as it is a property sqlstr = """ select sum(l.price_unit * l.quantity)/nullif(sum(l.quantity),0) as avg_unit_price, sum(l.quantity) as num_qty, sum(l.quantity * (l.price_subtotal/(nullif(l.quantity,0)))) as total, sum(l.quantity * pt.list_price) as sale_expected from account_invoice_line l left join account_invoice i on (l.invoice_id = i.id) left join product_product product on (product.id=l.product_id) left join product_template pt on (pt.id = product.product_tmpl_id) where l.product_id = %s and i.state in %s and i.type IN %s and (i.date_invoice IS NULL or (i.date_invoice>=%s and i.date_invoice<=%s and i.company_id=%s)) """ invoice_types = ('out_invoice', 'in_refund') self.env.cr.execute(sqlstr, (val.id, states, invoice_types, date_from, date_to, company_id)) result = self.env.cr.fetchall()[0] res[val.id]['sale_avg_price'] = result[0] and result[0] or 0.0 res[val.id]['sale_num_invoiced'] = result[1] and result[1] or 0.0 res[val.id]['turnover'] = result[2] and result[2] or 0.0 res[val.id]['sale_expected'] = result[3] and result[3] or 0.0 res[val.id]['sales_gap'] = res[val.id]['sale_expected'] - res[val.id]['turnover'] ctx = self.env.context.copy() ctx['force_company'] = company_id invoice_types = ('in_invoice', 'out_refund') self.env.cr.execute(sqlstr, (val.id, states, invoice_types, date_from, date_to, company_id)) result = self.env.cr.fetchall()[0] res[val.id]['purchase_avg_price'] = result[0] and result[0] or 0.0 res[val.id]['purchase_num_invoiced'] = result[1] and result[1] or 0.0 res[val.id]['total_cost'] = result[2] and result[2] or 0.0 res[val.id]['normal_cost'] = val.standard_price * res[val.id]['purchase_num_invoiced'] res[val.id]['purchase_gap'] = res[val.id]['normal_cost'] - res[val.id]['total_cost'] res[val.id]['total_margin'] = res[val.id]['turnover'] - res[val.id]['total_cost'] res[val.id]['expected_margin'] = res[val.id]['sale_expected'] - res[val.id]['normal_cost'] res[val.id]['total_margin_rate'] = res[val.id]['turnover'] and res[val.id]['total_margin'] * 100 / res[val.id]['turnover'] or 0.0 res[val.id]['expected_margin_rate'] = res[val.id]['sale_expected'] and res[val.id]['expected_margin'] * 100 / res[val.id]['sale_expected'] or 0.0 for k, v in res[val.id].items(): setattr(val, k, v) return res