Project project.project Project task project.task ir.model.fields project project_time_mode_id_duplicate_xmlid True Task Opened project.task Task opened Task Blocked project.task Task blocked Task Ready project.task Task ready for Next Stage Stage Changed project.task Stage changed Task Opened 10 project.project project_id Task Blocked 11 project.project project_id Task Ready 12 project.project project_id Task Stage Changed 13 project.project project_id notification Project Management application installed! Manage your projects and tasks in a clean kanban view.

Start here to discover Odoo followers project.task discover everyone {'project_id': 1} 0 1 New 2 Basic 3 Advanced 1 0 Welcome to Odoo Welcome! This project has the objective to show you all the main feature in the project app. Each card will help you to manage your projects easily in a few minutes. 2 2 0 Try to play with the search bar. Use the filters Come back to the tasks view to play with the filters. They are up to the form 3 0 Try to drag a task wherever your want done 4 0 Guess what happens if you set this task as favorite? Click on the top left star to change the priority and come back in the tasks view. You task is now at the top of the column. 0 Use the chatter to collaborate with your members The chatter is right below Converse with your customers and colleagues project.task Use this chatter to send emails. Add new people in the followers list, to make them aware about the main changes about this task! email NeedAssistance 3 0 Use tags to organize your tasks blocked Tags will be represented by colored bars on the card 4 0 3 Try to customize this card. Change its background. Use the edit icon on the card to customize the background. 5 0 Set this task as 'Ready for next stage' to proceed further in the process You can change its state by clicking on the small circle on the card, or here, next to the task title. 0 Do you want to learn more? Try our implementation guide! Click on the bar in the upper right corner planner_icon.png planner_icon.png project.task How to open the implementation guide ? project.task Best regards,

0 Finished with this stage? Archive it ! Click on the gear icon on the column, to archive the stage, with all the tasks in it. You can also archive one card only, by clicking on the button in the task form view. 0 You want to add a stage? Add a new column ! Click on the last column to create a stage. The name depends on the process. For example, in a customer service process, a stage name may be 'Backlog', 'Waiting Customer Feedback' or 'Done'. 0 You can set a deadline on a task 0 Send a message with a picture as attachment, and see what happens! In the chatter, sending an email with an attachment will display the picture on the card. When there are several image attachments, you can choose which one you want to display. bird.jpg bird.jpg project.task How to open the planner? project.task comment