# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import base64 import json import pytz from datetime import datetime from psycopg2 import IntegrityError from odoo import http from odoo.http import request from odoo.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT from odoo.tools.translate import _ from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError from odoo.addons.base.ir.ir_qweb.fields import nl2br class WebsiteForm(http.Controller): # Check and insert values from the form on the model @http.route('/website_form/', type='http', auth="public", methods=['POST'], website=True) def website_form(self, model_name, **kwargs): model_record = request.env['ir.model'].search([('model', '=', model_name), ('website_form_access', '=', True)]) if not model_record: return json.dumps(False) try: data = self.extract_data(model_record, request.params) # If we encounter an issue while extracting data except ValidationError, e: # I couldn't find a cleaner way to pass data to an exception return json.dumps({'error_fields' : e.args[0]}) try: id_record = self.insert_record(request, model_record, data['record'], data['custom'], data.get('meta')) if id_record: self.insert_attachment(model_record, id_record, data['attachments']) # Some fields have additional SQL constraints that we can't check generically # Ex: crm.lead.probability which is a float between 0 and 1 # TODO: How to get the name of the erroneous field ? except IntegrityError: return json.dumps(False) request.session['form_builder_model'] = model_record.name request.session['form_builder_id'] = id_record return json.dumps({'id': id_record}) # Constants string to make custom info and metadata readable on a text field _custom_label = "%s\n___________\n\n" % _("Custom infos") # Title for custom fields _meta_label = "%s\n________\n\n" % _("Metadata") # Title for meta data # Dict of dynamically called filters following type of field to be fault tolerent def identity(self, field_label, field_input): return field_input def integer(self, field_label, field_input): return int(field_input) def floating(self, field_label, field_input): return float(field_input) def boolean(self, field_label, field_input): return bool(field_input) def date(self, field_label, field_input): lang = request.env['ir.qweb.field'].user_lang() return datetime.strptime(field_input, lang.date_format).strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) def datetime(self, field_label, field_input): lang = request.env['ir.qweb.field'].user_lang() strftime_format = (u"%s %s" % (lang.date_format, lang.time_format)) user_tz = pytz.timezone(request.context.get('tz') or request.env.user.tz or 'UTC') dt = user_tz.localize(datetime.strptime(field_input, strftime_format)).astimezone(pytz.utc) return dt.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) def binary(self, field_label, field_input): return base64.b64encode(field_input.read()) def one2many(self, field_label, field_input): return [int(i) for i in field_input.split(',')] def many2many(self, field_label, field_input, *args): return [(args[0] if args else (6,0)) + (self.one2many(field_label, field_input),)] _input_filters = { 'char': identity, 'text': identity, 'html': identity, 'date': date, 'datetime': datetime, 'many2one': integer, 'one2many': one2many, 'many2many':many2many, 'selection': identity, 'boolean': boolean, 'integer': integer, 'float': floating, 'binary': binary, } # Extract all data sent by the form and sort its on several properties def extract_data(self, model, values): data = { 'record': {}, # Values to create record 'attachments': [], # Attached files 'custom': '', # Custom fields values 'meta': '', # Add metadata if enabled } authorized_fields = model.sudo()._get_form_writable_fields() error_fields = [] for field_name, field_value in values.items(): # If the value of the field if a file if hasattr(field_value, 'filename'): # Undo file upload field name indexing field_name = field_name.rsplit('[', 1)[0] # If it's an actual binary field, convert the input file # If it's not, we'll use attachments instead if field_name in authorized_fields and authorized_fields[field_name]['type'] == 'binary': data['record'][field_name] = base64.b64encode(field_value.read()) else: field_value.field_name = field_name data['attachments'].append(field_value) # If it's a known field elif field_name in authorized_fields: try: input_filter = self._input_filters[authorized_fields[field_name]['type']] data['record'][field_name] = input_filter(self, field_name, field_value) except ValueError: error_fields.append(field_name) # If it's a custom field elif field_name != 'context': data['custom'] += "%s : %s\n" % (field_name.decode('utf-8'), field_value) # Add metadata if enabled environ = request.httprequest.headers.environ if(request.website.website_form_enable_metadata): data['meta'] += "%s : %s\n%s : %s\n%s : %s\n%s : %s\n" % ( "IP" , environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR"), "USER_AGENT" , environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" , environ.get("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"), "REFERER" , environ.get("HTTP_REFERER") ) # This function can be defined on any model to provide # a model-specific filtering of the record values # Example: # def website_form_input_filter(self, values): # values['name'] = '%s\'s Application' % values['partner_name'] # return values dest_model = request.env[model.model] if hasattr(dest_model, "website_form_input_filter"): data['record'] = dest_model.website_form_input_filter(request, data['record']) missing_required_fields = [label for label, field in authorized_fields.iteritems() if field['required'] and not label in data['record']] if any(error_fields): raise ValidationError(error_fields + missing_required_fields) return data def insert_record(self, request, model, values, custom, meta=None): record = request.env[model.model].sudo().with_context(mail_create_nosubscribe=True).create(values) if custom or meta: default_field = model.website_form_default_field_id default_field_data = values.get(default_field.name, '') custom_content = (default_field_data + "\n\n" if default_field_data else '') \ + (self._custom_label + custom + "\n\n" if custom else '') \ + (self._meta_label + meta if meta else '') # If there is a default field configured for this model, use it. # If there isn't, put the custom data in a message instead if default_field.name: if default_field.ttype == 'html' or model.model == 'mail.mail': custom_content = nl2br(custom_content) record.update({default_field.name: custom_content}) else: values = { 'body': nl2br(custom_content), 'model': model.model, 'message_type': 'comment', 'no_auto_thread': False, 'res_id': record.id, } mail_id = request.env['mail.message'].sudo().create(values) return record.id # Link all files attached on the form def insert_attachment(self, model, id_record, files): orphan_attachment_ids = [] record = model.env[model.model].browse(id_record) authorized_fields = model.sudo()._get_form_writable_fields() for file in files: custom_field = file.field_name not in authorized_fields attachment_value = { 'name': file.field_name if custom_field else file.filename, 'datas': base64.encodestring(file.read()), 'datas_fname': file.filename, 'res_model': model.model, 'res_id': record.id, } attachment_id = request.env['ir.attachment'].sudo().create(attachment_value) if attachment_id and not custom_field: record.sudo()[file.field_name] = [(4, attachment_id.id)] else: orphan_attachment_ids.append(attachment_id.id) # If some attachments didn't match a field on the model, # we create a mail.message to link them to the record if orphan_attachment_ids: if model.model != 'mail.mail': values = { 'body': _('

Attached files :

'), 'model': model.model, 'message_type': 'comment', 'no_auto_thread': False, 'res_id': id_record, 'attachment_ids': [(6, 0, orphan_attachment_ids)], } mail_id = request.env['mail.message'].sudo().create(values) else: # If the model is mail.mail then we have no other choice but to # attach the custom binary field files on the attachment_ids field. for attachment_id_id in orphan_attachment_ids: record.attachment_ids = [(4, attachment_id_id)]