120 lines
5.5 KiB
120 lines
5.5 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
from odoo import api, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class ReportJournal(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'report.account.report_journal'
def lines(self, target_move, journal_ids, sort_selection, data):
if isinstance(journal_ids, int):
journal_ids = [journal_ids]
move_state = ['draft', 'posted']
if target_move == 'posted':
move_state = ['posted']
query_get_clause = self._get_query_get_clause(data)
params = [tuple(move_state), tuple(journal_ids)] + query_get_clause[2]
query = 'SELECT "account_move_line".id FROM ' + query_get_clause[0] + ', account_move am, account_account acc WHERE "account_move_line".account_id = acc.id AND "account_move_line".move_id=am.id AND am.state IN %s AND "account_move_line".journal_id IN %s AND ' + query_get_clause[1] + ' ORDER BY '
if sort_selection == 'date':
query += '"account_move_line".date'
query += 'am.name'
query += ', "account_move_line".move_id, acc.code'
self.env.cr.execute(query, tuple(params))
ids = map(lambda x: x[0], self.env.cr.fetchall())
return self.env['account.move.line'].browse(ids)
def _sum_debit(self, data, journal_id):
move_state = ['draft', 'posted']
if data['form'].get('target_move', 'all') == 'posted':
move_state = ['posted']
query_get_clause = self._get_query_get_clause(data)
params = [tuple(move_state), tuple(journal_id.ids)] + query_get_clause[2]
self.env.cr.execute('SELECT SUM(debit) FROM ' + query_get_clause[0] + ', account_move am '
'WHERE "account_move_line".move_id=am.id AND am.state IN %s AND "account_move_line".journal_id IN %s AND ' + query_get_clause[1] + ' ',
return self.env.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _sum_credit(self, data, journal_id):
move_state = ['draft', 'posted']
if data['form'].get('target_move', 'all') == 'posted':
move_state = ['posted']
query_get_clause = self._get_query_get_clause(data)
params = [tuple(move_state), tuple(journal_id.ids)] + query_get_clause[2]
self.env.cr.execute('SELECT SUM(credit) FROM ' + query_get_clause[0] + ', account_move am '
'WHERE "account_move_line".move_id=am.id AND am.state IN %s AND "account_move_line".journal_id IN %s AND ' + query_get_clause[1] + ' ',
return self.env.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
def _get_taxes(self, data, journal_id):
move_state = ['draft', 'posted']
if data['form'].get('target_move', 'all') == 'posted':
move_state = ['posted']
query_get_clause = self._get_query_get_clause(data)
params = [tuple(move_state), tuple(journal_id.ids)] + query_get_clause[2]
query = """
SELECT rel.account_tax_id, SUM("account_move_line".balance) AS base_amount
FROM account_move_line_account_tax_rel rel, """ + query_get_clause[0] + """
LEFT JOIN account_move am ON "account_move_line".move_id = am.id
WHERE "account_move_line".id = rel.account_move_line_id
AND am.state IN %s
AND "account_move_line".journal_id IN %s
AND """ + query_get_clause[1] + """
GROUP BY rel.account_tax_id"""
self.env.cr.execute(query, tuple(params))
ids = []
base_amounts = {}
for row in self.env.cr.fetchall():
base_amounts[row[0]] = row[1]
res = {}
for tax in self.env['account.tax'].browse(ids):
self.env.cr.execute('SELECT sum(debit - credit) FROM ' + query_get_clause[0] + ', account_move am '
'WHERE "account_move_line".move_id=am.id AND am.state IN %s AND "account_move_line".journal_id IN %s AND ' + query_get_clause[1] + ' AND tax_line_id = %s',
tuple(params + [tax.id]))
res[tax] = {
'base_amount': base_amounts[tax.id],
'tax_amount': self.env.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0,
if journal_id.type == 'sale':
#sales operation are credits
res[tax]['base_amount'] = res[tax]['base_amount'] * -1
res[tax]['tax_amount'] = res[tax]['tax_amount'] * -1
return res
def _get_query_get_clause(self, data):
return self.env['account.move.line'].with_context(data['form'].get('used_context', {}))._query_get()
def render_html(self, docids, data=None):
if not data.get('form'):
raise UserError(_("Form content is missing, this report cannot be printed."))
target_move = data['form'].get('target_move', 'all')
sort_selection = data['form'].get('sort_selection', 'date')
res = {}
for journal in data['form']['journal_ids']:
res[journal] = self.with_context(data['form'].get('used_context', {})).lines(target_move, journal, sort_selection, data)
docargs = {
'doc_ids': data['form']['journal_ids'],
'doc_model': self.env['account.journal'],
'data': data,
'docs': self.env['account.journal'].browse(data['form']['journal_ids']),
'time': time,
'lines': res,
'sum_credit': self._sum_credit,
'sum_debit': self._sum_debit,
'get_taxes': self._get_taxes,
return self.env['report'].render('account.report_journal', docargs)