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87 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import os
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from odoo.report import render_report
from odoo.tools import config, test_reports
from odoo.addons.hr_payroll.tests.common import TestPayslipBase
class TestPayslipFlow(TestPayslipBase):
def test_00_payslip_flow(self):
""" Testing payslip flow and report printing """
# I create an employee Payslip
richard_payslip = self.env['hr.payslip'].create({
'name': 'Payslip of Richard',
'employee_id': self.richard_emp.id
payslip_input = self.env['hr.payslip.input'].search([('payslip_id', '=', richard_payslip.id)])
# I assign the amount to Input data
payslip_input.write({'amount': 5.0})
# I verify the payslip is in draft state
self.assertEqual(richard_payslip.state, 'draft', 'State not changed!')
context = {
"lang": "en_US", "tz": False, "active_model": "ir.ui.menu",
"department_id": False, "section_id": False,
"active_ids": [self.ref("hr_payroll.menu_department_tree")],
"active_id": self.ref("hr_payroll.menu_department_tree")
# I click on 'Compute Sheet' button on payslip
# Then I click on the 'Confirm' button on payslip
# I verify that the payslip is in done state
self.assertEqual(richard_payslip.state, 'done', 'State not changed!')
# I want to check refund payslip so I click on refund button.
# I check on new payslip Credit Note is checked or not.
payslip_refund = self.env['hr.payslip'].search([('name', 'like', 'Refund: '+ richard_payslip.name), ('credit_note', '=', True)])
self.assertTrue(bool(payslip_refund), "Payslip not refunded!")
# I want to generate a payslip from Payslip run.
payslip_run = self.env['hr.payslip.run'].create({
'date_end': '2011-09-30',
'date_start': '2011-09-01',
'name': 'Payslip for Employee'
# I create record for generating the payslip for this Payslip run.
payslip_employee = self.env['hr.payslip.employees'].create({
'employee_ids': [(4, self.richard_emp.ids)]
# I generate the payslip by clicking on Generat button wizard.
# I open Contribution Register and from there I print the Payslip Lines report.
'date_from': '2011-09-30',
'date_to': '2011-09-01'
# I print the payslip report
data, format = render_report(self.env.cr, self.env.uid, richard_payslip.ids, 'hr_payroll.report_payslip', {}, {})
if config.get('test_report_directory'):
file(os.path.join(config['test_report_directory'], 'hr_payroll-payslip.'+ format), 'wb+').write(data)
# I print the payslip details report
data, format = render_report(self.env.cr, self.env.uid, richard_payslip.ids, 'hr_payroll.report_payslipdetails', {}, {})
if config.get('test_report_directory'):
file(os.path.join(config['test_report_directory'], 'hr_payroll-payslipdetails.'+ format), 'wb+').write(data)
# I print the contribution register report
context = {'model': 'hr.contribution.register', 'active_ids': [self.ref('hr_payroll.hr_houserent_register')]}
test_reports.try_report_action(self.env.cr, self.env.uid, 'action_payslip_lines_contribution_register', context=context, our_module='hr_payroll')