
219 lines
11 KiB

# coding: utf-8
import json
import logging
import urlparse
import dateutil.parser
import pytz
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.addons.payment.models.payment_acquirer import ValidationError
from odoo.addons.payment_paypal.controllers.main import PaypalController
from odoo.tools.float_utils import float_compare
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AcquirerPaypal(models.Model):
_inherit = 'payment.acquirer'
provider = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('paypal', 'Paypal')])
paypal_email_account = fields.Char('Paypal Email ID', required_if_provider='paypal', groups='base.group_user')
paypal_seller_account = fields.Char(
'Paypal Merchant ID', groups='base.group_user',
help='The Merchant ID is used to ensure communications coming from Paypal are valid and secured.')
paypal_use_ipn = fields.Boolean('Use IPN', default=True, help='Paypal Instant Payment Notification', groups='base.group_user')
# Server 2 server
paypal_api_enabled = fields.Boolean('Use Rest API', default=False)
paypal_api_username = fields.Char('Rest API Username', groups='base.group_user')
paypal_api_password = fields.Char('Rest API Password', groups='base.group_user')
paypal_api_access_token = fields.Char('Access Token', groups='base.group_user')
paypal_api_access_token_validity = fields.Datetime('Access Token Validity', groups='base.group_user')
# Default paypal fees
fees_dom_fixed = fields.Float(default=0.35)
fees_dom_var = fields.Float(default=3.4)
fees_int_fixed = fields.Float(default=0.35)
fees_int_var = fields.Float(default=3.9)
def _get_feature_support(self):
"""Get advanced feature support by provider.
Each provider should add its technical in the corresponding
key for the following features:
* fees: support payment fees computations
* authorize: support authorizing payment (separates
authorization and capture)
* tokenize: support saving payment data in a payment.tokenize
res = super(AcquirerPaypal, self)._get_feature_support()
return res
def _get_paypal_urls(self, environment):
""" Paypal URLS """
if environment == 'prod':
return {
'paypal_form_url': 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr',
'paypal_rest_url': 'https://api.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token',
return {
'paypal_form_url': 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr',
'paypal_rest_url': 'https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token',
def paypal_compute_fees(self, amount, currency_id, country_id):
""" Compute paypal fees.
:param float amount: the amount to pay
:param integer country_id: an ID of a res.country, or None. This is
the customer's country, to be compared to
the acquirer company country.
:return float fees: computed fees
if not self.fees_active:
return 0.0
country = self.env['res.country'].browse(country_id)
if country and self.company_id.country_id.id == country.id:
percentage = self.fees_dom_var
fixed = self.fees_dom_fixed
percentage = self.fees_int_var
fixed = self.fees_int_fixed
fees = (percentage / 100.0 * amount + fixed) / (1 - percentage / 100.0)
return fees
def paypal_form_generate_values(self, values):
base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('web.base.url')
paypal_tx_values = dict(values)
'cmd': '_xclick',
'business': self.paypal_email_account,
'item_name': '%s: %s' % (self.company_id.name, values['reference']),
'item_number': values['reference'],
'amount': values['amount'],
'currency_code': values['currency'] and values['currency'].name or '',
'address1': values.get('partner_address'),
'city': values.get('partner_city'),
'country': values.get('partner_country') and values.get('partner_country').code or '',
'state': values.get('partner_state') and (values.get('partner_state').code or values.get('partner_state').name) or '',
'email': values.get('partner_email'),
'zip_code': values.get('partner_zip'),
'first_name': values.get('partner_first_name'),
'last_name': values.get('partner_last_name'),
'paypal_return': '%s' % urlparse.urljoin(base_url, PaypalController._return_url),
'notify_url': '%s' % urlparse.urljoin(base_url, PaypalController._notify_url),
'cancel_return': '%s' % urlparse.urljoin(base_url, PaypalController._cancel_url),
'handling': '%.2f' % paypal_tx_values.pop('fees', 0.0) if self.fees_active else False,
'custom': json.dumps({'return_url': '%s' % paypal_tx_values.pop('return_url')}) if paypal_tx_values.get('return_url') else False,
return paypal_tx_values
def paypal_get_form_action_url(self):
return self._get_paypal_urls(self.environment)['paypal_form_url']
class TxPaypal(models.Model):
_inherit = 'payment.transaction'
paypal_txn_type = fields.Char('Transaction type')
# --------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------
def _paypal_form_get_tx_from_data(self, data):
reference, txn_id = data.get('item_number'), data.get('txn_id')
if not reference or not txn_id:
error_msg = _('Paypal: received data with missing reference (%s) or txn_id (%s)') % (reference, txn_id)
raise ValidationError(error_msg)
# find tx -> @TDENOTE use txn_id ?
txs = self.env['payment.transaction'].search([('reference', '=', reference)])
if not txs or len(txs) > 1:
error_msg = 'Paypal: received data for reference %s' % (reference)
if not txs:
error_msg += '; no order found'
error_msg += '; multiple order found'
raise ValidationError(error_msg)
return txs[0]
def _paypal_form_get_invalid_parameters(self, data):
invalid_parameters = []
_logger.info('Received a notification from Paypal with IPN version %s', data.get('notify_version'))
if data.get('test_ipn'):
'Received a notification from Paypal using sandbox'
# TODO: txn_id: shoudl be false at draft, set afterwards, and verified with txn details
if self.acquirer_reference and data.get('txn_id') != self.acquirer_reference:
invalid_parameters.append(('txn_id', data.get('txn_id'), self.acquirer_reference))
# check what is buyed
if float_compare(float(data.get('mc_gross', '0.0')), (self.amount + self.fees), 2) != 0:
invalid_parameters.append(('mc_gross', data.get('mc_gross'), '%.2f' % self.amount)) # mc_gross is amount + fees
if data.get('mc_currency') != self.currency_id.name:
invalid_parameters.append(('mc_currency', data.get('mc_currency'), self.currency_id.name))
if 'handling_amount' in data and float_compare(float(data.get('handling_amount')), self.fees, 2) != 0:
invalid_parameters.append(('handling_amount', data.get('handling_amount'), self.fees))
# check buyer
if self.payment_token_id and data.get('payer_id') != self.payment_token_id.acquirer_ref:
invalid_parameters.append(('payer_id', data.get('payer_id'), self.payment_token_id.acquirer_ref))
# check seller
if data.get('receiver_id') and self.acquirer_id.paypal_seller_account and data['receiver_id'] != self.acquirer_id.paypal_seller_account:
invalid_parameters.append(('receiver_id', data.get('receiver_id'), self.acquirer_id.paypal_seller_account))
if not data.get('receiver_id') or not self.acquirer_id.paypal_seller_account:
# Check receiver_email only if receiver_id was not checked.
# In Paypal, this is possible to configure as receiver_email a different email than the business email (the login email)
# In Odoo, there is only one field for the Paypal email: the business email. This isn't possible to set a receiver_email
# different than the business email. Therefore, if you want such a configuration in your Paypal, you are then obliged to fill
# the Merchant ID in the Paypal payment acquirer in Odoo, so the check is performed on this variable instead of the receiver_email.
# At least one of the two checks must be done, to avoid fraudsters.
if data.get('receiver_email') != self.acquirer_id.paypal_email_account:
invalid_parameters.append(('receiver_email', data.get('receiver_email'), self.acquirer_id.paypal_email_account))
return invalid_parameters
def _paypal_form_validate(self, data):
status = data.get('payment_status')
res = {
'acquirer_reference': data.get('txn_id'),
'paypal_txn_type': data.get('payment_type'),
if status in ['Completed', 'Processed']:
_logger.info('Validated Paypal payment for tx %s: set as done' % (self.reference))
# dateutil and pytz don't recognize abbreviations PDT/PST
tzinfos = {
'PST': -8 * 3600,
'PDT': -7 * 3600,
date_validate = dateutil.parser.parse(data.get('payment_date'), tzinfos=tzinfos).astimezone(pytz.utc)
date_validate = fields.Datetime.now()
res.update(state='done', date_validate=date_validate)
return self.write(res)
elif status in ['Pending', 'Expired']:
_logger.info('Received notification for Paypal payment %s: set as pending' % (self.reference))
res.update(state='pending', state_message=data.get('pending_reason', ''))
return self.write(res)
error = 'Received unrecognized status for Paypal payment %s: %s, set as error' % (self.reference, status)
res.update(state='error', state_message=error)
return self.write(res)