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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, models
class AbstractReport(models.AbstractModel):
"""Model used to embed old style reports"""
_name = 'report.abstract_report'
_template = None
_wrapped_report_class = None
def render_html(self, docids, data=None):
context = dict(self.env.context or {})
# If the key 'landscape' is present in data['form'], passing it into the context
if data and data.get('form', {}).get('landscape'):
context['landscape'] = True
if context and context.get('active_ids'):
# Browse the selected objects via their reference in context
model = context.get('active_model') or context.get('model')
objects_model = self.env[model]
objects = objects_model.with_context(context).browse(context['active_ids'])
# If no context is set (for instance, during test execution), build one
model = self.env['report']._get_report_from_name(self._template).model
objects_model = self.env[model]
objects = objects_model.with_context(context).browse(docids)
context['active_model'] = model
context['active_ids'] = docids
# Generate the old style report
wrapped_report = self.with_context(context)._wrapped_report_class(self.env.cr, self.env.uid, '', context=self.env.context)
wrapped_report.set_context(objects, data, context['active_ids'])
# Rendering self._template with the wrapped report instance localcontext as
# rendering environment
docargs = dict(wrapped_report.localcontext)
if not docargs.get('lang'):
docargs.pop('lang', False)
docargs['docs'] = docargs.get('objects')
# Used in template translation (see translate_doc method from report model)
docargs['doc_ids'] = context['active_ids']
docargs['doc_model'] = model
return self.env['report'].with_context(context).render(self._template, docargs)