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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo.addons.sale.tests.test_sale_common import TestSale
class TestSaleService(TestSale):
def test_sale_service(self):
""" Test task creation when confirming a so with the corresponding product """
prod_task = self.env.ref('product.product_product_1')
so_vals = {
'partner_id': self.partner.id,
'partner_invoice_id': self.partner.id,
'partner_shipping_id': self.partner.id,
'order_line': [(0, 0, {'name': prod_task.name, 'product_id': prod_task.id, 'product_uom_qty': 50, 'product_uom': prod_task.uom_id.id, 'price_unit': prod_task.list_price})],
'pricelist_id': self.env.ref('product.list0').id,
so = self.env['sale.order'].create(so_vals)
self.assertEqual(so.invoice_status, 'no', 'Sale Service: there should be nothing to invoice after validation')
# check task creation
project = self.env.ref('sale_timesheet.project_GAP')
task = project.task_ids.filtered(lambda t: t.name == '%s:%s' % (so.name, prod_task.name))
self.assertTrue(task, 'Sale Service: task is not created')
self.assertEqual(task.partner_id, so.partner_id, 'Sale Service: customer should be the same on task and on SO')
# register timesheet on task
'name': 'Test Line',
'project_id': project.id,
'task_id': task.id,
'unit_amount': 50,
'user_id': self.manager.id,
self.assertEqual(so.invoice_status, 'to invoice', 'Sale Service: there should be something to invoice after registering timesheets')
line = so.order_line
self.assertTrue(line.product_uom_qty == line.qty_delivered == line.qty_invoiced, 'Sale Service: line should be invoiced completely')
self.assertEqual(so.invoice_status, 'invoiced', 'Sale Service: SO should be invoiced')