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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
class SaleConfiguration(models.TransientModel):
_inherit = 'sale.config.settings'
security_lead = fields.Float(related='company_id.security_lead', string="Sales Safety Days *")
module_delivery = fields.Selection([
(0, 'No shipping costs on sales orders'),
(1, 'Allow adding shipping costs')
], "Shipping")
default_picking_policy = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Ship products when some are available, and allow back orders'),
(1, 'Ship all products at once, without back orders')
], "Default Shipping Policy")
group_mrp_properties = fields.Selection([
(0, "Don't use manufacturing properties (recommended as its easier)"),
(1, 'Allow setting manufacturing order properties per order line (advanced)')
], "Properties on SO Lines",
help="Allows you to tag sales order lines with properties.")
group_route_so_lines = fields.Selection([
(0, 'No order specific routes like MTO or drop shipping'),
(1, 'Choose specific routes on sales order lines (advanced)')
], "Order Routing",
module_sale_order_dates = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Procurements and deliveries dates are based on the sales order dates'),
(1, 'Allow to modify the sales order dates to postpone deliveries and procurements')
], "Date")
def get_default_sale_config(self, fields):
default_picking_policy = self.env['ir.values'].get_default('sale.order', 'picking_policy')
return {
'default_picking_policy': 1 if default_picking_policy == 'one' else 0,
def set_sale_defaults(self):
default_picking_policy = 'one' if self.default_picking_policy else 'direct'
self.env['ir.values'].sudo().set_default('sale.order', 'picking_policy', default_picking_policy)
return super(SaleConfiguration, self).set_sale_defaults()