
384 lines
18 KiB

import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from babel.dates import format_datetime, format_date
from odoo import models, api, _, fields
from odoo.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT as DF
from odoo.tools.misc import formatLang
class account_journal(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.journal"
def _kanban_dashboard(self):
self.kanban_dashboard = json.dumps(self.get_journal_dashboard_datas())
def _kanban_dashboard_graph(self):
if (self.type in ['sale', 'purchase']):
self.kanban_dashboard_graph = json.dumps(self.get_bar_graph_datas())
elif (self.type in ['cash', 'bank']):
self.kanban_dashboard_graph = json.dumps(self.get_line_graph_datas())
kanban_dashboard = fields.Text(compute='_kanban_dashboard')
kanban_dashboard_graph = fields.Text(compute='_kanban_dashboard_graph')
show_on_dashboard = fields.Boolean(string='Show journal on dashboard', help="Whether this journal should be displayed on the dashboard or not", default=True)
def toggle_favorite(self):
self.write({'show_on_dashboard': False if self.show_on_dashboard else True})
return False
def get_line_graph_datas(self):
data = []
today = datetime.today()
last_month = today + timedelta(days=-30)
bank_stmt = []
# Query to optimize loading of data for bank statement graphs
# Return a list containing the latest bank statement balance per day for the
# last 30 days for current journal
query = """SELECT a.date, a.balance_end
FROM account_bank_statement AS a,
(SELECT c.date, max(c.id) AS stmt_id
FROM account_bank_statement AS c
WHERE c.journal_id = %s
AND c.date > %s
AND c.date <= %s
GROUP BY date, id
ORDER BY date, id) AS b
WHERE a.id = b.stmt_id;"""
self.env.cr.execute(query, (self.id, last_month, today))
bank_stmt = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
last_bank_stmt = self.env['account.bank.statement'].search([('journal_id', 'in', self.ids),('date', '<=', last_month.strftime(DF))], order="date desc, id desc", limit=1)
start_balance = last_bank_stmt and last_bank_stmt[0].balance_end or 0
locale = self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US'
show_date = last_month
#get date in locale format
name = format_date(show_date, 'd LLLL Y', locale=locale)
short_name = format_date(show_date, 'd MMM', locale=locale)
data.append({'x':short_name,'y':start_balance, 'name':name})
for stmt in bank_stmt:
#fill the gap between last data and the new one
number_day_to_add = (datetime.strptime(stmt.get('date'), DF) - show_date).days
last_balance = data[len(data) - 1]['y']
for day in range(0,number_day_to_add + 1):
show_date = show_date + timedelta(days=1)
#get date in locale format
name = format_date(show_date, 'd LLLL Y', locale=locale)
short_name = format_date(show_date, 'd MMM', locale=locale)
data.append({'x': short_name, 'y':last_balance, 'name': name})
#add new stmt value
data[len(data) - 1]['y'] = stmt.get('balance_end')
#continue the graph if the last statement isn't today
if show_date != today:
number_day_to_add = (today - show_date).days
last_balance = data[len(data) - 1]['y']
for day in range(0,number_day_to_add):
show_date = show_date + timedelta(days=1)
#get date in locale format
name = format_date(show_date, 'd LLLL Y', locale=locale)
short_name = format_date(show_date, 'd MMM', locale=locale)
data.append({'x': short_name, 'y':last_balance, 'name': name})
return [{'values': data, 'area': True}]
def get_bar_graph_datas(self):
data = []
today = datetime.strptime(fields.Date.context_today(self), DF)
data.append({'label': _('Past'), 'value':0.0, 'type': 'past'})
day_of_week = int(format_datetime(today, 'e', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US'))
first_day_of_week = today + timedelta(days=-day_of_week+1)
for i in range(-1,4):
if i==0:
label = _('This Week')
elif i==3:
label = _('Future')
start_week = first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=i*7)
end_week = start_week + timedelta(days=6)
if start_week.month == end_week.month:
label = str(start_week.day) + '-' +str(end_week.day)+ ' ' + format_date(end_week, 'MMM', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US')
label = format_date(start_week, 'd MMM', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US')+'-'+format_date(end_week, 'd MMM', locale=self._context.get('lang') or 'en_US')
data.append({'label':label,'value':0.0, 'type': 'past' if i<0 else 'future'})
# Build SQL query to find amount aggregated by week
select_sql_clause = """SELECT sum(residual_company_signed) as total, min(date) as aggr_date from account_invoice where journal_id = %(journal_id)s and state = 'open'"""
query = ''
start_date = (first_day_of_week + timedelta(days=-7))
for i in range(0,6):
if i == 0:
query += "("+select_sql_clause+" and date < '"+start_date.strftime(DF)+"')"
elif i == 5:
query += " UNION ALL ("+select_sql_clause+" and date >= '"+start_date.strftime(DF)+"')"
next_date = start_date + timedelta(days=7)
query += " UNION ALL ("+select_sql_clause+" and date >= '"+start_date.strftime(DF)+"' and date < '"+next_date.strftime(DF)+"')"
start_date = next_date
self.env.cr.execute(query, {'journal_id':self.id})
query_results = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
for index in range(0, len(query_results)):
if query_results[index].get('aggr_date') != None:
data[index]['value'] = query_results[index].get('total')
return [{'values': data}]
def get_journal_dashboard_datas(self):
currency = self.currency_id or self.company_id.currency_id
number_to_reconcile = last_balance = account_sum = 0
ac_bnk_stmt = []
title = ''
number_draft = number_waiting = number_late = 0
sum_draft = sum_waiting = sum_late = 0.0
if self.type in ['bank', 'cash']:
last_bank_stmt = self.env['account.bank.statement'].search([('journal_id', 'in', self.ids)], order="date desc, id desc", limit=1)
last_balance = last_bank_stmt and last_bank_stmt[0].balance_end or 0
#Get the number of items to reconcile for that bank journal
self.env.cr.execute("""SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(statement_line_id))
FROM account_move where statement_line_id
IN (SELECT line.id
FROM account_bank_statement_line AS line
LEFT JOIN account_bank_statement AS st
ON line.statement_id = st.id
WHERE st.journal_id IN %s and st.state = 'open')""", (tuple(self.ids),))
already_reconciled = self.env.cr.fetchone()[0]
self.env.cr.execute("""SELECT COUNT(line.id)
FROM account_bank_statement_line AS line
LEFT JOIN account_bank_statement AS st
ON line.statement_id = st.id
WHERE st.journal_id IN %s and st.state = 'open'""", (tuple(self.ids),))
all_lines = self.env.cr.fetchone()[0]
number_to_reconcile = all_lines - already_reconciled
# optimization to read sum of balance from account_move_line
account_ids = tuple(filter(None, [self.default_debit_account_id.id, self.default_credit_account_id.id]))
if account_ids:
amount_field = 'balance' if (not self.currency_id or self.currency_id == self.company_id.currency_id) else 'amount_currency'
query = """SELECT sum(%s) FROM account_move_line WHERE account_id in %%s AND date <= %%s;""" % (amount_field,)
self.env.cr.execute(query, (account_ids, fields.Date.today(),))
query_results = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
if query_results and query_results[0].get('sum') != None:
account_sum = query_results[0].get('sum')
#TODO need to check if all invoices are in the same currency than the journal!!!!
elif self.type in ['sale', 'purchase']:
title = _('Bills to pay') if self.type == 'purchase' else _('Invoices owed to you')
# optimization to find total and sum of invoice that are in draft, open state
query = """SELECT state, amount_total, currency_id AS currency, type FROM account_invoice WHERE journal_id = %s AND state NOT IN ('paid', 'cancel');"""
self.env.cr.execute(query, (self.id,))
query_results = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
today = datetime.today()
query = """SELECT amount_total, currency_id AS currency, type FROM account_invoice WHERE journal_id = %s AND date < %s AND state = 'open';"""
self.env.cr.execute(query, (self.id, today))
late_query_results = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
for result in query_results:
if result['type'] in ['in_refund', 'out_refund']:
factor = -1
factor = 1
cur = self.env['res.currency'].browse(result.get('currency'))
if result.get('state') in ['draft', 'proforma', 'proforma2']:
number_draft += 1
sum_draft += cur.compute(result.get('amount_total'), currency) * factor
elif result.get('state') == 'open':
number_waiting += 1
sum_waiting += cur.compute(result.get('amount_total'), currency) * factor
for result in late_query_results:
if result['type'] in ['in_refund', 'out_refund']:
factor = -1
factor = 1
cur = self.env['res.currency'].browse(result.get('currency'))
number_late += 1
sum_late += cur.compute(result.get('amount_total'), currency) * factor
difference = currency.round(last_balance-account_sum) + 0.0
return {
'number_to_reconcile': number_to_reconcile,
'account_balance': formatLang(self.env, currency.round(account_sum) + 0.0, currency_obj=currency),
'last_balance': formatLang(self.env, currency.round(last_balance) + 0.0, currency_obj=currency),
'difference': formatLang(self.env, difference, currency_obj=currency) if difference else False,
'number_draft': number_draft,
'number_waiting': number_waiting,
'number_late': number_late,
'sum_draft': formatLang(self.env, currency.round(sum_draft) + 0.0, currency_obj=currency),
'sum_waiting': formatLang(self.env, currency.round(sum_waiting) + 0.0, currency_obj=currency),
'sum_late': formatLang(self.env, currency.round(sum_late) + 0.0, currency_obj=currency),
'currency_id': currency.id,
'bank_statements_source': self.bank_statements_source,
'title': title,
def action_create_new(self):
ctx = self._context.copy()
model = 'account.invoice'
if self.type == 'sale':
ctx.update({'journal_type': self.type, 'default_type': 'out_invoice', 'type': 'out_invoice', 'default_journal_id': self.id})
if ctx.get('refund'):
ctx.update({'default_type':'out_refund', 'type':'out_refund'})
view_id = self.env.ref('account.invoice_form').id
elif self.type == 'purchase':
ctx.update({'journal_type': self.type, 'default_type': 'in_invoice', 'type': 'in_invoice', 'default_journal_id': self.id})
if ctx.get('refund'):
ctx.update({'default_type': 'in_refund', 'type': 'in_refund'})
view_id = self.env.ref('account.invoice_supplier_form').id
ctx.update({'default_journal_id': self.id})
view_id = self.env.ref('account.view_move_form').id
model = 'account.move'
return {
'name': _('Create invoice/bill'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': model,
'view_id': view_id,
'context': ctx,
def create_cash_statement(self):
ctx = self._context.copy()
ctx.update({'journal_id': self.id, 'default_journal_id': self.id, 'default_journal_type': 'cash'})
return {
'name': _('Create cash statement'),
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'account.bank.statement',
'context': ctx,
def action_open_reconcile(self):
if self.type in ['bank', 'cash']:
# Open reconciliation view for bank statements belonging to this journal
bank_stmt = self.env['account.bank.statement'].search([('journal_id', 'in', self.ids)])
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'bank_statement_reconciliation_view',
'context': {'statement_ids': bank_stmt.ids, 'company_ids': self.mapped('company_id').ids},
# Open reconciliation view for customers/suppliers
action_context = {'show_mode_selector': False, 'company_ids': self.mapped('company_id').ids}
if self.type == 'sale':
action_context.update({'mode': 'customers'})
elif self.type == 'purchase':
action_context.update({'mode': 'suppliers'})
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'manual_reconciliation_view',
'context': action_context,
def open_action(self):
"""return action based on type for related journals"""
action_name = self._context.get('action_name', False)
if not action_name:
if self.type == 'bank':
action_name = 'action_bank_statement_tree'
elif self.type == 'cash':
action_name = 'action_view_bank_statement_tree'
elif self.type == 'sale':
action_name = 'action_invoice_tree1'
elif self.type == 'purchase':
action_name = 'action_invoice_tree2'
action_name = 'action_move_journal_line'
_journal_invoice_type_map = {
('sale', None): 'out_invoice',
('purchase', None): 'in_invoice',
('sale', 'refund'): 'out_refund',
('purchase', 'refund'): 'in_refund',
('bank', None): 'bank',
('cash', None): 'cash',
('general', None): 'general',
invoice_type = _journal_invoice_type_map[(self.type, self._context.get('invoice_type'))]
ctx = self._context.copy()
ctx.pop('group_by', None)
'journal_type': self.type,
'default_journal_id': self.id,
'search_default_journal_id': self.id,
'default_type': invoice_type,
'type': invoice_type
[action] = self.env.ref('account.%s' % action_name).read()
action['context'] = ctx
action['domain'] = self._context.get('use_domain', [])
if action_name in ['action_bank_statement_tree', 'action_view_bank_statement_tree']:
action['views'] = False
action['view_id'] = False
return action
def open_spend_money(self):
return self.open_payments_action('outbound')
def open_collect_money(self):
return self.open_payments_action('inbound')
def open_transfer_money(self):
return self.open_payments_action('transfer')
def open_payments_action(self, payment_type):
ctx = self._context.copy()
'default_payment_type': payment_type,
'default_journal_id': self.id
ctx.pop('group_by', None)
action_rec = self.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_object('account.action_account_payments')
if action_rec:
action = action_rec.read([])[0]
action['context'] = ctx
action['domain'] = [('journal_id','=',self.id),('payment_type','=',payment_type)]
return action
def open_action_with_context(self):
action_name = self.env.context.get('action_name', False)
if not action_name:
return False
ctx = dict(self.env.context, default_journal_id=self.id)
if ctx.get('search_default_journal', False):
ctx.pop('group_by', None)
ir_model_obj = self.env['ir.model.data']
model, action_id = ir_model_obj.get_object_reference('account', action_name)
[action] = self.env[model].browse(action_id).read()
action['context'] = ctx
if ctx.get('use_domain', False):
action['domain'] = ['|', ('journal_id', '=', self.id), ('journal_id', '=', False)]
action['name'] += ' for journal ' + self.name
return action
def create_bank_statement(self):
"""return action to create a bank statements. This button should be called only on journals with type =='bank'"""
self.bank_statements_source = 'manual'
action = self.env.ref('account.action_bank_statement_tree').read()[0]
'views': [[False, 'form']],
'context': "{'default_journal_id': " + str(self.id) + "}",
return action