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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from .common import TestCrmCases
from odoo import fields
from datetime import date
class TestCrmActivity(TestCrmCases):
def setUp(self):
super(TestCrmActivity, self).setUp()
# Set up activities
Activity = self.env['crm.activity']
self.activity3 = Activity.create({
'name': 'Celebrate the sale',
'days': 3,
'description': 'ACT 3 : Beers for everyone because I am a good salesman !',
'internal': True,
'res_model': 'crm.lead',
self.activity2 = Activity.create({
'name': 'Call for Demo',
'days': 6,
'description': 'ACT 2 : I want to show you my ERP !',
'internal': True,
'res_model': 'crm.lead',
'recommended_activity_ids': [(6, 0, [self.activity3.id])],
self.activity1 = Activity.create({
'name': 'Initial Contact',
'days': 5,
'description': 'ACT 1 : Presentation, barbecue, ... ',
'internal': True,
'res_model': 'crm.lead',
'recommended_activity_ids': [(6, 0, [self.activity2.id])],
# I create an opportunity, as salesman
self.partner_client = self.env.ref("base.res_partner_1")
Lead = self.env['crm.lead'].sudo(self.crm_salesman.id)
self.lead = Lead.create({
'type': 'opportunity',
'name': 'Test Opportunity Activity Log',
'partner_id': self.partner_client.id,
'team_id': self.env.ref("sales_team.team_sales_department").id,
'user_id': self.crm_salesman.id,
def test_crm_activity_recipients(self):
""" This test case check :
- no internal subtype followed by client
- activity subtype are not default ones
- only activity followers are recipients when this kind of activity is logged
# Activity I'm going to log
activity = self.activity2
# Add explicitly a the client as follower
# Check the client is not follower of any internal subtype
is_internal_subtype_for_client = self.lead.message_follower_ids.filtered(lambda fol: fol.partner_id.id == self.partner_client.id).mapped('subtype_ids.internal')
self.assertFalse(any(is_internal_subtype_for_client), 'Partner client is following an internal subtype')
# Add sale manager as follower of default subtypes
# Make the sale manager follower of the activity subtype
manager_follower = self.env['mail.followers'].sudo().search([('res_model', '=', 'crm.lead'), ('res_id', '=', self.lead.id), ('partner_id', '=', self.crm_salemanager.partner_id.id)])
'subtype_ids': [(4, activity.subtype_id.id)]
# Instanciate wizard, trigger onchange lead and set the next activity
ActivityLogWizard = self.env['crm.activity.log'].sudo(self.crm_salesman.id)
wizard = ActivityLogWizard.create({
'note': 'Content of the activity to log',
'lead_id': self.lead.id,
'next_activity_id': activity.id,
# Check message recipients
activity_message = self.lead.message_ids[0]
self.assertEqual(activity_message.needaction_partner_ids, self.crm_salemanager.partner_id, 'Only the crm manager should be notified by the activity')
self.assertEqual(self.lead.next_activity_id.id, False, 'When logging activity, the next activity planned is erased')
def test_crm_activity_next_action(self):
""" This test case set the next activity on a lead, log another, and schedule a third. """
# Add the next activity (like we set it from a form view)
'next_activity_id': self.activity1.id
# Check the next activity is correct
self.assertEqual(self.lead.title_action, self.activity1.description, 'Activity title should be the same on the lead and on the chosen activity')
# Instanciate the wizard to schedule the next activity
wizard = self.env['crm.activity.log'].sudo(self.crm_salesman.id).create({
'note': 'Content of the activity to log',
'lead_id': self.lead.id,
'next_activity_id': self.activity2.id,
# Check the next activity on the lead has been removed
self.assertFalse(self.lead.next_activity_id.id, 'No next activity should be set on lead, since we jsut log another activity')
# Instanciate the wizard to schedule the next activity
'next_activity_id': self.activity3.id,
'note': 'Content of the activity to log',
'lead_id': self.lead.id,
'next_activity_id': self.activity3.id,
# Check the activity is well scheldule on lead
delta_days = (fields.Date.from_string(self.lead.date_action) - date.today()).days
self.assertEqual(self.activity3.days, delta_days, 'The action date should be in the number of days set up on the activity 3')
self.assertEqual(self.lead.title_action, self.activity3.description, 'Activity title should be the same on the lead and on the activity 3')