
343 lines
17 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError
from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
class ProjectIssue(models.Model):
_name = "project.issue"
_description = "Project Issue"
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'ir.needaction_mixin']
_order = "priority desc, create_date desc"
_mail_post_access = 'read'
def _get_default_stage_id(self):
project_id = self.env.context.get('default_project_id')
if not project_id:
return False
return self.stage_find(project_id, [('fold', '=', False)])
name = fields.Char(string='Issue', required=True)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
days_since_creation = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_inactivity_days', string='Days since creation date',
help="Difference in days between creation date and current date")
date_deadline = fields.Date(string='Deadline')
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Contact', index=True)
company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company', default=lambda self: self.env.user.company_id)
description = fields.Text('Private Note')
kanban_state = fields.Selection([('normal', 'Normal'), ('blocked', 'Blocked'), ('done', 'Ready for next stage')], string='Kanban State',
track_visibility='onchange', required=True, default='normal',
help="""An Issue's kanban state indicates special situations affecting it:\n
* Normal is the default situation\n
* Blocked indicates something is preventing the progress of this issue\n
* Ready for next stage indicates the issue is ready to be pulled to the next stage""")
email_from = fields.Char(string='Email', help="These people will receive email.", index=True)
email_cc = fields.Char(string='Watchers Emails', help="""These email addresses will be added to the CC field of all inbound
and outbound emails for this record before being sent. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma""")
date_open = fields.Datetime(string='Assigned', readonly=True, index=True)
date_closed = fields.Datetime(string='Closed', readonly=True, index=True)
date = fields.Datetime('Date')
date_last_stage_update = fields.Datetime(string='Last Stage Update', index=True, default=fields.Datetime.now)
channel = fields.Char(string='Channel', help="Communication channel.") # TDE note: is it still used somewhere ?
tag_ids = fields.Many2many('project.tags', string='Tags')
priority = fields.Selection([('0', 'Low'), ('1', 'Normal'), ('2', 'High')], 'Priority', index=True, default='0')
stage_id = fields.Many2one('project.task.type', string='Stage', track_visibility='onchange', index=True,
domain="[('project_ids', '=', project_id)]", copy=False,
project_id = fields.Many2one('project.project', string='Project', track_visibility='onchange', index=True)
duration = fields.Float('Duration')
task_id = fields.Many2one('project.task', string='Task', domain="[('project_id','=',project_id)]",
help="You can link this issue to an existing task or directly create a new one from here")
day_open = fields.Float(compute='_compute_day', string='Days to Assign', store=True)
day_close = fields.Float(compute='_compute_day', string='Days to Close', store=True)
user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Assigned to', index=True, track_visibility='onchange', default=lambda self: self.env.uid)
working_hours_open = fields.Float(compute='_compute_day', string='Working Hours to assign the Issue', store=True)
working_hours_close = fields.Float(compute='_compute_day', string='Working Hours to close the Issue', store=True)
inactivity_days = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_inactivity_days', string='Days since last action',
help="Difference in days between last action and current date")
color = fields.Integer('Color Index')
user_email = fields.Char(related='user_id.email', string='User Email', readonly=True)
date_action_last = fields.Datetime(string='Last Action', readonly=True)
date_action_next = fields.Datetime(string='Next Action', readonly=True)
legend_blocked = fields.Char(related="stage_id.legend_blocked", string='Kanban Blocked Explanation', readonly=True)
legend_done = fields.Char(related="stage_id.legend_done", string='Kanban Valid Explanation', readonly=True)
legend_normal = fields.Char(related="stage_id.legend_normal", string='Kanban Ongoing Explanation', readonly=True)
def _read_group_stage_ids(self, stages, domain, order):
search_domain = [('id', 'in', stages.ids)]
# retrieve project_id from the context, add them to already fetched columns (ids)
if 'default_project_id' in self.env.context:
search_domain = ['|', ('project_ids', '=', self.env.context['default_project_id'])] + search_domain
# perform search
return stages.search(search_domain, order=order)
@api.depends('create_date', 'date_closed', 'date_open')
def _compute_day(self):
for issue in self:
# if the working hours on the project are not defined, use default ones (8 -> 12 and 13 -> 17 * 5)
calendar = issue.project_id.resource_calendar_id
dt_create_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(issue.create_date)
if issue.date_open:
dt_date_open = fields.Datetime.from_string(issue.date_open)
issue.day_open = (dt_date_open - dt_create_date).total_seconds() / (24.0 * 3600)
issue.working_hours_open = calendar.get_working_hours(dt_create_date, dt_date_open,
compute_leaves=True, resource_id=False, default_interval=(8, 16))
if issue.date_closed:
dt_date_closed = fields.Datetime.from_string(issue.date_closed)
issue.day_close = (dt_date_closed - dt_create_date).total_seconds() / (24.0 * 3600)
issue.working_hours_close = calendar.get_working_hours(dt_create_date, dt_date_closed,
compute_leaves=True, resource_id=False, default_interval=(8, 16))
@api.depends('create_date', 'date_action_last', 'date_last_stage_update')
def _compute_inactivity_days(self):
current_datetime = fields.Datetime.from_string(fields.Datetime.now())
for issue in self:
dt_create_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(issue.create_date) or current_datetime
issue.days_since_creation = (current_datetime - dt_create_date).days
if issue.date_action_last:
issue.inactivity_days = (current_datetime - fields.Datetime.from_string(issue.date_action_last)).days
elif issue.date_last_stage_update:
issue.inactivity_days = (current_datetime - fields.Datetime.from_string(issue.date_last_stage_update)).days
issue.inactivity_days = (current_datetime - dt_create_date).days
def _onchange_partner_id(self):
""" This function sets partner email address based on partner
self.email_from = self.partner_id.email
def _onchange_project_id(self):
if self.project_id:
if not self.partner_id and not self.email_from:
self.partner_id = self.project_id.partner_id.id
self.email_from = self.project_id.partner_id.email
self.stage_id = self.stage_find(self.project_id.id, [('fold', '=', False)])
self.partner_id = False
self.email_from = False
self.stage_id = False
def _onchange_task_id(self):
self.user_id = self.task_id.user_id
def copy(self, default=None):
if default is None:
default = {}
default.update(name=_('%s (copy)') % (self.name))
return super(ProjectIssue, self).copy(default=default)
def create(self, vals):
context = dict(self.env.context)
if vals.get('project_id') and not self.env.context.get('default_project_id'):
context['default_project_id'] = vals.get('project_id')
if vals.get('user_id') and not vals.get('date_open'):
vals['date_open'] = fields.Datetime.now()
if 'stage_id' in vals:
# context: no_log, because subtype already handle this
context['mail_create_nolog'] = True
return super(ProjectIssue, self.with_context(context)).create(vals)
def write(self, vals):
# stage change: update date_last_stage_update
if 'stage_id' in vals:
vals['date_last_stage_update'] = fields.Datetime.now()
if 'kanban_state' not in vals:
vals['kanban_state'] = 'normal'
# user_id change: update date_open
if vals.get('user_id') and 'date_open' not in vals:
vals['date_open'] = fields.Datetime.now()
return super(ProjectIssue, self).write(vals)
def get_empty_list_help(self, help):
return super(ProjectIssue, self.with_context(
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Stage management
# -------------------------------------------------------
def update_date_closed(self, stage_id):
project_task_type = self.env['project.task.type'].browse(stage_id)
if project_task_type.fold:
return {'date_closed': fields.Datetime.now()}
return {'date_closed': False}
def stage_find(self, project_id, domain=None, order='sequence'):
""" Override of the base.stage method
Parameter of the stage search taken from the issue:
- project_id: if set, stages must belong to this project or
be a default case
search_domain = list(domain) if domain else []
if project_id:
search_domain += [('project_ids', '=', project_id)]
project_task_type = self.env['project.task.type'].search(search_domain, order=order, limit=1)
return project_task_type.id
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Mail gateway
# -------------------------------------------------------
def _track_template(self, tracking):
res = super(ProjectIssue, self)._track_template(tracking)
test_issue = self[0]
changes, tracking_value_ids = tracking[test_issue.id]
if 'stage_id' in changes and test_issue.stage_id.mail_template_id:
res['stage_id'] = (test_issue.stage_id.mail_template_id, {'composition_mode': 'mass_mail'})
return res
def _track_subtype(self, init_values):
if 'kanban_state' in init_values and self.kanban_state == 'blocked':
return 'project_issue.mt_issue_blocked'
elif 'kanban_state' in init_values and self.kanban_state == 'done':
return 'project_issue.mt_issue_ready'
elif 'user_id' in init_values and self.user_id: # assigned -> new
return 'project_issue.mt_issue_new'
elif 'stage_id' in init_values and self.stage_id and self.stage_id.sequence <= 1: # start stage -> new
return 'project_issue.mt_issue_new'
elif 'stage_id' in init_values:
return 'project_issue.mt_issue_stage'
return super(ProjectIssue, self)._track_subtype(init_values)
def _notification_recipients(self, message, groups):
groups = super(ProjectIssue, self)._notification_recipients(message, groups)
if not self.user_id:
take_action = self._notification_link_helper('assign')
project_actions = [{'url': take_action, 'title': _('I take it')}]
new_action_id = self.env.ref('project_issue.project_issue_categ_act0').id
new_action = self._notification_link_helper('new', action_id=new_action_id)
project_actions = [{'url': new_action, 'title': _('New Issue')}]
new_group = (
'group_project_user', lambda partner: bool(partner.user_ids) and any(user.has_group('project.group_project_user') for user in partner.user_ids), {
'actions': project_actions,
return [new_group] + groups
def message_get_reply_to(self, res_ids, default=None):
""" Override to get the reply_to of the parent project. """
issues = self.browse(res_ids)
project_ids = set(issues.mapped('project_id').ids)
aliases = self.env['project.project'].message_get_reply_to(list(project_ids), default=default)
return dict((issue.id, aliases.get(issue.project_id and issue.project_id.id or 0, False)) for issue in issues)
def message_get_suggested_recipients(self):
recipients = super(ProjectIssue, self).message_get_suggested_recipients()
for issue in self:
if issue.partner_id:
issue._message_add_suggested_recipient(recipients, partner=issue.partner_id, reason=_('Customer'))
elif issue.email_from:
issue._message_add_suggested_recipient(recipients, email=issue.email_from, reason=_('Customer Email'))
except AccessError: # no read access rights -> just ignore suggested recipients because this imply modifying followers
return recipients
def email_split(self, msg):
email_list = tools.email_split((msg.get('to') or '') + ',' + (msg.get('cc') or ''))
# check left-part is not already an alias
return filter(lambda x: x.split('@')[0] not in self.mapped('project_id.alias_name'), email_list)
def message_new(self, msg, custom_values=None):
""" Overrides mail_thread message_new that is called by the mailgateway
through message_process.
This override updates the document according to the email.
# remove default author when going through the mail gateway. Indeed we
# do not want to explicitly set user_id to False; however we do not
# want the gateway user to be responsible if no other responsible is
# found.
create_context = dict(self.env.context or {})
create_context['default_user_id'] = False
defaults = {
'name': msg.get('subject') or _("No Subject"),
'email_from': msg.get('from'),
'email_cc': msg.get('cc'),
'partner_id': msg.get('author_id', False),
if custom_values:
res_id = super(ProjectIssue, self.with_context(create_context)).message_new(msg, custom_values=defaults)
issue = self.browse(res_id)
email_list = issue.email_split(msg)
partner_ids = filter(None, issue._find_partner_from_emails(email_list))
return res_id
def message_update(self, msg, update_vals=None):
""" Override to update the issue according to the email. """
email_list = self.email_split(msg)
partner_ids = filter(None, self._find_partner_from_emails(email_list))
return super(ProjectIssue, self).message_update(msg, update_vals=update_vals)
@api.returns('mail.message', lambda value: value.id)
def message_post(self, subtype=None, **kwargs):
""" Overrides mail_thread message_post so that we can set the date of last action field when
a new message is posted on the issue.
mail_message = super(ProjectIssue, self).message_post(subtype=subtype, **kwargs)
if subtype:
self.sudo().write({'date_action_last': fields.Datetime.now()})
return mail_message
def message_get_email_values(self, notif_mail=None):
res = super(ProjectIssue, self).message_get_email_values(notif_mail=notif_mail)
headers = {}
if res.get('headers'):
except Exception:
if self.project_id:
current_objects = filter(None, headers.get('X-Odoo-Objects', '').split(','))
current_objects.insert(0, 'project.project-%s, ' % self.project_id.id)
headers['X-Odoo-Objects'] = ','.join(current_objects)
if self.tag_ids:
headers['X-Odoo-Tags'] = ','.join(self.tag_ids.mapped('name'))
res['headers'] = repr(headers)
return res