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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
class ir_actions_report(models.Model):
_inherit = 'ir.actions.report.xml'
paperformat_id = fields.Many2one('report.paperformat', 'Paper format')
print_report_name = fields.Char('Printed Report Name',
help="This is the filename of the report going to download. Keep empty to not change the report filename. You can use a python expression with the object and time variables.")
def associated_view(self):
"""Used in the ir.actions.report.xml form view in order to search naively after the view(s)
used in the rendering.
action_ref = self.env.ref('base.action_ui_view')
if not action_ref or len(self.report_name.split('.')) < 2:
return False
action_data = action_ref.read()[0]
action_data['domain'] = [('name', 'ilike', self.report_name.split('.')[1]), ('type', '=', 'qweb')]
return action_data