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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from odoo import api, fields, models
class StockSettings(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'stock.config.settings'
_inherit = 'res.config.settings'
def default_get(self, fields):
res = super(StockSettings, self).default_get(fields)
if 'warehouse_and_location_usage_level' in fields or not fields:
res['warehouse_and_location_usage_level'] = int(res.get('group_stock_multi_locations', False)) + int(res.get('group_stock_multi_warehouses', False))
return res
group_product_variant = fields.Selection([
(0, "No variants on products"),
(1, 'Products can have several attributes, defining variants (Example: size, color,...)')
], "Product Variants",
help='Work with product variant allows you to define some variant of the same products, an ease the product management in the ecommerce for example')
company_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.company', 'Company',
default=lambda self: self.env.user.company_id, required=True)
module_procurement_jit = fields.Selection([
(1, 'Reserve products immediately after the sale order confirmation'),
(0, 'Reserve products manually or based on automatic scheduler')
], "Procurements",
help="""Allows you to automatically reserve the available
products when confirming a sale order.
This installs the module procurement_jit.""")
module_product_expiry = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Do not use Expiration Date on serial numbers'),
(1, 'Define Expiration Date on serial numbers')
], "Expiration Dates",
help="""Track different dates on products and serial numbers.
The following dates can be tracked:
- end of life
- best before date
- removal date
- alert date.
This installs the module product_expiry.""")
group_uom = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Products have only one unit of measure (easier)'),
(1, 'Some products may be sold/purchased in different units of measure (advanced)')
], "Units of Measure",
help="""Allows you to select and maintain different units of measure for products.""")
group_stock_packaging = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Do not manage packaging'),
(1, 'Manage available packaging options per products')
], "Packaging Methods",
help="""Allows you to create and manage your packaging dimensions and types you want to be maintained in your system.""")
group_stock_production_lot = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Do not track individual product items'),
(1, 'Track lots or serial numbers')
], "Lots and Serial Numbers",
help="""This allows you to assign a lot (or serial number) to the pickings and moves. This can make it possible to know which production lot was sent to a certain client, ...""")
group_stock_tracking_lot = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Do not manage packaging'),
(1, 'Record packages used on packing: pallets, boxes, ...')
], "Packages",
help="""This allows to manipulate packages. You can put something in, take something from a package, but also move entire packages and put them even in another package. """)
group_stock_tracking_owner = fields.Selection([
(0, 'All products in your warehouse belong to your company'),
(1, 'Manage consignee stocks (advanced)')
], "Product Owners",
help="""This way you can receive products attributed to a certain owner. """)
group_stock_adv_location = fields.Selection([
(0, 'No automatic routing of products'),
(1, 'Advanced routing of products using rules')
], "Routes",
help="""This option supplements the warehouse application by effectively implementing Push and Pull inventory flows through Routes.""")
group_warning_stock = fields.Selection([
(0, 'All the partners can be used in pickings'),
(1, 'An informative or blocking warning can be set on a partner')
], "Warning", implied_group='stock.group_warning_stock')
decimal_precision = fields.Integer('Decimal precision on weight', help="As an example, a decimal precision of 2 will allow weights like: 9.99 kg, whereas a decimal precision of 4 will allow weights like: 0.0231 kg.")
propagation_minimum_delta = fields.Integer("Minimum days to trigger a propagation of date change in pushed/pull flows.", related='company_id.propagation_minimum_delta')
module_stock_dropshipping = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Suppliers always deliver to your warehouse(s)'),
(1, "Allow suppliers to deliver directly to your customers")
], "Dropshipping",
help='\nCreates the dropship route and add more complex tests\n'
'-This installs the module stock_dropshipping.')
module_stock_picking_wave = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Manage pickings one at a time'),
(1, 'Manage picking in batch per worker')
], "Picking Waves",
help='Install the picking wave module which will help you grouping your pickings and processing them in batch')
module_stock_calendar = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Set lead times in calendar days (easy)'),
(1, "Adapt lead times using the suppliers' open days calendars (advanced)")
], "Minimum Stock Rules",
help='This allows you to handle minimum stock rules differently by the possibility to take into account the purchase and delivery calendars \n-This installs the module stock_calendar.')
module_stock_barcode = fields.Boolean("Barcode scanner support")
module_delivery_dhl = fields.Boolean("DHL integration")
module_delivery_fedex = fields.Boolean("Fedex integration")
module_delivery_temando = fields.Boolean("Temando integration")
module_delivery_ups = fields.Boolean("UPS integration")
module_delivery_usps = fields.Boolean("USPS integration")
# Warehouse and location usage_level
warehouse_and_location_usage_level = fields.Selection([
(0, 'Manage only 1 Warehouse with only 1 stock location'),
(1, 'Manage only 1 Warehouse, composed by several stock locations'),
(2, 'Manage several Warehouses, each one composed by several stock locations')
], "Warehouses and Locations usage level")
group_stock_multi_locations = fields.Boolean('Manage several stock locations', implied_group='stock.group_stock_multi_locations')
group_stock_multi_warehouses = fields.Boolean('Manage several warehouses', implied_group='stock.group_stock_multi_warehouses')
module_quality = fields.Boolean(string="Quality", help="This module allows you to generate quality alerts and quality check")
def onchange_warehouse_and_location_usage_level(self):
self.group_stock_multi_locations = self.warehouse_and_location_usage_level > 0
self.group_stock_multi_warehouses = self.warehouse_and_location_usage_level > 1
def onchange_adv_location(self):
if self.group_stock_adv_location and self.warehouse_and_location_usage_level == 0:
self.warehouse_and_location_usage_level = 1
def set_group_stock_multi_locations(self):
""" If we are not in multiple locations, we can deactivate the internal
picking types of the warehouses, so they won't appear in the dashboard.
Otherwise, activate them.
for config in self:
if config.group_stock_multi_locations:
active = True
domain = []
active = False
domain = [('reception_steps', '=', 'one_step'), ('delivery_steps', '=', 'ship_only')]
warehouses = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search(domain)
warehouses.mapped('int_type_id').write({'active': active})
return True
def get_default_decimal_precision(self, fields):
# don't forward-port in v11.0, the API of config wizards changed.
digits = self.env.ref('product.decimal_stock_weight').digits
return {'decimal_precision': digits}
def set_decimal_precision(self):
# don't forward-port in v11.0, the API of config wizards changed.
for record in self:
self.env.ref('product.decimal_stock_weight').write({'digits': record.decimal_precision})