
45 lines
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Create new global procurement rule from Stock -> Output
!record {model: procurement.rule, id: global_proc_rule}:
name: Stock -> output
action: move
picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_internal
location_src_id: stock.stock_location_stock
location_id: stock.stock_location_output
Create Delivery Order from Output -> Customer
!record {model: stock.picking, id: pick_output}:
name: Delivery order for procurement
partner_id: base.res_partner_2
picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_out
location_id: stock.stock_location_output
location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
- product_id: product.product_product_3
product_uom_qty: 10.00
procure_method: make_to_order
Confirm delivery order.
!python {model: stock.picking, id: pick_output}: |
I run the scheduler.
!python {model: procurement.order, id: False}: |
Check a picking was created from stock to output.
!python {model: stock.move, id: False}: |
picking = self.env["stock.picking"].browse(ref("pick_output"))
moves = self.search([
('product_id', '=', ref('product.product_product_3')),
('location_id', '=', ref('stock.stock_location_stock')),
('location_dest_id', '=', ref('stock.stock_location_output')),
('move_dest_id', '=', picking.move_lines[0].id)
assert len(moves.ids) == 1, "It should have created a picking from Stock to Output with the original picking as destination"