299 lines
8.0 KiB
299 lines
8.0 KiB
module.exports = function(grunt) {
return {
* Ignore _init method, which is a subset of other method names, and is used in different ways
* Note: can't do public methods, as they need to be called as is
one: {
options: {
patterns: [
// Note: _a is now reserved for step two
match: /_processCountryData/g,
replacement: '_b'
}, {
match: /_addCountryCode/g,
replacement: '_c'
}, {
match: /_processAllCountries/g,
replacement: '_d'
}, {
match: /_translateCountriesByLocale/g,
replacement: '_d0'
}, {
match: /_countryNameSort/g,
replacement: '_d1'
}, {
match: /_processCountryCodes/g,
replacement: '_d2'
}, {
match: /_processPreferredCountries/g,
replacement: '_e'
}, {
match: /_createEl/g,
replacement: '_e2'
}, {
match: /_generateMarkup/g,
replacement: '_f'
}, {
match: /_appendListItems/g,
replacement: '_g'
}, {
match: /_setInitialState/g,
replacement: '_h'
}, {
match: /_initListeners/g,
replacement: '_i'
}, {
match: /_initHiddenInputListener/g,
replacement: '_i0'
}, {
match: /_getClosestLabel/g,
replacement: '_i1'
}, {
match: /_initDropdownListeners/g,
replacement: '_i2'
}, {
match: /_initRequests/g,
replacement: '_i3'
}, {
match: /_loadAutoCountry/g,
replacement: '_i4'
}, {
match: /_initKeyListeners/g,
replacement: '_j'
}, {
match: /_cap/g,
replacement: '_j2'
}, {
match: /_initFocusListeners/g,
replacement: '_l'
}, {
match: /_removeEmptyDialCode/g,
replacement: '_l2'
}, {
match: /_getNumeric/g,
replacement: '_m'
}, {
match: /_trigger/g,
replacement: '_m2'
}, {
match: /_showDropdown/g,
replacement: '_n'
}, {
match: /_toggleClass/g,
replacement: '_n2'
}, {
match: /_setDropdownPosition/g,
replacement: '_o'
}, {
match: /_getClosestListItem/g,
replacement: '_o2'
}, {
match: /_bindDropdownListeners/g,
replacement: '_p'
}, {
match: /_handleUpDownKey/g,
replacement: '_q'
}, {
match: /_handleEnterKey/g,
replacement: '_r'
}, {
match: /_searchForCountry/g,
replacement: '_s'
}, {
match: /_startsWith/g,
replacement: '_t'
}, {
match: /_updateValFromNumber/g,
replacement: '_u'
}, {
match: /_updateFlagFromNumber/g,
replacement: '_v'
}, {
match: /_isRegionlessNanp/g,
replacement: '_w'
}, {
match: /_highlightListItem/g,
replacement: '_x'
}, {
match: /_getCountryData/g,
replacement: '_y'
}, {
match: /_setFlag/g,
replacement: '_z'
}, {
match: /_updatePlaceholder/g,
replacement: '_0'
}, {
match: /_selectListItem/g,
replacement: '_1'
}, {
match: /_closeDropdown/g,
replacement: '_2'
}, {
match: /_scrollTo/g,
replacement: '_3'
}, {
match: /_updateDialCode/g,
replacement: '_4'
}, {
match: /_getDialCode/g,
replacement: '_5'
}, {
match: /_getFullNumber/g,
replacement: '_6'
}, {
match: /_beforeSetNumber/g,
replacement: '_7'
}, {
match: /_triggerCountryChange/g,
replacement: '_8'
files: {
'tmp/one.min.js': 'tmp/wrapped.min.js',
'tmp/one-jquery.min.js': 'tmp/wrapped-jquery.min.js',
two: {
options: {
patterns: [
match: /_handleMouseoverCountryList/g,
replacement: '_a0'
}, {
match: /_handleClickCountryList/g,
replacement: '_a1'
}, {
match: /_handleClickOffToClose/g,
replacement: '_a2'
}, {
match: /_handleKeydownOnDropdown/g,
replacement: '_a3'
}, {
match: /_handleWindowScroll/g,
replacement: '_a4'
}, {
match: /_handleMousedownFocusEvent/g,
replacement: '_a5'
}, {
match: /_handleKeypressPlusEvent/g,
replacement: '_a6'
}, {
match: /_handleFocusEvent/g,
replacement: '_a7'
}, {
match: /_handleSubmitOrBlurEvent/g,
replacement: '_a8'
}, {
match: /_handleLabelClick/g,
replacement: '_a9'
}, {
match: /_handleClickSelectedFlag/g,
replacement: '_a10'
}, {
match: /_handleFlagsContainerKeydown/g,
replacement: '_a11'
}, {
match: /_handleKeyupEvent/g,
replacement: '_a12'
}, {
match: /_handleClipboardEvent/g,
replacement: '_a13'
}, {
match: /_handleHiddenInputSubmit/g,
replacement: '_a14'
files: {
'tmp/two.min.js': 'tmp/one.min.js',
'tmp/two-jquery.min.js': 'tmp/one-jquery.min.js',
* Note: avoid option names as that will break things!
three: {
options: {
patterns: [
match: /\.telInput/g,
replacement: '.a'
}, {
match: /\.activeItem/g,
replacement: '.b'
}, {
match: /\.highlightedItem/g,
replacement: '.c'
}, {
match: /\.options/g,
replacement: '.d'
}, {
match: /\.hadInitialPlaceholder/g,
replacement: '.e'
}, {
match: /\.isMobile/g,
replacement: '.g'
}, {
match: /\.resolveAutoCountryPromise/g,
replacement: '.h'
}, {
match: /\.rejectAutoCountryPromise/g,
replacement: '.i'
}, {
match: /\.resolveUtilsScriptPromise/g,
replacement: '.i0'
}, {
match: /\.rejectUtilsScriptPromise/g,
replacement: '.i1'
}, {
match: /\.defaultCountry/g,
replacement: '.j'
}, {
match: /\.flagsContainer/g,
replacement: '.k'
}, {
match: /\.selectedFlagInner/g,
replacement: '.l'
}, {
match: /\.countryList/g,
replacement: '.m'
}, {
match: /\.countries/g,
replacement: '.p'
}, {
match: /\.countryCodes/g,
replacement: '.q'
}, {
match: /\.selectedCountryData/g,
replacement: '.s'
}, {
match: /\.selectedDialCode/g,
replacement: '.t'
}, {
match: /\.dropdownArrow/g,
replacement: '.u'
files: {
'build/js/intlTelInput.min.js': 'tmp/two.min.js',
'build/js/intlTelInput-jquery.min.js': 'tmp/two-jquery.min.js',