"use strict"; describe("getSelectedCountryData: init plugin to test public method getSelectedCountryData", function() { beforeEach(function() { intlSetup(); input = $("").wrap("div"); iti = window.intlTelInput(input[0]); }); afterEach(function() { intlTeardown(); }); it("gets the right default country data", function() { expect(iti.getSelectedCountryData().iso2).toEqual("us"); }); it("change country by number gets the right country data", function() { input.val("+44"); triggerKeyOnInput(" "); expect(iti.getSelectedCountryData().iso2).toEqual("gb"); }); it("change country by selecting a flag gets the right country data", function() { selectFlag("ch"); expect(iti.getSelectedCountryData().iso2).toEqual("ch"); }); });