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How to install Wefra for Odoo 11+

  1. clone this repository

  2. set the right parameters in the files above => modules/InterfaceConfig.php => modules/InterfacePostgreSQL.php => scripts/config.js

  3. execute the SQL files => __private/install/install-v1.0.0.sql => __private/install/install.php

  4. then set the right values in the SQL table erp_config to connect wefra to your odoo instance. And if needed you can change the settings of Wefra in core_config

Multi-languages: Activate the languages you want in the SQL table core_lang. If the flag for the language does not display, you can copy paste from images/flags/world to images/flags/default and rename it with the language code that you can find in SQL table core_lang

Multi-currencies: If you want to create a e-commerce frontend and use multi-currencies, activate the wanted currencies in SQL table core_currency

Naming convention: FOR SQL: (install|update)-(v1.N1.N2).sql where N1 is a middle evolution (a new feature) and N2 is a fix/imp

Organisation: A module includes: the SQL file based